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Drs. L.E. (Lois) Kemp

Faculty of Humanities
Capaciteitsgroep Taalwetenschap

Visiting address
  • Spuistraat 134
Postal address
Contact details
  • Research


    June 2019 Talk ‘Diagnostics for determining the meaning of English evidential -ly adverbs’ at 16th International Conference of Pragmatics, Hong Kong. Workshop: Evidentials and Non-Evidentials: in search of identification criteria of markers of evidentiality.

    Dec 2018 Article: 'English Evidential -ly Adverbs in Main Clauses: A Functional Approach'. In: Special issue on Systems of tens, aspect, modality, evidentiality and polarity in Functional Discourse Grammar. Eds Kees Hengeveld & Hella Olbertz.  Open Linguistics 2018; 4: 743-761

    Sept 2018 Talk: ‘Evidential -ly adverbs in British newspapers: limitations on use in verbal complement clauses’ at ICEM 18 International Conference on Evidentiality and Modality at Universitas Complutensis, Madrid.

    July 2018 Talk: ‘English evidential -ly adverbs in verbal complement clauses.’ at FDG 2018, the Fifth International Conference on Functional Discourse Grammar in Salvador, Brazil.

    Nov 2017  Talk: 'A functional approach to English evidential adverbs ending in –ly: results' at The NAP dag, ACLC, University of Amsterdam.

    Sept 2017  Talk: 'A functional approach to English evidential adverbs ending in -ly' at The Workshop: Rethinking Evidentiality, at the 50th Annual Meeting of the  Societas Linguistica  Europaea, University of  Zurich.      

    Nov 2016 to present: PhD:  A hierarchical approach to evidential adverbs in -ly in English. Supervisors: Prof. Dr Kees Hengeveld, Prof. Dr Olga Fischer, co-supervisor: Dr Hella Olbertz.

    Sept 2016 Poster: 'An FDG analysis of the English evidential adverb apparently in present-day news' at The 4th International conference on Functional Discourse Grammar, University of Vienna.

  • Teaching


    English Linguistics I: Phonetics and Phonology; Emprical  Research Project on Phonemic Awareness.

    English Linguistics II:  Syntax and Discourse (Information Structure).

    Strategic Reading and Writing for European Studies MA (including Discourse: Framing, and Othering).

    Previous teaching

    Discourse and Pragmatics; Sociolinguistics; Text analysis and Text World Theory.

  • Publications





    Journal editor


    • Kemp, L. (participant) (9-6-2019 - 14-6-2019). 16th International Conference of Pragmatics, Hong Kong., Hong Kong.  Diagnostics for determining the meaning of English evidential -ly adverbs. (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Kemp, L. (participant) (19-9-2018 - 21-9-2018). International Conference on Evidentiality and Modality. 2018., Madrid. ‘Evidential -ly adverbs in British newspapers: limitations on use in verbal complement clauses’ (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Kemp, L. (participant) (26-7-2018 - 28-7-2018). The Fifth International Conference on Functional Discourse Grammar in Salvador, Brazil., Salvador. July 2018 Talk: ‘English evidential -ly adverbs in verbal complement clauses.’ at FDG 2018, the Fifth International Conference on Functional (…) (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Kemp, L. (participant) (17-11-2017). NAP-dag 2017, Amsterdam. A functional approach to English evidential adverbs ending in -ly. (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Kemp, L. (participant) (10-9-2017 - 13-9-2017). 50th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea. ., Zurich. 'A functional approach to English evidential adverbs ending in -ly' (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Kemp, L. (participant) (26-6-2017 - 27-6-2017). Expressions of tense, aspect, mood, evidentiality and polarity, Amsterdam. Paper on Evidential -ly adverbs in UK news discussed in the workshop. (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Kemp, L. (participant) (31-8-2016 - 3-9-2016). The 4th International conference on Functional Discourse Grammar ., Vienna. Poster: 'An FDG analysis of the English evidential adverb apparently in present-day news'. (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).


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  • Ancillary activities
    No ancillary activities