As Coordinator Digital Skills I support the UvA Data Science Centre, which is part of the UvA Library, in our mission to enhance the university's research by developing, sharing and promoting data science methods and technologies across the university. In this capacity I curate a demand-driven programme of workshops and training sessions on topics relevant to the DSC community. For more information, visit the Data Science Centre website.
I contribute to our Library Digital Skills service aimed at researchers and research supporters. I function as the UvA Local Digital Competence Center (LDCC) contact / liaison and participate in the Digital Competence Center Implementation Network (DCC-IN). More information about DCC's can be found at the NWO website.
I focus my efforts on facilitating and creating tools, educational materials and training events for researchers and research supporters in data science, FAIR data and software, and Open Science. I collaborate on these goals in multiple groups and initiatives with other university (of applied sciences) representatives and organisations such as SURF, LCRDM, eScience Center, NWO and EOSC among others. I contribute to the GHOST collective and Research Software Training NL platform.