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Dr. P.H.O. (Patty) Leijten

Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences
Programme group: Preventive Youth Care

Visiting address
  • Nieuwe Achtergracht 127
  • Room number: D9.06
Postal address
  • Postbus 15776
    1001 NG Amsterdam
  • Research

    Patty Leijten works as an Associate Professor at the Research Institute of Child Development and Education. She also serves as Director PhD Education in Child Development and Education. She studies how parents and children shape each other's behavior in ways that impact the development of children's mental health and well-being. In doing so, she bridges basic child development and intervention research, combining observational, experimental, and intervention evaluation studies (e.g., randomized trials and traditional, network, and individual participant data meta-analysis).

    Current research projects include ZonMw supported projects on theoretically precise parenting support, and NWO Vidi supported project on understanding when risk factors for youth mental health are suitable intervention targets. 

    Patty received her MA (2009) from Radboud University Nijmegen and her PhD (2014) from Utrecht University. She worked as a visiting scholar at the University of Oregon and Arizona State University, and as a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Oxford and the University of Amsterdam.


    Key publications:

    Leijten, P. (2023). Editorial: How online treatment research can enrich child and adolescent psychiatryJournal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, S0890-8567.

    Leijten, P., Melendez-Torres, G. J., Eradus, M., & Overbeek, G. (2021; Stage 1 Registered Report). Specificity of parenting program component effects: Relational, behavioral, and cognitive approaches to children’s conduct problems. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry. Advance online publication 15 November. 

    Leijten, P., Weisz, J. R., & Gardner, F. (2021). Research strategies to discern active psychological therapy components: A scoping review. Clinical Psychological Science, 9, 307-322.

    Leijten, P., Melendez-Torres, G. J., & Gardner, F. (2021). The most effective parenting program content for disruptive child behavior: A network meta-analysisJournal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry. Advance online publication. 

    Leijten, P., Melendez-Torres, G. J., Gardner, F., Van Aar, J., Schulz, S., & Overbeek, G. (2018). Are relationship enhancement and behavior management the “Golden Couple” for reducing disruptive child behavior? Two meta-analysesChild Development, 89, 1970-1982. 



  • Teaching and PhD Supervision

    Undergraduate level courses

    BA1: Familie en Gezin [Family Systems]


    Graduate level courses

    MA: Opvoeding en Ontwikkeling [Parenting and Child Development] 

    MA: Intervention Essentials

    MA: Family Systems

    PhD: The Writing Club


    Doctoral candidates

    Karen Rienks: Effectively targeting parental risk factors for children's anxiety (2022-present)

    Merlin Nieterau: Parent-child interactions at the early stages of disruptive child behavior (2022-present)

    Constantina Psyllou: Individual participant data meta-analysis of parenting programs for disruptive child behavior (2022-present)

    Nicole Creasey: How parenting programs affect children's DNA methylation and disruptive behavior (2019-2023)

    Sophia Backhaus: Can parenting programs recude child maltreatment around the globe?  (2018-2023)

    Hend Eltanamly: Parenting in times of war (2016-2020)

    Jolien van Aar: Parenting and disruptive child behavior after parenting interventions end (2015-2018)

  • Publications


    • European Parenting Program Research Consortium, Laas Sigurðardóttir, L. B., & van Rooij, F. B. (2024). Study Preregistration: Individual Participant Data Meta-Analysis: Individual Differences in Mediators of Parenting Program Effects on Disruptive Behavior. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 63(4), 464-467.
    • Leijten, P., Rienks, K., Groenman, A. P., Anand, M., Kömürcü Akik, B., David, O., Kızıltepe, R., Thongseiratch, T., & Catarina Canário, A. (2024). Online parenting support: Meta-analyses of non-inferiority and additional value to in-person support. Children and Youth Services Review, 159, Article 107497.
    • Pinto, R., Canário, C., Leijten, P., Rodrigo, M. J., & Cruz, O. (2024). Implementation of parenting programs in real-world community settings: A scoping review. Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review, 27, 74-90.
    • Rienks, K., Salemink, E., & Leijten, P. (2024). Study Preregistration: Targeting Parental Risk Factors for Children's Anxiety: A Factorial Experiment With Three Intervention Components. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. Advance online publication.
    • van Doornik, R. S., van der Oord, S., Luijckx, J., Groenman, A. P., Leijten, P., Luman, M., Hoekstra, P. J., van den Hoofdakker, B. J., & Dekkers, T. J. (2024). The short- and longer-term effects of brief behavioral parent training versus care as usual in children with behavioral difficulties: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. BMC Psychiatry, 24(1), 203.
    • van den Akker, A. L., Leijten, P. H. O., Hoffenaar, P. J., & Gardner, F. (2024). Using daily diary assessments to better understand the role of parental consistency in the development of externalizing child behavior. Research on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology, 52(1), 79-92.
    • van der Stouwe, T., Leijten, P. H. O., Asscher, J. J., Dekovic, M., & van der Put, C. E. (2024). Adding structured components to home visitation to reduce mothers’ risk for child maltreatment: A randomized controlled trial. Journal of Family Violence, 39, 483-496.


    • Backhaus, S., Leijten, P., Jochim, J., Melendez-Torres, G. J., & Gardner, F. (2023). Effects over time of parenting interventions to reduce physical and emotional violence against children: a systematic review and meta-analysis. EClinicalMedicine, 60, Article 102003.
    • Backhaus, S., Leijten, P., Meinck, F., & Gardner, F. (2023). Different instrument, same content? A systematic comparison of child maltreatment and harsh parenting instruments. Trauma, Violence, & Abuse, 24(5), 3546-3563.
    • Berry, V., Melendez-Torres, G. J., Axford, N., Axberg, U., de Castro, B. O., Gardner, F., Gaspar, M. F., Handegård, B. H., Hutchings, J., Menting, A., McGilloway, S., Scott, S., & Leijten, P. (2023). Does social and economic disadvantage predict lower engagement with parenting interventions? An integrative analysis using individual participant data. Prevention Science, 24. Advance online publication.
    • Doffer, D. P. A., Dekkers, T. J., Hornstra, R., van der Oord, S., Luman, M., Leijten, P., Hoekstra, P. J., van den Hoofdakker, B. J., & Groenman, A. P. (2023). Sustained improvements by behavioural parent training for children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: A meta-analytic review of longer-term child and parental outcomes. JCPP Advances, 3(3), Article e12196. [details]
    • Eltanamly, H., Leijten, P., van Roekel, E., & Overbeek, G. (2023). Postmigration stress compromises refugee parents’ self-efficacy and autonomy-supportive parenting: An experience sampling study. Journal of Family Psychology, 37(3), 295-304. [details]
    • Eltanamly, H., Leijten, P., van Roekel, E., Mouton, B., Pluess, M., & Overbeek, G. (2023). Strengthening parental self-efficacy and resilience: A within-subject experimental study with refugee parents of adolescents. Child Development, 94(1), 187-201. [details]
    • Hutchings, J., Williams, M. E., & Leijten, P. (2023). Attachment, behavior problems and interventions. Frontiers in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 2, Article 1156407. [details]
    • Kjøbli, J., Melendez-Torres, G. J., Gardner, F., Backhaus, S., Linnerund, S., & Leijten, P. (2023). Research review: Effects of parenting programs for children’s conduct problems on children’s emotional problems: a network meta-analysis. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 64(3), 348-356.
    • Leijten, P. (2023). Editorial: How online treatment research can enrich child and adolescent psychiatry. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 62(9), 963-964.
    • Leijten, P. H. O., Melendez-Torres, G. J., Hoffenaar, P. J., & van den Akker, A. L. (in press). Parenting and disruptive child behavior: A daily diary study during the Covid-19 pandemic. Journal of Family Psychology.
    • Mo, J., van den Akker, A. L., Leijten, P., & Asscher, J. J. (2023). Parental discipline techniques and changes in observed temper tantrum severity in toddlers. Research on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology, 51(4), 571-582. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Uluköylü, Ş., Leijten, P. H. O., & Assink, M. (2023). Changing or acknowledging cognitions: A meta-analysis of reducing depression in adolescence. Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders. Advance online publication.
    • Weeland, J., Leijten, P., Orobio de Castro, B., Menting, A., Overbeek, G., Raaijmakers, M., Jongerling, J., & Matthys, W. (2023). Exploring parenting profiles to understand who benefits from the incredible years parenting program. Prevention Science, 24, 259-270.
    • van der Stouwe, T., Leijten, P. H. O., Zijlstra, B. J. H., Asscher, J. J., Dekovic, M., & van der Put, C. E. (2023). The added value of targeting specific risk factors for child maltreatment in an evidence-based home visitation program: a repeated single-case time series study. International Journal on Child Maltreatment: Research, Policy and Practice, 6, 35–58.







    • Gardner, F., & Leijten, P. (2017). Incredible Years parenting interventions: current effectiveness research and future directions. Current Opinion in Psychology, 15, 99-104. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Leijten, P., Raaijmakers, M. A. J., Orobio de Castro, B., van den Ban, E., & Matthys, W. (2017). Effectiveness of the Incredible Years Parenting Program for Families with Socioeconomically Disadvantaged and Ethnic Minority Backgrounds. Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, 46(1), 59-73. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Mejia, A., Leijten, P., Lachman, J. M., & Parra-Cardona, J. R. (2017). Different strokes for different folks? Contrasting approaches to cultural adaptation of parenting interventions. Prevention Science, 18(6), 630-639. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Vlahovicova, K., Melendez-Torres, G. J., Leijten, P., Knerr, W., & Gardner, F. (2017). Parenting programs for the prevention of child physical abuse recurrence: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review, 20(3), 351-365. Advance online publication. [details]
    • van Aar, J., Leijten, P., Orobio de Castro, B., & Overbeek, G. (2017). Sustained, fade-out or sleeper effects? A systematic review and meta-analysis of parenting interventions for disruptive child behavior. Clinical Psychology Review, 51, 153-163. Advance online publication. [details]


    • Leijten, P., Melendez-Torres, G. J., Knerr, W., & Gardner, F. (2016). Transported Versus Homegrown Parenting Interventions for Reducing Disruptive Child Behavior: A Multilevel Meta-Regression Study. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 55(7), 610-617. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Leijten, P., Raaijmakers, M. A. J., Orobio de Castro, B., & Matthys, W. (2016). Ethnic differences in problem perception: Immigrant mothers in a parenting intervention to reduce disruptive child behavior. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 86(3), 323-331. [details]
    • Leijten, P., Thomaes, S., Orobio de Castro, B., Dishion, T. J., & Matthys, W. (2016). What good is labeling what's good? A field experimental investigation of parental labeled praise and child compliance. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 87(December), 134-141. Advance online publication. [details]


    • Abrahamse, M. E., Junger, M., Leijten, P. H. O., Lindeboom, R., Boer, F., & Lindauer, R. J. L. (2015). Psychometric properties of the Dutch Eyberg Child Behavior Inventory (ECBI) in a community sample and a multi-ethnic clinical sample. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment, 37(4), 679-691. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Leijten, P., Dishion, T. J., Thomaes, S., Raaijmakers, M. A. J., Orobio de Castro, B., & Matthys, W. (2015). Bringing parenting interventions back to the future: How randomized microtrials may benefit parenting intervention efficacy. Clinical Psychology : Science and Practice, 22(1), 47-57. [details]
    • Leijten, P., Shaw, D. S., Gardner, F., Wilson, M. N., Matthys, W., & Dishion, T. J. (2015). The family check-up and service use in high-risk families of young children: a prevention strategy with a bridge to community-based treatment. Prevention Science, 16(3), 397-406. Advance online publication. [details]


    • Leijten, P., Overbeek, G., & Janssens, J. (2013). Praten met kinderen: effectief voor ouders van (pre)adolescenten? Kind en Adolescent, 34(2), 80-91. [details]
    • Leijten, P., Raaijmaakers, M., Orobio de Castro, B., & Matthys, W. (2013). Does socioeconomic status matter? A meta-analysis on parent training effectiveness for disruptive child behavior. Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, 42(3), 384-392.



    • Leijten, P. H. O., Raaijmakers, M. A. J., Orobio de Castro, B., Posthumus, J. A., & Matthys, W. (2011). Oudertraining Incredible Years effectief bij gedragsprobleem jong kind. Jeugd en Co, 5, 17-23.


    • Dekkers, T. J., Groenman, A. P., Cuijpers, P., Hoekstra, P. J., Luman, M., Orobio de Castro, B., Overbeek, G., Popma, A., Rommelse, N., Salemink, E., Stikkelbroek, Y. A. J., van den Hoofdakker, B. J., van der Oord, S., & Leijten, P. (2023). Commentary: Why treatment is the best choice for childhood mental disorders – a commentary on Roest et al. (2022). Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry and Allied Disciplines, 64(3), 470-473.
    • Hoekstra, P. J., van den Hoofdakker, B. J., Rosenau, P. T., Dietrich, A., Leijten, P., Groenman, A. P., & Dekkers, T. J. (2023). We need better long-term intervention programs in mental health care for children and young people with chronic vulnerabilities. European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 32(9), 1525-1527. [details]


    • Leijten, P. (2021). Effective components of parenting programs for children’s conduct problems. In J. L. Allen, D. J. Hawes, & C. A. Essau (Eds.), Family-based intervention for child and adolescent mental health: A core competencies approach (pp. 40-52). (Cambridge medicine). Cambridge University Press. [details]
    • Thomaes, S., & Leijten, P. (2021). Developmental psychology of praise. In E. Brummelman (Ed.), Psychological Perspectives on Praise (pp. 131-139). (Current Issues in Social Psychology). Routledge. Advance online publication. [details]


    • van der Stouwe, T., Leijten, P. H. O., Bouwmeester-Landweer, M., & van der Put, C. E. (2023). Preventie van kindermishandeling: Hoe kan het beter. Kind & Adolescent Praktijk, 2023(2), 22-29.




    • Remmelink, L. E., Leijten, P., & Veldboer, L. (2019). Andere ouders als bron van steun: Ervaringen met het geven en ontvangen van informele sociale steun in het opvoedingsondersteuningsprogramma Kind en Adolescent, 40(4), 330-346. [details]


    • Leijten, P., Menting, A., Wijngaards-de Meij, L., Raaijmakers, M., Matthys, W., & Orobio de Castro, B. (2018). Ouderinterventie voor gedragsproblemen bij kinderen: Even effectief voor verschillende gezinnen? Kind en Adolescent, 39(2), 143-159. [details]


    • Leijten, P. (2017). [Bespreking van: F. van der Horst, N. Lucassen, R. Kok, M. Sentse, L. Jooren & M. Luijk (2016) Opgroeien in het hedendaagse gezin: Inleiding in de gezinspedagogiek]. Pedagogiek, 37(3), 275-278. Advance online publication. [details]



    • Rienks, K., Leijten, P., Laas Sigurðardóttir, L. B., Staaks, J. P. C., & Salemink, E. (2023). Supporting Parents to Reduce Child Anxiety: A Meta-Analysis of Programs and their Key Components. Paper presented at European Conference on Developmental Psychology, Turku, Finland.


    • Eltanamly, H., Leijten, P. H. O., Jak, S., & Overbeek, G. J. (2019). A meta-analysis and a qualitative-synthesis of how war-exposure affects parenting and child adjustment. Poster session presented at Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD) 2019, Baltimore, United States.
    • Eltanamly, H., Leijten, P. H. O., van Rooij, F. B., & Overbeek, G. J. (2019). A qualitative investigation of the effects of war, flee, displacement and resettlement on parenting. Poster session presented at SRCD Biennial Meeting, Baltimore, United States.


    • Eltanamly, H., Leijten, P. H. O., Jak, S., & Overbeek, G. J. (2018). Coming of age in a context of adversity: Parenting in times of war: Meta-analytical Structural Equation Modeling and Qualitative-Synthesis of how war-exposure affects parenting and youth adjustment. Paper presented at 16th conference of the European Association for Research on Adolescence (EARA) 2018, Ghent, Belgium.
    • Eltanamly, H., Leijten, P. H. O., van Rooij, F. B., & Overbeek, G. J. (2018). When survival comes first: A qualitative investigation of parenting in Syrian refugee families. Poster session presented at VNOP-CAS Research Days 2018, Utrecht, Netherlands.


    • Eltanamly, H., Leijten, P. H. O., & Overbeek, G. J. (2017). Parenting following war-exposure: A mixed-methods systematic review.. Poster session presented at ISRCAP 18th Biennial Scientific Meeting, Amsterdam, .
    • Eltanamly, H., Leijten, P. H. O., & Overbeek, G. J. (2017). Parenting in times of war: A mixed-methods systematic review. Paper presented at 18th European Conference on Developmental Psychology, ECDP 2017, Utrecht, Netherlands.
    • Leijten, P. H. O., Gardner, F., Kerr, W., Melendez-Torres, G. J., Hutchings, J., & Mikton, C. (2017). Harnessing scientific evidence to develop guidelines for policy makers and professionals about using parenting programs. Paper presented at 25th Annual Meeting of the Society for Prevention Research (SPR) 2017, Washington, United States.
    • Leijten, P. H. O., Gardner, F., Melendez-Torres, G. J., Knerr, W., & Overbeek, G. J. (2017). Using intervention research to understand why children comply. Paper presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research on Child Development. Paper presented at Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD) 2017, Austin, United States.


    • Leijten, P. H. O., Gardner, F., Melendez-Torres, G. J., Knerr, W., & Overbeek, G. J. (2016). Why children comply: a multilevel meta-analysis of parenting behaviors that shape child compliance. Paper presented at 7th EUSPR Conference and Members’ Meeting of the European Society for Prevention Research, Berlin, Germany.
    • Leijten, P. H. O., Melendez-Torres, G. J., Knerr, W., & Gardner, F. (2016). What are the effective elements of parenting interventions for reducing disruptive child behavior?. Poster session presented at 24th Annual Meeting of the Society for Prevention Research (SPR) 2016, San Francisco, United States.


    • Gardner, F., & Leijten, P. H. O. (2015). Who benefits from parenting interventions for reducing disruptive child behavior? Pooling data across 14 RCTs in Europe. Paper presented at 17th Biennial Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Research in Child and Adolescent Psychopathology (ISRCAP) 2015, Portland, United States.
    • Leijten, P. H. O., Melendez-Torres, G. J., & Gardner, F. (2015). Parenting interventions going global: multi-level meta-analysis on the effectiveness of transported and ‘home grown' parenting interventions to reduce disruptive child behavior. Poster session presented at SPR: 23d Annual Meeting f the Society for Prevention Research , Washington, United States.
    • Leijten, P. H. O., Thomaes, S., Overbeek, G. J., Raaijmakers, M., Orobio de Castro, B., & Matthys, W. (2015). What good is labeling what's good? Field experiments on the effectiveness of labeled and unlabeled praise to improve child behavior. Poster session presented at Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research on Child Development (SRCD) 2015 , Philadelphia, United States.

    Prize / grant

    • Leijten, P. (2018). ZonMw GGz Fellowship.
    • Leijten, P. (2015). Jacobs Foundation Marbach Residency Program.
    • Leijten, P. (2015). ZonMw (NWO) parel.
    • Leijten, P. (2015). Wolfson College, University of Oxford, Junior Research Fellowship.
    • Leijten, P. H. O. (2014). Society for Prevention Research / Early Career Preventionist Network Travel Award.
    • Leijten, P. (2013). Jacobs Foundation preconference workshop and travel grant.
    • Leijten, P. (2012). Fulbright Scholarship.
    • Leijten, P. (2012). Kind en Adolescent reisbeurs (declined).
    • Leijten, P. (2012). Occasional Lecturer Fund Award, Council for International Exchange of Scholars.


    • Creasey, N. L. (2023). Nurturing your child's DNA: Examining parental influences on DNA methylation and child mental health. [Thesis, fully internal, Universiteit van Amsterdam]. [details]


    • van Aar, J. V. (2019). Do parenting intervention effects last? Examining longer-term effects of parenting interventions on disruptive child behavior. [Thesis, fully internal, Universiteit van Amsterdam]. [details]


    • Leijten, P. H. O. (2014). Toward improved parenting interventions for disruptive child behavior: Reaching disadvantaged families and searching for effective elements.



    • Leijten, P. H. O., Gardner, F., Melendez-Torres, G. J., Knerr, W. & Overbeek, G. (16-12-2021). Data on parenting behaviors that shape child compliance, from Leijten, Gardner, Melendez-Torres, Knerr, & Overbeek (2018; Universiteit van Amsterdam.
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  • Ancillary activities
    • Kavli Trust Programme on Health Research
      Member of the Scientific Review Committee
    • ZonMw
      Commissielid Wat Werkt Voor De Jeugd
    • RINO Groep
      Docent specialistische opleiding tot klinisch psycholoog