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Dr. M.H.C. (Marijn) Meijers

Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences
CW : Persuasive Communication

Visiting address
  • Nieuwe Achtergracht 166
  • Room number: C9.00
Postal address
  • Postbus 15791
    1001 NG Amsterdam
Contact details
  • Profile

    Marijn Meijers is an assistant professor in Environmental Communication at ASCoR. She holds a Master’s degree in Social Psychology (Tilburg University) and received her Ph.D. in Communication Science (University of Amsterdam). Her research and teaching focuses on understanding and stimulating pro-environmental behavior. Her current research focusses on harnessing novel affordances of digital communication such as Virtual Reality to enhance environmental communication, looking at the interplay of health and climate change, and the role of social influences and efficacy beliefs in environmental behavior change.

    Her work has been supported by several personal grants like an NWO VENI and NWO XS grant from the Dutch Science Foundation, as well as by team grants like the RPA grant ‘BRIDGES’ and a Sustainable Prosperity grant for interdisciplinary research.. Marijn is co-founder and co-director of the Environmental Communication Lab (ECoLab), CSDS board member, and vice-chair of ICA’s Environmental Communication Division and NeFCA’s Environmental Communication TWG.

  • Publications




    • Boerman, S. C., Meijers, M. H. C., & Zwart, W. (2022). The importance of influencer-message congruence when employing greenfluencers to promote pro-environmental behavior. Environmental Communication, 16(7), 920-941. [details]
    • Ischen, C., Meijers, M. H. C., Vandeberg, L., & Smit, E. G. (2022). Seen as green? Assessing the salience and greenness of environmentally friendly packaging cues. Journal of Food Products Marketing, 28(1), 31-48. [details]
    • Meijers, M. H. C., Scholz, C., Torfadóttir, R. H., Wonneberger, A., & Markov, M. (2022). Correction to: Learning from the COVID-19 pandemic to combat climate change: comparing drivers of individual action in global crises. Journal of environmental studies and sciences, 12, 283. Advance online publication.
    • Meijers, M. H. C., Scholz, C., Torfadóttir, R. H., Wonneberger, A., & Markov, M. (2022). Learning from the COVID-19 pandemic to combat climate change: comparing drivers of individual action in global crises. Journal of environmental studies and sciences, 12(4), 272-282. [details]
    • Meijers, M. H. C., Smit, E. S., de Wildt, K., Karvonen, S-G., van der Plas, D., & van der Laan, L. N. (2022). Stimulating Sustainable Food Choices Using Virtual Reality: Taking an Environmental vs Health Communication Perspective on Enhancing Response Efficacy Beliefs. Environmental Communication, 16(1), 1-22. Advance online publication. [details]


    • Smit, E. S., Meijers, M. H. C., & van der Laan, L. N. (2021). Using virtual reality to stimulate healthy and environmentally friendly food consumption among children: An interview study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(3), Article 1088. [details]



    • Meijers, M. H. C., Noordewier, M. K., Verlegh, P. W. J., Willems, W., & Smit, E. G. (2019). Paradoxical side effects of green advertising: How purchasing green products may instigate licensing effects for consumers with a weak environmental identity. International Journal of Advertising, 38(8), 1202-1223. [details]
    • Meijers, M. H. C., Noordewier, M. K., Verlegh, P. W. J., Zebregs, S., & Smit, E. G. (2019). Taking Close Others' Environmental Behavior Into Account When Striking the Moral Balance? Evidence for Vicarious Licensing, Not for Vicarious Cleansing. Environment and Behavior, 51(9-10), 1027–1054. [details]
    • Meijers, M. H. C., Remmelswaal, P., & Wonneberger, A. (2019). Using Visual Impact Metaphors to Stimulate Environmentally Friendly Behavior: The Roles of Response Efficacy and Evaluative Persuasion Knowledge. Environmental Communication, 13(8), 995-1008 . [details]








    • Meijers, M. H. C., & Noordewier, M. (2012). Ik heb duurzame kleding gekocht: Mag ik nu met de auto naar de supermarkt? Jaarboek Sociale Psychologie, 2012, 139-142.
    • Meijers, M. H. C., & van Dam, Y. K. (2012). Sustainable food purchases in the Netherlands: the influence of consumer characteristics. Journal on Chain and Network Science, 12(2), 181-198. [details]


    • Meijers, M. H. C., & Noordewier, M. K. (2011). In balans met je omgeving? Jaarboek Sociale Psychologie, 2011, 141-144. [details]
    • Nelissen, R. M. A., & Meijers, M. H. C. (2011). Social benefits of luxury brands as costly signals of wealth and status. Evolution and Human Behavior, 32(5), 343-355. [details]


    • Rutjens, B. T., & Meijers, M. H. C. (2010). Teveel van het goede: hoe een sterk geloof in wetenschappelijke vooruitgang duurzaamheid tegenwerkt. Jaarboek Sociale Psychologie, 2010, 373-380. [details]


    • Meijers, M. H. C., & Nelissen, R. M. A. (2008). Kleren maken de man. Jaarboek Sociale Psychologie, 2008, 279-285. [details]








    • Li, J., van Berlo, Z. M. C., Sungur, H., Breves, P. L., Rubens, D., Barış, L., & Meijers, M. H. C. (2024). Can virtual reality decrease the psychological distance to climate change. Paper presented at ECREA European Communication Conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia.


    • van Berlo, Z. M. C., Meijers, M. H. C., Sungur, H., Rubens, D., & Breves, P. L. (2023). Can virtual reality decrease the psychological distance to climate change?. Abstract from Etmaal Communicatiewetenschap 2023, Enschede, Netherlands.


    • van Berlo, Z. M. C., Meijers, M. H. C., Eelen, J., Voorveld, H. A. M., & Eisend, M. (2022). When the medium is the (advertising) message: A meta-analysis of creative media advertising effects. Paper presented at ICORIA 2022, Prague, Czech Republic.


    • Meijers, M. H. C., Smit, E. S., Karvonen, S-G., Van der Plas, D., De Wildt, K., & van der Laan, L. N. (2020). Using health and environmental appeals in virtual reality to stimulate healthy food choices. Abstract from CBC Conference, London, United Kingdom.
    • Meijers, M. H. C., Smit, E. S., Karvonen, S-G., Van der Plas, D., De Wildt, K., & van der Laan, L. N. (2020). Using virtual reality to stimulate healthy and environmentally friendly food choices. Abstract from Etmaal van de Communicatiewetenschap 2020, .


    • Ischen, C., Meijers, M. H. C., & Smit, E. G. (2019). Seen as green? A multi-method investigation of green packaging material and green labeling on consumers’ perceived salience and greenness. Paper presented at Etmaal van de Communicatiewetenschap, Nijmegen.
    • Ischen, C., Meijers, M. H. C., & Smit, E. G. (2019). Seen as green? A multi-method investigation of green packaging material and green labeling on consumers’ perceived salience and greenness. Poster session presented at International Communication Association (ICA), Washington, District of Columbia, United States.
    • Meijers, M. H. C. (2019). Stimulating sustainable behavior: (Virtual Presentation). Abstract from SOFIC, France.
    • Meijers, M. H. C., Eelen, J., Voorveld, H. A. M., Eisend, M., & Jansen, E. (2019). The effectiveness of (metaphorical) creative media advertising: A meta-analysis. Paper presented at Etmaal van de Communicatiewetenschap, Nijmegen, .
    • Meijers, M. H. C., Eline, J., & Wonneberger, A. (2019). The effects of visual impact metaphors on response efficacy. Paper presented at Etmaal van de Communicatiewetenschap, Nijmegen.
    • Meijers, M. H. C., Wonneberger, A., & Azrout, R. (2019). The effects of personal, collective, and governmental efficacy beliefs on pro-environmental behavior. Paper presented at Conference on Communication and Environment, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
    • Wonneberger, A., Meijers, M. H. C., & Schuck, A. R. T. (2019). Did the Paris climate conference change public opinion? Tracing climate change audience segments in the Netherlands. Paper presented at Conference on Communication and Environment, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
    • Wonneberger, A., Meijers, M. H. C., & Schuck, A. R. T. (2019). Do climate change conferences affect public opinion? Climate change audience segments in the Netherlands before and after COP21. Paper presented at Etmaal van de Communicatiewetenschap, Nijmegen.


    • Meijers, M. H. C., Remmelswaal, P., & Wonneberger, A. (2018). Stimulating recycling by the use of visual feedback metaphors: The roles of perceived consumer effectiveness and evaluative persuasion knowledge. Paper presented at Etmaal van de Communicatiewetenschap, Gent, Belgium.
    • Meijers, M. H. C., Wonneberger, A., & Remmelswaal, P. (2018). Stimulating recycling by the use of visual feedback metaphors: The roles of perceived consumer effectiveness and evaluative persuasion knowledge. Paper presented at ICA, Prague, Czech Republic.
    • Remmelswaal, P., Meijers, M. H. C., & Vonk, N. (2018). Wat is de modererende invloed van milieubetrokkenheid op de effectiviteit van visuele versus tekstuele groene labels. Paper presented at Etmaal van de Communicatiewetenschap, Ghent, Belgium.


    • Meijers, M. H. C., Fransen, M. L., & Remmelswaal, P. (2017). Stimulating recycling by the use of visual metaphors: The roles of perceived consumer effectiveness and perceived persuasive intent. Paper presented at ICORIA, Ghent, Belgium.
    • Meijers, M. H. C., van Reijmersdal, E. A., & Krafczyk, A. (2017). The positive effect of green versus conventional brand placement: The roles of brand warmth and persuasion knowledge. Paper presented at ICORIA, Ghent, Belgium.
    • Schuck, A. R. T., Wonneberger, A., Meijers, M. H. C., & Loecherbach, F. (2017). Hoping for the best or fearing the worst? How emotions mediate effects of news coverage of the COP21 Paris Climate Summit. Paper presented at Etmaal van de Communicatiewetenschap.
    • Schuck, A. R. T., Wonneberger, A., Meijers, M. H. C., & Loecherbach, F. (2017). Who’s afraid of climate change? News coverage of the COP21 Paris climate summit and its effects on pro-environmental behavior. Paper presented at International Communication Association (ICA), San Diego, United States.
    • Wonneberger, A., Meijers, M. H. C., van Reijmersdal, E. A., & Krafczyk, A. (2017). Green brand placement: The role of brand warmth. Paper presented at COCE, Leicester, United Kingdom.
    • Wonneberger, A., Schuck, A. R. T., Meijers, M. H. C., & Loecherbach, F. (2017). Threat or efficacy? Effects of competitive media frames on climate change mitigation support. Abstract from COCE, Leicester, United Kingdom.


    • Meijers, M. H. C., & Verlegh, P. (2016). Being Green Is Being Luxurious: How Green Appeals Add Luxury to Utilitarian Products. Paper presented at ICA, Fukuoka, Japan.
    • Meijers, M. H. C., Verlegh, P., Noordewier, M., & Smit, E. G. (2016). Negative spill-over effects of charity event marketing. Paper presented at Etmaal van de Communicatiewetenschap, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
    • Schuck, A. R. T., Wonneberger, A., Meijers, M. H. C., & Loecherbach, F. (2016). Hoping for the best or fearing the worst? How emotions mediate effects of news coverage of the COP21 Paris Climate Summit. Paper presented at ECREA Conference 2016, Prague.


    • Meijers, M. H. C., & Verlegh, P. W. J. (2015). Eco-labels add luxury to utilitarian products. Abstract from Paper presented at the Etmaal van de Communicatiewetenschap, Antwerp, Belgium, .
    • Meijers, M. H. C., Noordewier, M. K., Verlegh, P. W. J., & Smit, E. G. (2015). Paradoxical effects of green communication frames effect. Abstract from Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Communication Association, San Juan, Puerto Rico.


    • Meijers, M. H. C., Noordewier, M. K., Verlegh, P. W. J., & Smit, E. G. (2014). Consuming green, living green. Boundary conditions of the licensing effect.. Abstract from Paper presented at the International Conference on Research in Advertising (ICORIA), Amsterdam.
    • Meijers, M. H. C., Verlegh, P. W. J., & Smit, E. G. (2014). Green advertisments and green identity.. Abstract from Paper presented at the Etmaal van de Communicatiewetenschap, Wageningen.


    • Meijers, M. H. C., Noordewier, M. K., Verlegh, P. W. J., & Smit, E. G. (2013). Consuming green, living green. Boundary conditions of the licensing effect. Abstract from Paper presented at the EACR conference, Barcelona, Spain.
    • Meijers, M. H. C., Noordewier, M. K., Verlegh, P. W. J., & Smit, E. G. (2013). Ik heb duurzame kleding gekocht: Mag ik nu met de auto naar de supermarkt?. Abstract from Paper presented at the Etmaal van de Communicatiewetenschap, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
    • Meijers, M. H. C., Verlegh, P. W. J., Noordewier, M. K., & Smit, E. G. (2013). Consuming green, living green. Boundary conditions of the licensing effect. Poster session presented at Poster presented at the ACR conference, Chicago, USA.


    • Meijers, M. H. C., & Noordewier, M. K. (2012). In Balance?. Poster session presented at Poster presented at the meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, San Diego, USA.
    • Meijers, M. H. C., & Rutjens, B. (2012). Teveel van het goede: Hoe een sterk geloof in wetenschappelijke vooruitgang duurzaamheid tegenwerkt.. Abstract from Paper presented at the Etmaal van de Communicatiewetenschap, Leuven, Belgium, .
    • Meijers, M. H. C., & Rutjens, B. T. (2012). Questioning science fosters sustainable behavior.. Abstract from Paper presented at the sustainability pre-conference of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, San Diego, USA, .
    • Meijers, M. H. C., Noordewier, M. K., Verlegh, P. W. J., & Smit, E. G. (2012). Ik heb duurzame kleding gekocht: Mag ik nu met de auto naar de supermarkt?. Abstract from Paper presented at the meeting of the Associatie van Sociaal Psychologische Onderzoekers, Utrecht.


    • Meijers, M. H. C., & Noordewier, M. K. (2011). In Balans?.


    • Rutjens, B. T., & Meijers, M. H. C. (2010). Teveel van het goede: Hoe een sterk geloof in wetenschappelijke vooruitgang duurzaamheid tegenwerkt. Paper presented at ASPO-congres, Amsterdam, .


    • Meijers, M. H. C., & Nelissen, R. M. A. (2009). Why it is smart to dress smart. Poster session presented at Society for Personality and Social Psychology, .


    • Meijers, M. H. C., & Nelissen, R. M. A. (2008). Kleren maken de man. Paper presented at ASPO-congres, Amsterdam, .

    Prize / grant

    • Meijers, M., Wonneberger, A. & Remmelswaal, P. (2018). Best Paper Award, Environmental Communication, ICA.
    • Meijers, M. (2016). NeSCoR Best Dissertation Award.
    • Meijers, M. H. C., Verlegh, P. W. J. & Smit, E. G. (2015). Best Paper Award, Environmental Communication, ICA.

    Membership / relevant position

    • Meijers, M. H. C. (2011). Organizer of the ASPO herfstsymposium on October 6th at Tilburg University, Conference Long Term Psychology.

    Media appearance

    • van Berlo, Z., Meijers, M., Eelen, J., Voorveld, H. & Eisend, M. (01-12-2023). The power of creative media placements [Print] Contagious. The power of creative media placements.
    • Meijers, M. H. C. (23-11-2015). Charitable acts can lead to bad behavior. Interview door Stephanie Pappas [Print]. Charitable acts can lead to bad behavior. Interview door Stephanie Pappas.
    • Meijers, M. H. C. (15-12-2014). Milieu-onvriendelijke keuzes goedpraten (n.a.v. promotie). [Radio]. Milieu-onvriendelijke keuzes goedpraten (n.a.v. promotie)..
    • Meijers, M. H. C. (20-11-2014). Het eerste ritje gaat duurzaam per fiets, het tweede per auto. Interview door Loeke Oostra. [Print] Trouw. Het eerste ritje gaat duurzaam per fiets, het tweede per auto. Interview door Loeke Oostra..
    • Meijers, M. H. C. (19-11-2014). We denken mijn vrouw scheidt het afval al dus ik mag de auto nemen. Interview door Ianthe Sahadat. [Print] De Volkskrant. We denken mijn vrouw scheidt het afval al dus ik mag de auto nemen. Interview door Ianthe Sahadat..
    • Meijers, M. H. C. (15-09-2014). A new study shows that positive views of scientific progress lead to lack of proactive behavior on protecting the environment. [Other] CUNY TV. A new study shows that positive views of scientific progress lead to lack of proactive behavior on protecting the environment..

    Journal editor

    • van Oosten, A. (reviewer), Meijers, M. H. C. (editor) & Batenburg, A. (editor) (2015-2017). Tijdschrift voor Communicatiewetenschap (Journal).

    Talk / presentation

    • van Berlo, Z. (speaker) & Meijers, M. (speaker) (19-6-2024). Workshop: Virtual reality – Possibilities and limitations of for sustainability communication, Environmental Communication Event '24, Amsterdam.
    • van Berlo, Z. (speaker), Sungur, H. (speaker), Meijers, M. (speaker) & van Harreveld, F. (speaker) (19-6-2023). Een ver-van-mijn-bedshow? Over virtual reality en het beïnvloeden van gedrag, Spui 25.
    • Meijers, M. (speaker), Eelen, J. (speaker) & Voorveld, H. A. M. (speaker) (2016). Creative Media Advertising, SWOCC book presentation, Amsterdam.
    • Meijers, M. (speaker) (2015). Paradoxale effecten van groene communicatie frames, SWOCC Symposium, Amsterdam.
    • Meijers, M. (speaker) (2015). Licensing eco-unfriendly behaviors, University of Sheffield.
    • Meijers, M. (speaker) (2014). Green advertising and its effects, VU, Amsterdam.
    • Meijers, M. (speaker) (2014). Over het rechtvaardigen van milieuonvriendelijk gedrag, STIBAT (Stichting Batterij).


    • Meijers, M. (participant) (2010). TransForum Multiple Selves Symposium, Amsterdam. Co-organizing the TransForum Multiple Selves Symposium in Amsterdam on stimulating environmentally friendly behaviors. (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
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  • Ancillary activities
    • No ancillary activities