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Dr. L.K. (László) Marácz

East European Studies
Faculty of Humanities
Europese studies
Photographer: Onbekend

Visiting address
  • Kloveniersburgwal 48
  • Room number: G2.01A
Postal address
  • Postbus 1619
    1000 BP Amsterdam
  • Profile
    Prof. Dr. László Marácz

    Prof. dr. László Károly Marácz (1960, Utrecht) was born and raised in a Hungarian family in the Netherlands. He studied general linguistics and Hungarian language and literature at the University of Groningen. In 1989, he defended his PhD dissertation at the same university. The topic of his thesis was a generative analysis of asymmetric and symmetric configurations in Hungarian syntax.

    Between 1990-1991 he was a visiting scientist at MIT in Boston funded by the Dutch scientific foundation ‘Niels Stensen Stichting’. From 1992 he is affiliated to the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Amsterdam. Today he is Senior Lecturer in the European Studies Department. On March 27, 2015, he was awarded the title of "honorary professor of the Gumilyov Eurasian National University".

    His basic interest is in the field of humanities but he is keen to team up in the intersection of different disciplines, including science (see Marácz is one of the two initiators of the MIME-consortium that has won the 2012 FP7 Call on Multilingualism (see MIME). 

    Order a free PDF copy of the MIME Vademecum 'Mobility and Inclusion in Multilingual Europe', a collection of 72 questions on multilingualism on

    “The most precious treasure my parents gave me was the Hungarian language”


    “The proliferation of multilingualism and multilingual communication will have the effect of a velvet world revolution. This revolution can afford to abstract away from power completely: it will start in the self, the multilingual brain”

     “In the near future the scientific breakthroughs will be realized on the intersection and overlap of disciplines”

  • Knowledge



    I consider scientific research as one of the most important venues in order to gain deeper insight into knowledge. A fruitful strategy is to investigate how earlier scholars, especially polymaths have approached this issue in relation to language, languages and linguistics. The study of languages and their structures is the diamond of humanities. It has been argued that a deep study of language patterns and structures provides introspection into the mind where knowledge is “made” and stored.


    There are a number of research projects I am working on that fit into this paradigm, including the linguistic works of Georgius Kalmár (17267-1781) who designed a priori perfect philosophical languages; the Hungarian root dictionary of Gergely Czuczor (1800-1866) and János Fogarasi (1801-1878) who laid bare the root, recursive, and organic patterns and structures in the Hungarian vocabulary; and the projects of the Transylvanian giants, father and son Farkas (1775-1856) and János Bolyai (1802-1860) who were real polymaths and reached the highest possible articulation of analysis and synthesis in science but built bridges to the humanities as well. The latter has been neglected for no reasons at all.


    It is precisely the switching between science and humanities that is fascinating in the projects of the Bolyais. If we want to understand more about the universal character of knowledge we must go deep into the study of these back-and-forth conversions and transformations.


  • Multilingualism and Historical Linguistics

    Multiculturalism and Multilingualism


    I am myself a bilingual native speaker of Dutch and Hungarian. I consider bi- and multilingual linguistic studies in the first place an introspection into my own mind (or if you want into my own head). I am fascinated by the ongoing automatic switch (but not code-switching or -mixing not even languaging that I have been (self-)trained to avoid) between different languages - and I really think Dutch and Hungarian are “different” that is what my intensive generative studies of these languages learned me - in one-and-the same mind. What is the “machine and spiritual code” that makes this switching between languages possible in my head?


    But not less relevant than the neuropsychological perspective is of course the perspective onto the social and cognitive world of multilingual speakers. This has a number of political, social, educational and communicative aspects relevant to study. It turns out that multilingualism is the key to understand a number of political and social aspects of today’s world and moreover it touches upon all the missed opportunities to improve the quality of life. The discipline to make this quantum leap true is language policy, i.e. making people aware of the enormous advantages of multilingualism and multilingual communication and to stimulate people to become bi- tri-, etc. lingual.


    Historical Linguistics


    One of the most important scientific results of nineteenth century are the reconstruction of language families and the idea that the convergences between the languages in such families can be represented in a binary branching tree-diagram. Note that there is a clear connection with the Darwinian program. You only need to substitute languages for species. These results of 19th centuries humanities have been challenged from the beginning of the twentieth century. Although there are strong arguments to be critical about the “German” achievements of the 19th century mainstream linguists and especially public discourse (popular textbooks, and so on) take these outcomes for granted.


    In my historical studies of the Hungarian language it is clear that Hungarian has relatively little to do with Finnish and that it has relatively more to do with Turkic but these language are not the same. The Uralic/Finno-Ugric classification of Hungarian misses a number of generalizations. So, digging into the driving forces of these classifications, i.e. the history of historical language classification is actually an interface between politics and taxonomic manipulation of languages. The patterns come together in the concept of Eurocentrism that leads us into the world of images and stereotypes.                  



  • Globalization and Geopolitics



    Processes of globalization have a large impact on the course of the world and simultaneously on everyday life. They affect political, social and economic realities. Every project spelled out in this profile, i.e. knowledge, stereotypes, geopolitics, multilingualism, and so on can and must studied against the backdrop of globalization. Highly relevant for political globalization – and it has my attention - is the issue of security that is clearly connected to geopolitical questions. Geopolitical analysis and globalization go hand-in-hand. We may refer to it as “hybrid” geopolitics.


    As researchers in humanities we cannot avoid to study culture and language against the backdrop of globalization processes that has intensified in the modern times but were present before. The most important research questions for me are: can we distinguish patterns in languages and cultures affected by globalization? How did globalization affect the languages and cultures in historical entities, like the Habsburg Empire?




    International relations (between states) and politics is about the struggle for influences and the realization of self-interests. If it is related to space - especially János Bolyai would have liked this - we talk about geopolitics. Geopolitics has not changed by globalization: it has become hybrid.  In modern times a layer of norms and values guarded by supranational and international organizations is on the top of the world system of states. Geopolitics is now about the relation between the political forces on the ‘global’ marco-level and the ‘local’ meso- and micro-levels, like ethnicity or majority/minority relations. An insightful geopolitical analysis places power structures in the middle of this spatial tension between ‘macro’ on the one hand and ‘meso’ and ‘micro’ on the other hand.                        



  • Publications


    • Marácz, L. (2024). [Review of: S. Hajdinjak, B.-E. Chromková Manea, R. Chytilek (2022) Behind the illiberal turn : values in Central Europe]. Comparative Sociology, 23(2), 303-305. [details]


    • Marácz, L. (2023). An Assessment of the Hungarian Partnership in the Chinese Belt and Road Initiative. In M. P. Amineh (Ed.), The China-led Belt and Road Initiative and its Reflections: The Crisis of Hegemony and Changing Global Orders (pp. 132-158). (Routledge Series on the Belt and Road Initiative). Routledge. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Marácz, L. K. (2023). Hongarije en de Nederlandse schermdiplomatie na de Eerste Wereldoorlog. De Moderne Tijd. De Lage Landen, 1780-1940, 7(4), 326-344.




    • Marácz, L. (2020). A magyar gyökrendszere és a Czuczor-Fogarasi szótár. Napút, 22(1), 125-138. [details]
    • Marácz, L. (2020). A magyar gyökrendszere és a Czuczor-Fogarasi szótár. In G. Szondi, & T. Toót-Holló (Eds.), Mi magunk: Magyar identitás, magyar tradíció : tanulmánykötet (pp. 212-228). Cédrus Müvészeti Alapítvány. [details]
    • Marácz, L. (2020). Multilingualism in the Hungarian Kingdom (1867-1918): Nature, Legal Basis and Practice. In A. Nuč, & M. Wolf (Eds.), Das habsburgische Babylon, 1848-1918 (pp. 59-72). Praesens Verlag. [details]
    • Marácz, L., & Mátés, T. (2020). Magyar a Régi és Új Selyemúton. In G. Szondi, & T. Toót-Holló (Eds.), Mi Magunk: Magyar identitás, magyar tradíció : tanulmánykötet (pp. 476-484). Cédrus Müvészeti Alapítvány. [details]



    • Csata, Z., & Marácz, L. (2018). Regulatory Environment, Linguistic Inequalities, and New Opportunities for Hungarian Minority Interest Representation in Romania. In M. Gazzola, T. Templin, & B-A. Wickström (Eds.), Language Policy and Linguistic Justice: Economic, Philosophical and Sociolinguistic Approaches (pp. 393-430). Springer. [details]
    • Houtkamp, C., & Marácz, L. (2018). Are traditional minority languages a bench marking for the rights of migrant languages in the European Union? Belvedere Meridionale, 30(4), 40-60. [details]
    • Marácz, L. (2018). Languages, norms and power in a globalised context. In P. A. Kraus, & F. Grin (Eds.), The Politics of Multilingualism: Europanisation, globlalisation and linguistic governance (pp. 223-243). (Studies in World Language Problems; Vol. 7). John Benjamins Publishing Company. [details]
    • Marácz, L. (2018). Revisiting the theory of the Hungarian vs Chuvash lexical parallels. In A. Marcantonio (Ed.), The State of the art of Uralic studies: tradition vs innovation: Proceedings of the 'Padua Uralic seminar' University of Padua, November 11-12, 2016 (pp. 59-86). (Studi umanistici -Serie Philologica ; Vol. Collana Convegni, No. 41). Universita' degli Studi di Roma 'La Sapienza'. [details]
    • Marácz, L. (2018). The Decimal Numeral System in Ural-Altaic and the Early Central Asian Sprachbund. In C. Franchi (Ed.), Transuralica: Studi in onore di Angela Marcantonio (pp. 71-95). Kollesis editrice. [details]




    • Lempp, F., & Marácz, L. (2015). Using logic to model interests in ethnic conflicts: the case of the Hungarian minority in Slovakia and Slovenia. Acta Universitatis Sapientiae. European and Regional Studies, 8, 23-41. [details]
    • Marácz, L. (2015). Towards Eurasian linguistic Isoglosses: the Case of Turkic and Hungarian. International Turkic Academy. [details]
    • Marácz, L. (2015). Les langues et la communication multilingue sont-elles pertinentes dans le cadre de l’Europe sociale ? Revue Française des Affaires Sociales, 3(3), 115-133. [details]
    • Marácz, L. (2015). The 'Other', less known Arguments in the 'Ugric-Turkish War' and its Consequences. In XIV. Türk Tarih Kongresi, 20-24 Eylül 2010, Ankara: Kongreye sunulan bildiriler. - vol. 2: Cilt, Orta Asya ve Kafkasya Tarihi (pp. 121-158). Türk Tarih Kurumu. [details]
    • Marácz, L. (2015). The Huns in Western Consciousness: Images, Stereotypes and Civilization. GLOBAL-Turk, 2015(1-2), 62-83. [details]
    • Marácz, L. (2015). The Huns in Western Consciousness: Images, Stereotypes and Civilization. Vestnik Tomskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta. Kulʹturologiâ i Iskusstvovedenie, 2015(1 (17)), 16-33. [details]
    • Marácz, L. (2015). The Politics of Language Policies: Hungarian Linguistic Minorities in Central Europe. Politeja, 12(2 (31)), 45-65. [details]
    • Marácz, L. (2015). The Politics of Multilingual and Non-Verbal Communication: Case Studies and a Research Agenda. In J. Backman, & G. Wójcik (Eds.), The way things aren't: deconstructing 'reality' to facilitate communication (pp. 125-148). Inter-Disciplinary Press. [details]
    • Marácz, L. (2015). Transnationalizing ethno-linguistic Hungarian minorities in the Carpathian Region: going beyond Brubaker et al. (2006). Erdélyi Társadalom, 13(3), 9-29. [details]


    • Dembinska, M., Marácz, L., & Tonk, M. (2014). Introduction to the special section: Minority politics and the territoriality principle in Europe. Nationalities Papers, 42(3), 355-375. [details]
    • Marácz, L. (2014). A Csernátoni Vajda család tagjainak peregrinációja holland egyetemeken a kora újkorban. In R. Bozzay (Ed.), Történetek a mélyföldröl: Magyarország és Németalföld kapcsolata a kora újkorban (pp. 137-171). Printart-Press Kft.. [details]
    • Marácz, L. (2014). Introducing a new Book on the Ural-Altaic Language Classification (Towards Eurasian Linguistic Isoglosses: the Case of Turkic and Hungarian). Altaistics and Turkology, 2014(3-4), 6-27. [details]
    • Marácz, L. (2014). Minority Language Rights in Europe: from the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy to the Supranational Organizations. In I. Horvath, I. Székely, T. Székely, & M. Tonk (Eds.), Minority representation and minority language rights (pp. 101-125). Scientia/The Romanian Institute for Research on National Minorities. [details]
    • Marácz, L. (2014). On Norms and Linguistic Categories in Linguistic Diversity Management. Język, Komunikacja, Informacja, 9, 9-26. [details]
    • Marácz, L. (2014). Resiliencing Hungarian Minority Languages in the new Europe. Sprachkoennen und Sprachbewusstsein in Europa, 5, 319-341. [details]
    • Marácz, L. (2014). Root and Recursive Patterns in the Czuczor-Fogarasi Dictionary of the Hungarian language. In R. Bod, J. Maat, & T. Weststeijn (Eds.), The making of the humanities. - Vol. 3: The modern humanities (pp. 113-126). Amsterdam University Press. [details]
    • Marácz, L. (2014). Territoriality versus non-Territoriality, Language Rights and the Hungarians of Romania. Acta Universitatis Sapientiae. European and Regional Studies, 5, 5-24. [details]
    • Marácz, L. (2014). The Politics of Multilingual Communication: Case Studies and Research Agendas. In S. Craze, & F. Lempp (Eds.), Communicating Conflict: A Multi-disciplinary Perspective (pp. 45-61). (Probing the boundaries). Inter-Disciplinary Press. [details]


    • Janssens, R., Mamadouh, V., & Marácz, L. (2013). Multilingual higher education in European regions. Acta Universitatis Sapientiae. European and Regional Studies, 3, 5-23. [details]
    • Kazbekova, D., & Marácz, L. (2013). Rare Earth Elements Security strengthening Kazakhstan's Position in the International Arena. International Review of Turkish Studies, 3(4), 32-45. [details]
    • Lukács, G., Marácz, L., & ten Thije, J. D. (2013). Het Nederlandse Hongarije-beeld in de twintigste eeuw in historisch perspectief. Internationale Neerlandistiek, 51(2), 139-157. [details]
    • Marácz, L. (2013). Bolyai János és a "tökéletes nyelv" fogalma. Fogalom es kep, 17, 139-152. [details]
    • Marácz, L. (2013). János Bolyai und das Ungarische als perfekte Sprache. In C. Brosch, & S. Fiedler (Eds.), Plansprachen - ideengeschichtliche Aspekte: Beiträge der 22. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Interlinguistik e.V., 23.-25. November 2012 in Berlin (pp. 45-55). (Interlinguistische Informationen. Beiheft; Vol. 20). Gesellschaft für Interlinguistik. [details]
    • Marácz, L. (2013). Multilingual and cosmopolitan encounters in the Transleithanian part of the Habsburg Empire (1867-1918). Vestnik Tomskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta. Kulʹturologiâ i Iskusstvovedenie, 2013(1 (9)), 63-68. [details]



    • Backus, A., Marácz, L., & ten Thije, J. D. (2011). A toolkit for multilingual communication in Europe: dealing with linguistic diversity. In J. N. Jørgensen (Ed.), A toolkit for transnational communication in Europe (pp. 5-24). (Copenhagen studies in bilingualism; No. 64). University of Copenhagen, Faculty of Humanities. [details]
    • Janssens, R., Mamadouh, V., & Marácz, L. (2011). Languages of regional communication (ReLan) in Europe: three case studies and a research agenda. In J. N. Jørgensen (Ed.), A toolkit for transnational communication in Europe (pp. 69-101). (Copenhagen studies in bilingualism; No. 64). University of Copenhagen, Faculty of Humanities. [details]
    • Marácz, L. (2011). EU-voorzitter Hongarije agendeert lidmaatschap van Kroatië. Internationale Spectator, 65(4), 213-216. [details]
    • Marácz, L. (2011). European tools of conflict management in Central and Eastern European states with Hungarian minorities. It Beaken : meidielingen fan de Fryske Akademy, 73(3/4), 129-146. [details]
    • Marácz, L. (2011). Language policies in Central and East European states with Hungarian minorities: implications for linguistic rights protection of national minorities in the EU. In I. Horváth, & M. Tonk (Eds.), Minority politics within the Europe of Regions (pp. 155-183). Scientia [etc.]. [details]
    • Marácz, L. (2011). The strategic relevance of AGRI in Europe's southern gas corridor. Karadeniz araştırmaları: journal of studies on the Balkans, the Caucasus, Eastern Europe & Anatolia, 7(28), 19-28. [details]
    • Marácz, L. (2011). Towards a European system guaranteeing linguistic minority rights protection: including the Hungarian cases. In Z. Dika (Ed.), Concepts and Consequences of Multilingualism in Europe 2 (pp. 25-53). Universiteti i EJL. [details]


    • Companjen, F., Marácz, L., & Versteegh, L. (2010). Introduction. In F. Companjen, L. Marácz, & L. Versteegh (Eds.), Exploring the Caucasus in the 21st century: essays on culture, history and politics in a dynamic context (pp. 11-25). (Amsterdam contributions). Pallas. [details]
    • Marácz, L. (2010). European tools of conflict management in Central European states with Hungarian minorities. Kommunikáció, Média, Gazdaság, 8, 78-116. [details]
    • Marácz, L. (2010). Gábor Bálint de Szentkatolna (1844-1913) and the study of Kabardian. In F. Companjen, L. Marácz, & L. Versteegh (Eds.), Exploring the Caucasus in the 21st century: essays on culture, history and politics in a dynamic context (pp. 27-46). (Amsterdam contributions). Pallas. [details]
    • Marácz, L., & Versteegh, C. (2010). European citizenship as a new concept for European identity. Acta Universitatis Sapientiae. European and Regional Studies, 1(2), 161-169. [details]



    • Marácz, L. (2008). János Bolyai and Hungarian as the perfect language. Octogon, 16(1A), 41-56. [details]
    • Marácz, L. (2008). Some consequences for the Union’s common foreign and security policy of the EU-enlargement with the former Soviet bloc countries. Kommunikáció, Média, Gazdaság, 6(1), 14-33. [details]


    • Marácz, L. (2007). Western political images and stereotypes of the Hungarians. Kommunikáció, Média, Gazdaság, 5(2), 93-113. [details]
    • Marácz, L., & Róka, J. (2007). European Identity, National Identity: Stereotypes, Images and Concepts: foreword. Kommunikáció, Média, Gazdaság, 5(2), 1-3. [details]


    • Maracz, L. K. (2006). Bolyai János és a magyar mint tökéletes nyelv. Erdélyi Helikon, 17(2), 15-17. [details]
    • Maracz, L. K. (2006). Bolyai János és a magyar mint tökéletes nyelv. Kommunikáció, Média, Gazdaság, 4, 3-13. [details]


    • Sarbassova, G., Boersma, P., & Marácz, L. K. (2024). The usage of Kazakh horse-related idiomatic phrases in younger and older people. In Халықаралық ғылыми-практикалық конференцияныӊ баяндамалар жинағы «Тіл. Мәдениет. Аударма: цифрлық дәуірдегі мәдениетаралық қарым-қатынас» = Сборник материалов международной научно-практической конференции «Язык. Культура. Перевод: межкультурная коммуникация в цифровую эпоху» = Proceedings of the international scientific and practical conference “Language. Culture. Translation: intercultural communication in the digital age” (pp. 239-245). L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University.


    • Marácz, L. K. (in press). De laatste regent van het duizendjarige Hongarije: Hongarije onder Miklos Horthy de Nagybanya (1920-1944). In J. Neeven (Ed.), Kleine Potentaten : Autoritaire Europese leiders tijdens het Interbellum Uitgeverij Aspekt.


    • Marácz, L. (2022). De Hongaarse schermelite in dienst van de Sovjet-Unie. In A. Bouma, & M. Kemper (Eds.), Socialism in One Room: Studies in Honor of Erik van Ree (pp. 115-140). (Pegasus Oost-Europese Studies; No. 36). Pegasus. [details]



    • Marácz, L. (2019). Magyar-csuvas nyelvi hasonlóságok. Körösi Csoma Sándor, 25, 233-250. [details]


    • Dobos, E., Gregoire, J., Houtkamp, C., Marácz, L., Nagy, N., Vizi, B., & von Busekist, A. (2018). Deliverable D1.3: Politics of Mobility and Inclusion: Assessing and implementing mid- and long-term optimality. MIME consortium. [details]
    • Grin, F., & Marácz, L. (2018). MIME: Mobility and inclusion in multilingual Europe: Deliverable D7.9: Provisional table of contents for the "MIME Book". MIME. [details]
    • Marácz, L. (2018). Egyoldalú nyelvészeti fejtegetés helyett komplex módszer a magyar östörténet és a magyarság közép-ázsiai eredetének kutatásában. Kelet kapuja, 2(3 (5)), 80-95. [details]
    • Marácz, L. (Author). (2018). Gábor Bálint de Szentkatolna (1844-1913) and the Study of Kabardian. Web publication or website, Circassian World. [details]



    • von Busekist, A., Dobos, E., Gregoire, J-F., Marácz, L., & Vizi, B. (2016). Politics of Mobility and Inclusion: Conceptualisation and operationalisation. (MIME inception report; No. D1.2). MIME consortium. [details]


    • Marácz, L. (2015). A new book on the Ural-Altaic language classification: 'Towards Eurasian linguistic isoglosses: the case of Turkic and Hungarian'. Мемлекеттік басқару және мемлекеттік қызмет = Public Administration and Civil Service, 2015(1), 176-180. [details]
    • Marácz, L. (2015). János Bolyai in Search for the perfect language: Hungarian. In M. Gosker, & I. Monok (Eds.), Peregrinus sum: studies in history of Hungarian-Dutch cultural relations in honour of Ferenc Postma on the occassion of his 70th birthday (pp. 233-247). [details]
    • Marácz, L. (2015). Regulációs környezet, nyelvi egyenlőtlenségek és a kisebbségi érdekérvénesítés új lehetőségei Romániában. Pro Minoritate, 2015(3 (75)), 26-53. [details]


    • Grin, F., Marácz, L., Pokorn, N. K., & Kraus, P. A. (2014). Mobility and Inclusion in Multilingual Europe: A Position Paper on the MIME Project. Geneva. [details]
    • Marácz, L. (2014). Language, Power, Multilingual and Non-Verbal Multicultural Communication. In E. A. Zhuravleva (Ed.), Проблемы межкультурной коммуникации в современном обществе: международный сборник научных трудов (Казахстан-Венгрия) (pp. 51-58). Евразийский национальный университет имени Л.Н. Гумилева, Кафедра теоретической и прикладной лингвистики [etc.]. [details]
    • Marácz, L. (2014). Multilingual and Cosmopolitan Encounters in the Transleithanian Part of the Habsburg Empire (1867-1918). Мемлекеттік басқару және мемлекеттік қызмет = Public Administration and Civil Service, 2014(1), 103-107. [details]
    • Marácz, L. K. (2014). Az "ural-altáji" izoglosszák elmélete felé: kutatól nézet egy eurázsiai nyelvi terűletről. Körösi Csoma Sándor és Keleti Hagyományaink, 20, 64-81. [details]
    • Marácz, L. K. (2014). Мультилингвистические и космополитические столкновения в Трансильвании как части Габсбургской монархии (1867-1918). L.N. Gumilev atyndaġy Euraziâ u̇lttyķ Universitetìnìņ Habaršysy. Halyķaralyķ ķatynastar Seriâsy, 2013(3-4 (11-12)), 72-78. [details]
    • von Busekist, A., El Kholi, H., Marácz, L., & Vizi, B. (2014). MIME: Mobility and Inclusion in a Multilingual Europe: Deliverable D1.1. (MIME inception report; No. WP1). MIME consortium. [details]


    • Marácz, L. K. (2013). The Methodological Background of the Ural-Altaic Language Classification. In S. Ibrayev (Ed.), Turkology (pp. 174-197). Turkic Academy. [details]



    • Marácz, L. (2011). A magyar nyelv eredetéröl. Turán: a magyar eredetkutatással foglalkozó tudományok lapja, 14(2-4), 54-67. [details]
    • Marácz, L. (2011). Hungarians originate from Central Asia. L.N. Gumilev atyndaġy Euraziâ u̇lttyķ Universitetìnìņ Habaršysy. Halyķaralyķ ķatynastar Seriâsy, 2011(3-4), 16-23. [details]
    • Marácz, L. (2011). Hybridity as a characteristic feature of globalization. In J. Róka (Ed.), Globalisation, Europeanization and other transnational phenomena: description, analyses and generalizations (pp. 14-30). Századvég Kiadó. [details]
    • Marácz, L. (2011). Macarların kökü Orta Asya'dadır. Turán : Akademik İlim, Fikir ve Medeniyet Dergisi, 14, 23-28. [details]
    • Marácz, L. (2011). [Bespreking van: N. de Deugd, et al. (2011) Perspectieven op Midden- en Oost-Europa: een gedeelde ruimte waar het verleden maar geen geschiedenis wordt]. Atlantisch Perspektief, 35(3), 38-39. [details]
    • Marácz, L. (2011). [Bespreking van: R. Bod (2010) De vergeten wetenschappen: een geschiedenis van de humaniora]. Tijdschrift voor Sociale en Economische Geschiedenis, 8(1), 110-111. [details]
    • Marácz, L., & Róka, J. (2011). Preface. In J. Róka (Ed.), Globalisation, Europeanization and other transnational phenomena: description, analyses and generalizations (pp. 7-13). Századvég Kiadó. [details]


    • Companjen, F., Marácz, L., & Versteegh, L. (2010). Exploring the Caucasus in the 21st century: essays on culture, history and politics in a dynamic context. (Amsterdam contributions). Amsterdam: Pallas. [details]
    • Marácz, L. (2010). A lovasnépek vallása: elöítéletek, közhelyek, ideológia. In L. Marácz, & B. Obrusánszky (Eds.), A Szkíta népek hitvilága: Közép-Azsiától a Kárpát-medencéig (pp. 7-33). Hun-Idea. [details]
    • Marácz, L. (2010). Batı şuurunda Hun tasavvuru: tasvirler, temsiller ve medeniyet. Turán : Akademik İlim, Fikir ve Medeniyet Dergisi, 11, 1-17. [details]
    • Marácz, L. (2010). De Hongaarse katholieke kerk en de geest van het neopaganisme. Theologisch Debat, 7(4), 44-51. [details]
    • Marácz, L. (2010). Elöszó Czeglédi Katalin Gyökrendszer c. könyvéhez. Kapu : Független Kulturális és Közéleti Folyóirat, 23(4), 79-80. [details]
    • Marácz, L. (2010). Multilingualism in the Hungarian kingdom (1867-1918): language policy and practice. In J. Róka (Ed.), Concepts & consequences of multilingualism in Europe (pp. 55-95). BKF Fenntartói Kft.. [details]
    • Marácz, L. (2010). Ostörténetünk és nyelvünk eröszakos finnesítése ellen. In K. Bakay (Ed.), Hogyan lettünk finnugorok? (pp. 79-82). (Magyarságtudományi füzetek: kisenciklopédia; No. 1). Hun-Idea. [details]
    • Marácz, L. K. (2010). Gábor Bálint de Szentkatolna ve Kabardeyce çalışması hakkında. Turán : Akademik İlim, Fikir ve Medeniyet Dergisi, 10, 65-78. [details]
    • Marácz, L., & Obrusánszky, B. (2010). A szkíta népek hitvilága: Közép-Ázsiától a Kárpát-medencéig. Hun-Idea. [details]
    • Marácz, L., & Róka, J. (2010). Preface. In J. Róka (Ed.), Concepts & consequences of multilingualism in Europe (pp. 7-10). BKF Fenntartói Kft.. [details]


    • Marácz, L. (2009). A gyökrovás alapelvei. In G. Hosszu, T. Rumi, & L. Sipos (Eds.), Az Elö Rovás: Nemzeti írásunk az egységesítés útján (pp. 96-98). Imagent. [details]
    • Marácz, L. (2009). A hunok a nyugati tudatban: képek, közhelyek, civilizáció. In L. Marácz, & B. Obrusánszky (Eds.), A hunok öröksége (pp. 197-213). Hun-Idea. [details]
    • Marácz, L. (2009). Elöszó. In L. Marácz, & B. Obrusánszky (Eds.), A hunok öröksége (pp. 7-12). Hun-Idea. [details]
    • Marácz, L. (2009). Elöszö. In C. Molnárné Czeglédi, & Z. Molnár (Eds.), A tiszta magyar nyelv kincseinek megörzése és tanítása (pp. 13-15). Püski. [details]
    • Marácz, L. (2009). Lesz-e a magyar nyelv a Kárpát-medencében "Lingua Franca"? In C. Molnárné Czeglédi, & Z. Molnár (Eds.), A tiszta magyar nyelv kincseinek megörzése és tanítása. Melléklet (pp. 347-360). Püski. [details]
    • Marácz, L. (2009). Will Hungarian become a lingua franca in the Carpathian Basin? In B. Bodo, & M. Tonk (Eds.), Nations and national minorities in the European Union (pp. 117-141). Scientia. [details]
    • Marácz, L., & Obrusánszky, B. (2009). A hunok öröksége. Budapest: Hun-Idea. [details]


    • Marácz, L. (2008). A finnugor elmélet tarthatatlansága nyelvészeti szempontból. In L. Botos (Ed.), Magyarságtudományi tanulmányok (pp. 497-506). Hun-Idea. [details]
    • Marácz, L. (2008). A magyar nyelv eredetéröl. In L. Botos (Ed.), Magyarságtudományi tanulmányok (pp. 507-519). Hun-Idea. [details]
    • Marácz, L. (2008). The origin of the Hungarian language. In L. Botos, & M. Botos (Eds.), Selected studies in Hungarian history (pp. 559-572). Hun-Idea. [details]
    • Marácz, L. (2008). The untenability of the Finno-Ugric theory from a linguistic point of view. In L. Botos, & M. Botos (Eds.), Selected studies in Hungarian history (pp. 547-558). Hun-Idea. [details]


    • Maracz, L. K. (2007). 'The European Union has to remain in-situ'. In Europe Integration and/or Fragmentation?, Collection of Abstracts, EpsNet Annual Conference, Ljubljana, June 22-23, 2007 (pp. 94-95). University of Ljubljana. [details]
    • Maracz, L. K. (2007). 'The position of the Hungarian Language in Central Europe'. In Language, Discourse and Identity in Central Europe Centre for Transnational Studies, University of Southampton. [details]
    • Marácz, L. (2007). 'Hungarians'. In M. Beller, & J. Leerssen (Eds.), Imagology, The Cultural Construction and Literary Representation of National Characters, A Critical Survey (pp. 174-177). (Studia Imagologia, Amsterdam Studies on Cultural Identity; No. 13). Amsterdam - New York: Rodopi. [details]
    • Marácz, L. (2007). Magyar újjászületés: politikai elmélkedések közép-európáról. Budapest: Fríg Publishers. [details]
    • Marácz, L. (2007). Szentkatolnai Bálint Gábor igazsága. In B. Obrusánszky (Ed.), A magyarság eredetének nyelvészeti kérdései, Szentkatolnai Bálint Gábor emlékkonferencia kiadványa (pp. 118-134). Sfantu-Gheorghe (Romania): Táltos publishers. [details]


    • Marácz, L. (2024). De Europese Unie: van economisch naar geopolitiek project. Armex, 108(1), 8-9. [details]
    • Marácz, L. (2024). De NAVO-spagaat in Midden-Europa. Armex, 108(3), 8-9. [details]
    • Marácz, L. (2024). Gaat de Franse president Macron op ramkoers in Oekraïne? Armex, 108(2), 12-13. [details]
    • Marácz, L. K. (2024). De Westerse uitdadiging van de BRICS. Armex, 108(4), 10-11.







    • Grin, F., & Marácz, L. K. (in press). Final Publishable Summary: 1 March 2014- 31 Aug 2018. MIME consortium.
    • Grin, F., Conceição, M. C., Kraus, P. A., Marácz, L., Ozoliņa, Ž., Pokorn, N. K., & Pym, A. (2018). Conclusions and Key Results. In F. Grin (Ed.), The MIME vademecum: Mobility and Inclusion in Multilingual Europe (pp. 26-27). MIME Project. [details]
    • Grin, F., Conceição, M. C., Kraus, P. A., Marácz, L., Ozoliņa, Ž., Pokorn, N. K., & Pym, A. (Eds.) (2018). The MIME Vademecum: Mobility and Inclusion in Multilingual Europe. MIME Project. [details]
    • Marácz, L. (2018). Europese Commissie werft actief nieuwe leden op de Balkan. Armex, 102(2), 10-11. [details]
    • Marácz, L. (2018). Hoe verder in Europa? Armex, 102(5), 3-4. [details]
    • Marácz, L. (2018). Militaire samenwerking tegen Europese breuklijnen. Armex, 102(1), 13-14. [details]
    • Marácz, L. (2018). Nieuwe migratiecrisis op de Balkan is Europees veiligheidsrisico. Armex, 102(3), 8-9. [details]
    • Marácz, L. (2018). Politieke polarisatie in frontlijnstaat Roemenië. Armex, 102(4), 8-9. [details]
    • Marácz, L. (2018). Why should demolinguistic projections inform language policy choices? In F. Grin (Ed.), The MIME vademecum: Mobility and Inclusion in Multilingual Europe (pp. 42-43). MIME Project. [details]
    • Marácz, L. (2018). Why should we combine different communication strategies? In F. Grin (Ed.), The MIME vademecum: Mobility and Inclusion in Multilingual Europe (pp. 102-103). MIME Project. [details]
    • Marácz, L. K. (Ed.), & Grin, F. (2018). MIME Deliverable 7.7: MIME European Policy brief no. 3. MIME consortium.
    • Marácz, L. K., & Grin, F. (2018). Third Publishable Summary 1 March 2017-31 August 2018.






    • Koopman, N., & Marácz, L. (2013). 'Culture matters': het belang van cultuur binnen defensiebeleid EU en VS. Atlantisch Perspektief, 37(7), 20-24. [details]
    • Marácz, L. (2013). China's spagaat in de internationale arena. Armex, 97(6), 24-25. [details]
    • Marácz, L. (2013). De euro en het duivels dilemma van Europa. Armex, 97(3), 38-39. [details]
    • Marácz, L. (2013). Energieveiligheid van China en de EU vergeleken [Bespreking van: M.P. Amineh, Y. Guang (2012) Secure oil and alternative energy: the geopolitics of energy paths of China and the European Union]. Internationale Spectator, 67(7/8), 84-86. [details]
    • Marácz, L. (2013). Europese Unie honoreert etnische politiek in Kosovo. Armex, 97(5), 20-21. [details]
    • Marácz, L. (2013). Polen in Litouwen: regionale bron van conflicten. Armex, 97(1), 32-33. [details]
    • Marácz, L. (2013). Rebellie aan de Donau: gespannen verhouding tussen Hongarije en de Europese Unie. Internationale Spectator, 67(7/8), 55-61. [details]
    • Marácz, L. (2013). Verschuivende geopolitieke macht in de Kaukasus. Armex, 97(2), 22-23. [details]
    • Marácz, L. (2013). Wordt Turkije instabiel? Armex, 97(4), 26-27. [details]
    • Marácz, L. (2013). [Review of: R. Rindler Schjerve, E. Vetter (2012) European multilingualism: current perspectives and challenges]. Language Problems and Language Planning, 37(1), 71-74. [details]
    • Marácz, L. (2013). [Review of: R.J. Holton (2011) Globalization and the nation state. - 2nd ed.]. Nations and Nationalism, 19(1), 188-190. [details]


    • Bouwman, F., & Marácz, L. (2012). Cybersecurity: Nederland moet inzetten op internationale cybersamenwerking. Atlantisch Perspektief, 36(6), 22-27. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Marácz, L. (2012). Brusselse kopzorgen om Roemenië. Armex, 96(5), 24-25. [details]
    • Marácz, L. (2012). De balanceeract van Kazachstan. Armex, 96(1), 30-31. [details]
    • Marácz, L. (2012). De toekomst is niet meer wat die was. Armex, 96(6), 26-27. [details]
    • Marácz, L. (2012). Europese Commissie en Hongarije op ramkoers. Armex, 96(2), 24-25. [details]
    • Marácz, L. (2012). Gaat de NAVO echt met pensioen? [Bespreking van: M. Drent, A. van den Assem, J. de Wilde (2011) NATO's retirement? Essays in honour of Peter Volten]. Internationale Spectator, 66(3), 162-163. [details]
    • Marácz, L. (2012). Kazachstan: soevereiniteit en multivectorale politiek. Atlantisch Perspektief, 36(3), 22-26. [details]
    • Marácz, L. (2012). Nieuwe Zijderoute verhoogt veiligheid in Eurazië. Armex, 96(4), 24-25. [details]
    • Marácz, L. (2012). Regionale diversiteit in Midden- en Oost-Europa [Bespreking van: L. Paul, B. de Pater (2010) Midden- en Oost-Europa: geografie van een transitiezone]. Internationale Spectator, 66(1), 39-40. [details]
    • Marácz, L. (2012). Revolutie en liberalisme in Hongarije. Liberaal Reveil, 53(1), 21-25. [details]
    • Marácz, L. (2012). Voetbal is oorlog: Europees kampioenschap in Oekraïne zonder Europese politici. Armex, 96(3), 24-25. [details]
    • Marácz, L. (2012). [Review of: I.A. Busch-Lauer, S. Fiedler (2011) Sprachraum Europa: alles Englisch oder ...?]. Language Problems and Language Planning, 36(2), 193-197. [details]


    • Marácz, L. (2011). China wordt machtsfactor in Europa. Armex, 95(5), 28-29. [details]
    • Marácz, L. (2011). De rechtsstaat volgens Poetin. Armex, 95(1), 16. [details]
    • Marácz, L. (2011). Een nieuwe militaire rol voor Visegrád landen. Armex, 95(4), 20-21. [details]
    • Marácz, L. (2011). Joegoslavië Tribunaal veroordeelt Kroatische generaals: verhouding Europese Unie en Kroatië verslechterd. Armex, 95(3), 28-29. [details]
    • Marácz, L. (2011). Kazachstan op het pad van de democratie. Armex, 95(2), 19-20. [details]
    • Marácz, L. (2011). Meer campussen in Europa! EuroVisie, 6(3), 8-9. [details]
    • Marácz, L. (2011). Roemenen boos op Nederland. Armex, 95(6), 18-19. [details]



    • Marácz, L. (2008). Etnische minderheden in Midden-Europa: van conflict naar pacificatie. Internationale Spectator, 62(7/8), 405-409. [details]
    • Marácz, L. (2008). Kosovo verdeelt internationale gemeenschap: beleid en belangen. Atlantisch Perspektief, 32(5), 28-32. [details]
    • Marácz, L. (2008). Oost-Europa loopt leeg. Christen democratische verkenningen, 2008(herfst), 52-58. [details]


    • Marácz, L. (2007). Etniciteit in Cluj [Review of: R. Brubaker, e.a. (2006) Nationalist Politics and Everyday Ethnicity in a Transylvanian Town]. Ablak, 12(1), 20-21. [details]

    Membership / relevant position

    • Marácz, L. (2017). Affiliated as an international expert of National Research Tomsk State University, Tomsk State University.

    Journal editor

    • Marácz, L. (reviewer) (2017). Collegium Antropologicum (Journal).
    • Marácz, L. (reviewer) (2017). Jezikoslovlje (Journal).
    • Marácz, L. (reviewer) (2016). Ethnicities (Journal).

    Talk / presentation


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