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E. (Ebru) Kurt Özman

PhD Researcher
Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences
GPIO : Urban Planning
Photographer: Axel Lorz

Visiting address
  • Nieuwe Achtergracht 166
Postal address
  • Postbus 15629
    1001 NC Amsterdam
Contact details
  • Publications



    • Kurt Özman, E., Gümeç Karamuk, A., Aygün Oğur, A., Bayar, R., Güven Güney, B., Eymen Karabulut, A., Özdemir, Z., & Tepeli Türel, O. (2023). Situating Feminist Urbanism within Planning Education in Turkey: A Pre-Manifesto. Reflektif , 4(1), 11-29.
    • Kurt Özman, E., Taşan-Kok, T., & Erkut, G. (2023). How to unravel pathbreaking trajectories in the left-behind areas of Istanbul? Regional Science Policy and Practice, 15(7), 1532-1552. Advance online publication. [details]


    • Kurt Özman, E., Özdemir, Z., & Aygün Oğur, A. (2022). What to Learn from Vulnerable Regions for Healthy Cities: Extracting Embedded Components of Covid-19 Practices. In A. Perić, A. A. Alraouf, & J. Cilliers (Eds.), Towards Healthy Cities: Urban Governance, Planning and Design for Human Well-being (pp. 14-31). (Review of World Planning Practice; Vol. 18). ISoCaRP.


    • Aygün Oğur, A. (Author), Kurt Özman, E. (Author), & Özdemir, Z. (Author). (2021). Harnessing Covid-19 Experiences in Pandemic Regions for a Tentative Framework of Urban Resilience. Web publication or website, Regional Studies Association.
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  • Ancillary activities
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