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K.R.W. (Kelly) Latijnhouwers MSc

Faculty of Science
Institute for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics

Visiting address
  • Science Park 904
Postal address
  • Postbus 94240
    1090 GE Amsterdam
  • Publications


    • Banaszak, A. T., Marhaver, K. L., Miller, M. W., Hartmann, A. C., Albright, R., Hagedorn, M., Harrison, P. L., Latijnhouwers, K. R. W., Mendoza Quiroz, S., Pizarro, V., & Chamberland, V. F. (2023). Applying coral breeding to reef restoration: best practices, knowledge gaps, and priority actions in a rapidly‐evolving field. Restoration ecology: The journal of the Society for Ecological Restoration, 31(7).
    • Gijsbers, J. C., Englebert, N., Prata, K. E., Pichon, M., Dinesen, Z., Brunner, R., Eyal, G., González-Zapata, F. L., Kahng, S. E., Latijnhouwers, K. R. W., Muir, P., Radice, V. Z., Sánchez, J. A., Vermeij, M. J. A., Hoegh-Guldberg, O., Jacobs, S. J., & Bongaerts, P. (2023). Global phylogenomic assessment of Leptoseris and Agaricia reveals substantial undescribed diversity at mesophotic depths. BMC Biology, 21, Article 147.



    • Vermeij, M. J. A., Latijnhouwers, K. R. W., Dilrosun, F., Chamberland, V. F., Dubé, C. E., Van Buurt, G., & Debrot, A. O. (2019). Historical changes (1905-present) in catch size and composition reflect altering fisheries practices on a small Caribbean island. PLoS ONE, 14(6), Article e0217589. [details]


    • Chamberland, V. F., Latijnhouwers, K. R. W., Huisman, J., Hartmann, A. C., & Vermeij, M. J. A. (2017). Costs and benefits of maternally inherited algal symbionts in coral larvae. Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences, 284(1857), Article 0852. [details]




    • Quinlan, Z. A., Bennett, M.-J., Arts, M. G. I., Levenstein, M., Flores, D., Tholen, H. M., Tichy, L., Juarez, G., Haas, A. F., Chamberland, V., Latijnhouwers, K., Vermeij, M. J. A., Johnson, A., Marhaver, K. L. & Kelly, L. (2023). Table S1. CCA significantly enriched exometabolites from Coral larval settlement induction using tissue-associated and exuded coralline algae metabolites and the identification of putative chemical cues. The Royal Society.


    • Vermeij, M., Latijnhouwers, K., Dilrosun, F., Chamberland, V., Dube, C., Van Buurt, G. & Debrot, D. (2019). Data used to assess historical changes (1905-present) in catch size and composition reflecting altering fisheries practices on a small Caribbean island. SEANOE.


    • Chamberland, V., Latijnhouwers, K., Huisman, J., Hartmann, A. C. & Vermeij, M. J. A. (2017). Data set from Costs and benefits of maternally inherited algal symbionts in coral larvae. The Royal Society.
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  • Ancillary activities
    No ancillary activities