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Drs. J.E. (Jolanda) Robinson MA

Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences
GPIO : Governance and Inclusive Development

Visiting address
  • Nieuwe Achtergracht 166
Postal address
  • Postbus 15629
    1001 NC Amsterdam
Contact details
  • Profile and short cv

    Profile and short cv

    Drs. Jolanda Robinson is currently a PhD candidate in the Governance and Inclusive Development Group (ASSIR-GID). Her professional career experience has encompassed both the educational and business spheres. She is an American/Dutch national. She has taught in the Netherlands, China, and Ethiopia, as well as conducting research in the Netherlands. Her experience in the ICT-sector encompasses program management, sales and recruitment in international and national ICT company contexts. She is currently associated with the Africa-Europe Institute for Capacity Building and Human Resource Development (Foundation).


    Cambridge CELTA (Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages, November 2012).

    Netherlands Research School for Women’s Studies (NOV) (certificate four courses completed Feb-May 2000).

    University of Amsterdam – International Relations, MA (Drs.) (1992-1994).

    Golden Gate University, USA – Business and Humanities, BA (1989-1991).  

    American University of Paris – Paralegal Certificate International Trade Law, 1991.                                                   

    Research projects/interests

    Completed research includes citizen participation project for a concept public policy plan and a citizen participation social engagement project related to ICTs. Current research interests: international organisations, gender policy and the ICT-sector, gender and development and gender mainstreaming policy, gender power relations and the ICT-sector in global, transnational and African contexts.


    University of Utrecht, Faculty of Arts

    Lecturer, assistant lecturer and work group leader toBA and MA students for the following courses: New Media, New Citizenship; New Media and Participation Culture; Repertoire film, Television and New Media; Gender and Ethnicity in Europe; led work group for Filosofie van de ICT (Philosophy of ICT, one semester), 2003-2005.

    Studium Generale, The Next Gender-Ations, November 2003.

    NOISE European Summer School, September 2003; Symposium presentation: Gender and ICT: Where are we at? January 2003.

    Specialisatie Commissie Vrouwenstudies, 2003-2004; New Media and Digitale Cultuur Commission, 2003-2004; ICT-Werkgroep OGC, 2003-2004.

    Tutor to 1st year Theatre, Film and Television students, 2003-2004. 

    University of Amsterdam, Faculty of Law

    Taught in the LLM program; gave hands-on workshop and lecture about the Internet to civil servants from the Ministry of Justice at The Ethiopian Civil Service College in 1999.

    Key words

    Critical international relations theory, inclusive development, international organisations, citizen participation, civil society, capacity building, gender and technology, ICT and governance, governance and development, hegemonic masculinity, gender and feminist theory.





  • Publications


    • Robinson, J. E. (2011). De Millennium-trilogie: een betoog tegen misogynie. Raffia. Tijdschrift voor vrouwenstudies en emancipatie, (2), 23-24.


    • Robinson, J. E. (2005). Book Review: [Women Writers and their Websites: Presenting Traditional and New Media Reference Sources for Women Writers]. European Journal of Women's Studies, 12(1), 110-111.


    • Robinson, J. E. (2003). Cyberstrategieën voor feministen. Lover : Tijdschrift over Feminisme, Cultuur en Wetenschap, 18-19.


    • Robinson, J. E. (1994). Op weg naar meer participatie: een onderzoek naar het inspraakproces voor het beleidsplan openbare ruimte. In Op Weg Naar Meer Participatie Wetenschapswinkel-UvA.
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  • Ancillary activities
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