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A. (Anna) Meens MA

Faculty of Humanities
Capaciteitsgroep Archeologie
Photographer: Anneke Dekker

Visiting address
  • Turfdraagsterpad 9
Postal address
Contact details
  • Profile

    Introduction & Research Interests

    I am a PhD-candidate at the University of Amsterdam within the field of Mediterranean archaeology. The university of Leiden is where I was trained and where I developed a predilection for the archaeology of Greece in particular as well as affinity with survey archaeology. I am especially interested in (survey)pottery and household archaeology.

    Current Research 

    The current PhD-project I am undertaking combines both my research interests. The project is focused on the Greek countryside in the Classical and Hellenistic periods and aims to contribute to the debate about the socio-economic status of its inhabitants. A characterization of the rural households will be attempted through their material culture. Survey archaeology has revealed a peak in settlement density in the Classical and Hellenistic period and has introduced a substantial body of new data (pottery) from the countryside. In this study the ceramic assemblages from several survey projects will be compared, with each other (trans regionally) as well as with urban assemblages. The rural consumption patterns might shed a new light on the identity of the countryside residents. Additionally, this synthesizing approach will address and evaluate the role of pottery collection- and publication strategies, in order to maximize the explanatory potential for survey ceramics.

    See also:


  • Publications


    • Stissi, V. V., Rondiri, V., Lolos, GJ., Efstathiou, D., Varela, C., Agnousiotis, D., Haagsma, M., Meens, A., & Heijmans, E. D. (2023). Η ελληνιστική κεραμική από την ανασκαφή στη Μαγούλα Πλατανιώτικη. In E. Kotsiou (Ed.), 10th International Scientific Meeting on Hellenistic Pottery, Thessaloniki 10-14 March 2020. Proceedings (pp. 439-454).


    • Boswinkel, Y., Meens, A., Tews, S., & Vroegop, S. (2015). The Future of Household Archaeology: Beyond Houses. Graduate School of Archaeology Occasional Papers, 15, 7-14. [details]
    • Meens, A. (2015). Reconceptualizing the Greek Countryside: A Material Culture Perspective: Promotieonderzoek (UvA). TMA: tijdschrift voor mediterrane archeologie, 27(53), 52. [details]


    • Meens, A. (2016). [Review of: A. Glazebrook, B. Tsakirgis (2016) Houses of ill repute: the archaeology of brothels, houses, and taverns in the Greek world]. Journal of Greek Archaeology, 1, 428-430. [details]
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  • Ancillary activities
    No ancillary activities