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Dr. F. (Filip) van Opstal

Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences
Programme group Brain and Cognition

Visiting address
  • Nieuwe Achtergracht 129
  • Room number: 0.08
Postal address
  • Postbus 15915
    1001 NK Amsterdam
  • Publications (before 2017)


    • Van Opstal F, De Loof E, Verguts T, Cleeremans A. (2016). Spontaneous eyeblinks during breaking continuous flash suppression are associated with increased detection times. Journal of Vision, 16, 21:1-10.
    • De Loof E, Van Opstal F, Verguts T. (2016). Predictive information speeds up visual awareness in an individuation task by modulating threshold setting, not processing efficiency. Vision Research, 121, 104-112.
    • Desender K, Van Opstal F, Hughes G, Van Den Bussche E. (2016). The temporal dynamics of metacognition: Dissociating task-related activity from later metacognitive processes. Neuropsychologia, 82, 54-64.


    • De Loof E, Poppe L, Cleeremans A, Gevers W, Van Opstal F. (2015). Different effects of executive and visuospatial working memory on visual consciousness. Attention Perception & Psychophysics, 77, 2523–2528.


    • Schouppe N, de Ferrerre E, Van Opstal F, Braem S, Notebaert W. (2014). Conscious and unconscious context-specific cognitive control. Frontiers in Psychology, 5: 539.
    • Van Opstal F, Van Laeken N, Verguts T, De Vos F, Goethals I, Van Dijck J-P, Fias W. (2014). Correlation between individual differences in striatal dopamine and in visual consciousness. Current Biology, 24, R265-266.
    • Verguts T, Van Opstal F. (2014). A delta-rule model of numerical and non-numerical order processing. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 40, 1092-1102.
    • Desender K, Van Opstal F, Van Den Bussche E. (2014). Feeling the conflict: the crucial role of conflict experience in adaptation. Psychological Science, 25, 675-683.


    • De Loof E, Verguts T, Fias W, Van Opstal F. (2013). Opposite effects of working memory on subjective visibility and priming. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory and Cognition, 39, 1959-1965.
    • Van Opstal F, Verguts T. (2013). Is there a generalized magnitude system in the brain? Behavioral, neuroimaging, and computational evidence. Frontiers in Psychology, 4: 435.
    • Charles L, Van Opstal F, Marti S, Dehaene S. (2013). Distinct brain mechanisms for conscious versus subliminal error detection. Neuroimage, 73, 80-94.


    • Van Opstal F, Santens S, Ansari D. (2012). The numerate brain : recent findings and theoretical reviews on the neurocognitive foundations of number processing. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 6: 201.


    • Van Opstal F, de Lange FP, Dehaene S. (2011). Rapid parallel semantic processing of numbers without awareness. Cognition, 120(1), 136–47.
    • Van Opstal F, Calderon C, Gevers W, Verguts T. (2011). Setting the stage subliminally : unconscious context effects. Consciousness and Cognition, 20(4), 1860–4.
    • Van Opstal F, Verguts T. (2011). The origins of the numerical distance effect : the same-different task. European Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 23(1), 112–20.
    • Gheysen F, Van Opstal F, Roggeman C, Van Waelvelde H, Fias W. (2011). The neural basis of implicit perceptual sequence learning. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 5: 137.


    • Van Opstal F, Gevers W, Osman M, Verguts T. (2010). Unconscious task application. Consciousness and Cognition, 19(4), 999–1006.
    • Gheysen F, Van Opstal F, Roggeman C, Van Waelvelde H, Fias W. (2010). Hippocampal contribution to early and later stages of implicit motor sequence learning. Experimental Brain Research, 202(4), 795–807.


    • Notebaert W, Houtman F, Van Opstal F, Gevers W, Fias W, Verguts T. (2009). Post-error slowing: An orienting account. Cognition, 111(2), 275–9.
    • Van Opstal F, Fias W, Peigneux P, Verguts T. (2009). The neural representation of extensively trained ordered sequences. NeuroImage, 47(1), 367–75.


    • Van Opstal F, Verguts T, Orban G, Fias W. (2008). A hippocampal - parietal network for learning an ordered sequence. NeuroImage, 40(1), 333–41.
    • Verguts T, Van Opstal F. (2008). A colorful walk, but is it on the mental number line? Reply to Cohen Kadosh, Tzelgov, and Henik. Cognition, 106, 558–63.
    • Hubbard E, Diester I, Cantlon J, Ansari D, Van Opstal F, Troiani V. (2008). The Evolution of Numerical Cognition: From Number Neurons to Linguistic Quantifiers. Journal of Neuroscience, 28(46), 11819–24.
    • Van Opstal F, Moors A, Fias W, Verguts T. (2008). Offline and online automatic number comparison. Psychological Research, 72(3), 347–52.
    • Van Opstal F, Gevers W, De Moor W, Verguts T. (2008). Dissecting the symbolic distance effect : comparison and priming effects in numerical and nonnumerical orders. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 15(2), 419–25.


    • Van Opstal F. (2007). Labeled-line coding and summation coding of numerosities in prefrontal and parietal cortex. Journal of Neuroscience, 27, 9535–6.


    • Van Opstal F, Reynvoet B, Verguts T. (2005). How to trigger elaborate processing? A comment on Kunde, Kiesel, and Hoffmann (2003). Cognition, 97(1), 89–97.
    • Verguts T, Van Opstal F. (2005). Dissociation of the distance effect and size effect in one-digit numbers. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 12(5), 925–30.
    • Van Opstal F, Reynvoet B, Verguts T. (2005). Unconscious semantic categorization and mask interactions: An elaborate response to Kunde et al. (2005). Cognition, 97, 107–13.
  • Publications





    • Jubera-García, E., Gevers, W., & Van Opstal, F. (2020). Influence of content and intensity of thought on behavioral and pupil changes during active mind-wandering, off-focus, and on-task states. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics, 82(3), 1125-1135. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Stein, T., Utz, V., & van Opstal, F. (2020). Unconscious semantic priming from pictures under backward masking and continuous flash suppression. Consciousness and Cognition, 78, Article 102864. Advance online publication. [details]


    • Vassena, E., Van Opstal, F., Goethals, I., & Verguts, T. (2019). Striatal dopamine D2 binding correlates with locus of control: Preliminary evidence from [11C]raclopride positron emission tomography. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 146, 117-124. [details]



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