Professor of Accounting
sustainability and non-financial reporting and assurance; professionalization processes; audit regulation and practice; offshoring in audit; corporate governance processes; regulation of professions; NGO accounting and accountability; professionalization processes; corporate governance processes; NGO accounting and accountability.
The AAAJ Interdisciplinary Accounting Research Hall of Fame award, 2019; Emerald Publishers 2011 Impact of Research Award for seminal work; Commendation in Mary Parker Follett Outstanding Paper award, Accounting Auditing and Accountability Journal in 2003, 2006, 2009 and 2015; Irish Academy of Management Conference Best Paper Award 2016; 2009 Best European Research Paper in Sustainable Finance award from the French Social Investment Forum; Emerald Publisher's 2007 Outstanding Special Issue Award for 2006 special issue of Accounting Auditing and Accountability Journal on NGO accountability; High Commendation in 2010 Best Paper awards in Public Management Review; Winner Best Manuscript award, The British Accounting Review, 2005; Outstanding Educator award Smurfit School of Business, University College Dublin, 2003.
Financial reporting; Financial Statement Analysis; Advanced Audit Theory and Practice; Research methodology and methods; Social and organisational perspectives on accounting, auditing and accountability; Accounting theory, Sustainability Accounting and Accountability
Current PhD students: Ioan Ivanescu and Ejona GJata (University of Amsterdam Business School); Leonid Sokolovsky and Michael Scotney (Alliance Manchester Business School)
International Associate - The Centre for Social and Environmental Accounting Research (CSEAR), University of St. Andrews
Member of the following professional and academic bodies:
o Chartered Accountants Ireland (CAI) - Fellow
o The Irish Accounting and Finance Association
o The British Accounting Association
o The European Accounting Association
o The Centre for Social and Environmental Accounting Research
Editor: Accounting, Organizations and Society
Associate Editor, Accounting, Accountability and Auditing Journal
Member of the Editorial boards of: Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory;
The British Accounting Review; European Accounting Review;
International Journal of Qualitative Research in Management
Australian Accounting Review
International Journal of Auditing
Social and Environmental Accountability Journal
Ad hoc referee for the following academic journals:
Academy of Management Journal; Accounting and Business Re-search; Management Accounting Research; Organization Studies, The Journal of Management Studies; Accounting Forum; Critical Perspectives on Accounting; The Irish Accounting Review; Business Ethics: A European Review; Australian Accounting Review; Business Strategy and the Environment; Journal of Accounting and Organisational Change
PhD examiner at the following universities: Alliance Manchester Business School, Copenhagen Business School, London School of Economics; University of Amsterdam, University of St. Andrews, University of Adelaide, University of Glasgow, Macquarie University, University of Strathclyde, Dublin City University, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology; Royal Holloway, University of London
External examiner on the Bachelor of Commerce and MBA degree pro-grammes at University College Galway (2006-2009).
External examiner on Business and Accounting degree programmes at Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology (2003-2009).
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