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Dr. M. (Masoud) Mazloom PhD

Faculty of Science
Informatics Institute

Visiting address
  • Science Park 900
Postal address
  • Postbus 94323
    1090 GH Amsterdam
Contact details
  • Publications


    • Overgoor, G., Rand, W., van Dolen, W., & Mazloom, M. (2022). Simplicity is not key: Understanding firm-generated social media images and consumer liking. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 39(3), 639-655. Advance online publication. [details]


    • Rietveld, R., van Dolen, W., Mazloom, M., & Worring, M. (2020). What You Feel, Is What You Like Influence of Message Appeals on Customer Engagement on Instagram. Journal of Interactive Marketing, 49, 20-53. Advance online publication. [details]


    • Mazloom, M., Pappi, I., & Worring, M. (2018). Category Specific Post Popularity Prediction. In K. Schoeffmann, T. H. Chalidabhongse, C. W. Ngo, S. Aramvith, N. E. O'Connor, Y-S. Ho, M. Gabbouj, & A. Elgammal (Eds.), MultiMedia Modeling: 24th International Conference, MMM 2018, Bangkok, Thailand, February 5-7, 2018, Proceedings (Vol. 1, pp. 594-607). (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; Vol. 10704). Springer. [details]


    • Mazloom, M., Hendriks, B., & Worring, M. (2017). Multimodal Context-Aware Recommender for Post Popularity Prediction in Social Media. In Thematic Workshops '17: proceedings of the Thematic Workshops of ACM Multimedia 2017 : October 23-27, 2017, Moutain View, CA, USA (pp. 236-244). Association for Computing Machinery. [details]
    • Overgoor, G., Mazloom, M., Worring, M., Rietveld, R., & van Dolen, W. (2017). A Spatio-Temporal Category Representation for Brand Popularity Prediction. In ICMR '17: proceedings of the 2017 ACM International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval : June 6-9, 2017, Bucharest, Romania (pp. 233-241). The Association for Computing Machinery. [details]


    • Mazloom, M., Li, X., & Snoek, C. G. M. (2016). TagBook: A Semantic Video Representation without Supervision for Event Detection. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 18(7), 1378-1388. [details]
    • Mazloom, M., Rietveld, R., Rudinac, S., Worring, M., & van Dolen, W. (2016). Multimodal Popularity Prediction of Brand-related Social Media Posts. In MM'16: Proceedings of the 2016 ACM on Multimedia Conference : October 15-19, 2016, Amsterdam, The Netherlands (pp. 197-201). Association for Computing Machinery. [details]


    • Mazloom, M., Habibian, A., Liu, D., Snoek, C. G. M., & Chang, S. F. (2015). Encoding Concept Prototypes for Video Event Detection and Summarization. In ICMR'15: proceedings of the 2015 ACM International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval: June 23-26, 2015, Shanghai, China (pp. 123-130). Association for Computing Machinery. [details]


    • Habibian, A., Mazloom, M., & Snoek, C. G. M. (2014). On-the-Fly Video Event Search by Semantic Signatures. In ICMR Glasgow 2014: proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval 2014: April 1st-4th, 2014, Glasgow, UK (pp. 518-521). Association for Computing Machinery. [details]
    • Mazloom, M., Gavves, E., & Snoek, C. G. M. (2014). Conceptlets: Selective Semantics for Classifying Video Events. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 16(8), 2214-2228. [details]
    • Mazloom, M., Li, X., & Snoek, C. G. M. (2014). Few-Example Video Event Retrieval Using Tag Propagation. In ICMR Glasgow 2014: proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval 2014: April 1st-4th, 2014, Glasgow, UK (pp. 459-462). Association for Computing Machinery. [details]


    • Mazloom, M., Gavves, E., van de Sande, K. E. A., & Snoek, C. G. M. (2013). Searching Informative Concept Banks for Video Event Detection. In ICMR'13: proceedings of the third ACM International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval : April 16-20, 2013, Dallas, Texas, USA (pp. 255-262). Association for Computing Machinery. [details]
    • Mazloom, M., Habibian, A., & Snoek, C. G. M. (2013). Querying for Video Events by Semantic Signatures from Few Examples. In MM '13: proceedings of the 2013 ACM Multimedia Conference : October 21-25, 2013, Barcelona, Spain (Vol. 2, pp. 609-612). ACM. [details]


    • Overgoor, G., Rand, W., van Dolen, W. M., & Mazloom, M. (2018). Simplicity is not Key: Automatically Identifying Concepts in Firm-Generated Social Media Images that Engage Consumers. Paper presented at AMA Winter Academic Conference, New Orleans, United States.
    • Overgoor, G., Rand, W., van Dolen, W. M., & Mazloom, M. (2018). Simplicity is not Key: Automatically Identifying Concepts in Firm-Generated Social Media Images that Engage Consumers. Paper presented at SCECR, Rotterdam, Netherlands.
    • Overgoor, G., Rand, W., van Dolen, W. M., & Mazloom, M. (2018). Simplicity is not Key: Understanding Firm-Generated Social Media Images and Consumer Engagement. Paper presented at EMAC 2018, Glasgow, United Kingdom.


    • Overgoor, G., Rand, W., van Dolen, W. M., & Mazloom, M. (2017). Simplicity is not Key: Automatically Identifying Concepts in Firm-Generated Social Media Images that Engage Consumers. Paper presented at WISE, Seoul, Korea, Republic of.
    • Overgoor, G., Rand, W., van Dolen, W. M., & Mazloom, M. (2017). UNC Chapel Hill Marketing Seminar: Simplicity is not Key: Automatically Identifying Concepts in Firm-Generated Social Media Images that Engage Consumers.
    • van Dolen, W. M., Overgoor, G., Worring, M., Rietveld, R. L., & Mazloom, M. (2017). Brand Popularity Prediction Using Spatio-Temporal Brand Representation. Paper presented at ICT.OPEN 2017, Amersfoort, Netherlands.


    • Mazloom, M., Rietveld, R. L., Rudinac, S., Worring, M., & van Dolen, W. M. (2016). Multi-modal post popularity in Social media, Advanced School for Computing and Imaging (ASCI)-track. Paper presented at ICT.OPEN2016.
    • Mazloom, M., Rietveld, R. L., Rudinac, S., Worring, M., & van Dolen, W. M. (2016). Multimodal Popularity Prediction of Brand-related Social Media Posts. Paper presented at European Data Forum 2016, Eindhoven, Netherlands.
    • Mazloom, M., Rietveld, R. L., Rudinac, S., Worring, M., & van Dolen, W. M. (2016). Multimodal Popularity Prediction of Brand-related Social Media Posts. Paper presented at Netherlands Conference on Computer Vision 2016, Lunteren, Netherlands.
    • Rietveld, R., Mazloom, M., Van Dolen, W., & Worring, M. (2016). Visual electronic Word of Mouth: a multimodal brand approach and case study. Paper presented at EMAC 2016, Oslo, Norway. [details]


    • Snoek, C. G. M., van de Sande, K. E. A., Fontijne, D., Habibian, A., Jain, M., Kordumova, S., Li, Z., Mazloom, M., Pintea, S. L., Tao, R., Koelma, D. C., & Smeulders, A. W. M. (2013). MediaMill at TRECVID 2013: Searching Concepts, Objects, Instances and Events in Video. Paper presented at TRECVID 2013 Workshop, Gaithersburg, Maryland, United States. [details]




    • Mazloom, M. (2016). In search of video event semantics. [Thesis, fully internal, Universiteit van Amsterdam]. [details]


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