I am a Professor by Special Appointment on Local Planning Professionals. I study the practices and challenges of urban planners working on the level of cities and neighbourhoods in settings full of complex planning tasks, contradictory forces and conflicts.
Contemporary spatial planning at a local level requires connectivity between a divergence of actors and knowledge on a varity of topics like housing, urban design, transportation, greening, energy transition and social wellbeing and liveability.
The professorship is particularly focused on the up-close investigation of practices of professionals aiming to realise innovative local level solutions and reflects on the positions, roles, types of knowledge, strategies, conflicts and ethical dilemmas they encounter.
I am also a Professor Coordination of Urban Issues at the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences.
NWO/Nationaal Regieorgaan Praktijkgericht Onderzoek SIA: Raak Pro subsidie.
NWO-KIC (Kennis- en Innovatie Convenant) subsidie.
• Joachim Meerkerk, Hogeschool van Amsterdam: Commoning in stedelijke consumptieruimten, SiA RaaK Pro (2018-2022), promotor prof. dr. John Grin (Universiteit van Amsterdam), promotie najaar 2023.
• Elke van der Heijden, Hogeschool van Amsterdam: Omgang met conflicten in systeeminnovaties (2019 – 2023), promotor dr. Barbara van Mierlo (Wageningen Universiteit).
• Jelle van Aanholt, Hogeschool van Amsterdam: Participatie in stedelijke ontwikkeling: NWO lerarenbeurs (2022-2026), promotor: prof. dr. J. Grin (Universiteit van Amsterdam).
• Charissa Leiwakabessy, Universiteit van Amsterdam: Sociaal-rechtvaardige wijkgerichte energietransitie: Project Just Prepare NWO-KIC (2022-2026), promotor: prof. dr. John Grin (Universiteit van Amsterdam).
• Marie Morel, Hogeschool van Amsterdam: Participatie en uitvoering lokale energietransitie. SIA Raak Pro. (2023-2026). Promotor: prof. dr. John Grin (Universiteit van Amsterdam).
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