Contributions (lectures) to conferences, workshops, seminars,
summer schools
Università Bocconi
VU University Amsterdam
IE Business School, Madrid
Judge School of Business; Cambridge University
Rotterdam School of Management
University of Maastricht
University of Alberta
Stockholm School of Economics
HEC Montreal
Goethe University Frankfurt, Frankfurt, Germany
Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration, Vienna, Austria
Swiss Society for Financial Market Research
Midwest Finance Association meetings
French Finance Association, Paris Finance International Meeting, Paris, France
11th Symposium on Finance, Banking, Insurance, Karlsruhe, Germany
15th Annual Meeting of the German Finance Association (DGF), Münster, Germany
EFM “Merton Miller” Doctoral Tutorial, Athens, Greece
FMA European Conference, Prague, Czech Republic
7th Swiss Doctoral Workshop in Finance, Gerzensee, Switzerland
Corporate Finance Day, Neuchâtel, Switzerland
Fifth International Industrial Engineering Conference, Quebec, Canada
Ad-hoc referee for Finance
Ad-hoc referee for Review of Finance