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Dr. T. (Takanobu) Nakamura

Faculty of Science

Visiting address
  • Science Park 107
Postal address
  • Postbus 94242
    1090 GE Amsterdam
Contact details
  • Publications




    • Nakamura, T. (2021). Reciprocity without reciprocal pronouns. In Proceedings of SALT (Vol. 31, pp. 201)


    • Nakamura, T. (participant), Mizutani, K. (participant) & Ito, K. (participant) (22-11-2023). International Semantics Conference, Porto. giving a co-authored talk "On semantics of the German wh-modifying particle alles" with Katsumasa Ito and Kenta Mizutani (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Nakamura, T. (participant) (20-11-2023). Logic and Engineering of Natural Language Semantics, Osaka. giving an oral presentation "Cumulative questions and structured witnesses" (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Nakamura, T. (participant) (17-11-2023). Paris-Amsterdam Logic Meetings of Young Researchers, London. giving a talk "A dynamic approach to pair-list answers to wh-questions with definite plurals" (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Nakamura, T. (participant) & Kamali, B. (participant) (27-9-2023 - 28-9-2023). Workshop on Altaic Formal Linguistics, Ulaanbaatar. Giving one co-authored poster presentation "Toward a unified account of evidentially biased polar questions" with Beste Kamali, and one (…) (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Nakamura, T. (participant) (7-9-2023). Sinn und Bedeutung, Bochum. giving an oral presentation "Anaphoric potential of cumulative dependencies" at a conference (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Nakamura, T. (participant) (24-6-2023). Semantics Workship in Tokai and Kansai. Giving a talk "Intra- and inter-sentential dynamics and evaluation of dependencies" (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Nakamura, T. (participant) (13-5-2023). Semantics and Linguistic Theory, New Haven. Giving a poster presentation "Partial plurality anti-presupposition & local satisfaction" at a conference (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Nakamura, T. (participant) (10-2-2023). Meaning, Language and Cognition Seminar, Amsterdam. giving a talk "A dynamic homogeneity approach to cumulative dependencies" (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
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  • Ancillary activities
    No ancillary activities