1985 PhD Urban and Rural Geography and Spatial Planning, Free University Amsterdam
1978 MA Urban and Rural Geography and Spatial Planning, Free University Amsterdam
1975 BA Human Geography, Free University Amsterdam
2020- Emeritus Professor, Urban Geography, University of Amsterdam
1995-2020 Full Professor, Urban Geography, University of Amsterdam
1985-1995 Associate Professor, Human Geography, University of Amsterdam
1978-1985 Lecturer and researcher, Geography and Planning, Free University Amsterdam
1976-1978 Assistant in Research Methodology, Free University Amsterdam
Sako Musterd has occupied a wide range of management positions, and was Scientific Director of the inter-university and inter-disciplinary Netherlands research stimulation programme ‘Urban Networks’ ; Member of the Board of Directors and Chairman of the General Board of the Netherlands Graduate School of Housing and Urban Research (NETHUR); Director of the Amsterdam Study Centre for the Metropolitan Environment , University of Amsterdam; Dean of the Faculty of Environmental Sciences, University of Amsterdam; Vice-dean of the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences, University of Amsterdam; Advisor of the local government of Amsterdam (Mayor and Aldermen) in the area of Spatial and Social Strategy; Head of the Department of Geography, Planning and International Development Studies, University of Amsterdam; Director of the Urban Geography Programme, University of Amsterdam; First Director of the Research Priority Area in Urban Studies, University of Amsterdam.
Since 2005 prof. Musterd has been or still is a member of the general board of the Royal Dutch Geographical Society; Member of the Koninklijke Hollandsche Maatschappij der Wetenschappen (Royal Dutch Society of Science); Alternate member of the Senate of the University of Amsterdam; Chairman of the Board of Examiners of the Masters Programmes in Human Geography and Planning; Member of the Board of the International New Town Institute; Member of the Management Board of the EU COST Shrinking Cities Programme; Member of the ERC Starting and Consolidator Grants Evaluation Panel Team, Brussels; Member of the International Advisory Board of the Finnish Urban Institute; Member of the International Advisory Group for the Evaluation of the UK government Mixed Communities Programme; Member of the IAB of the ESRC (UK) programme on Understanding Inequalities of the ESRC, Edinburgh, Sheffield, Manchester, UK.; Member of the international advisory board of the (Research) Institute für Landeskunde Leipzig (Germany); Advisory member of the research project: CITiTALENT of the Madrid city-region"; Complutense University of Madrid; Member of the International Advisory Board of “Vienna in Transition. (Dis)continuities of Urban Change in a European City”.
Prof. Musterd has been teaching all sorts of introductory and advanced courses in Bachelor, Masters, and PhD programmes, all related to Human Geography, and particularly Urban Geography and Urban Studies, as well as Research Skills. He has also been frequently invited for visiting professorships and for keynotes or lectures in other universities across the world.
His research focuses on inequality, social mobility, socio-spatial segregation and neighbourhood effects on people’s lives. These topics are addressed in large metropolitan areas. He (co) authored some 520 (mostly) scientific publications; he is editor/author of 29 books. Recent books were published by Edward Elgar, Routledge (two), Wiley-Blackwell (two), Palgrave Macmillan, Amsterdam University Press (two), and Ashgate. According to Google Scholar his h-index is 67, with almost 16,000 citations (Oct. 2021); 5th most cited author in Urban Geography world-wide; his Web of Science h-index is 38. 25 PhD students he supervised, successfully defended their theses so far. Musterd was/is in the managing, editorial and advisory boards of six leading international journals in his field: Urban Affairs Review, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, Housing Studies, Urban Studies, Urban Geography, and GéoCarrefour.
Sako Musterd has ample experience leading national or international collaboration research projects. Over the past fifteen years he acquired major externally funded research projects, worth well over 10 Million Euro. He supervised several large European research programmes, such as in the 4th, 6th and 7th Framework programmes (URBEX, ACRE, Social Polis), participated in other large projects (UGIS, RESTATE, several COST programmes, and a JPI Urban Europe programmes (ICEC, 3S RECIPE). He also had success in several Dutch Science Council (NWO) programmes; recently in the NICIS/NWO programme focusing on ‘Changing Households and Changing Neighbourhoods’, and in the Urban Regions in the Delta programme focusing on ‘Skills and the City’. The Urban Geographies group (around 20 researchers, including staff, postdocs and PhD students) he was leading over a 20 year period, until 2020, continuously received excellent scores in international assessments.
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