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Dr. L.F. (Lisa) Kattenberg

Faculty of Humanities
Photographer: -

Visiting address
  • Kloveniersburgwal 48
  • Room number: E 1.15
Postal address
  • Postbus 1610
    1000 BP Amsterdam
  • Research interests

    I am a historian of early modern political culture and ideas, with a special interest in the Spanish empire, the Low Countries and the Iberian world. My first book, The Power of Necessity: Reason of State in the Spanish Monarchy, ca 1590-1650 (Cambridge University Press 2023, series 'Ideas in Context'), explores how individuals negotiated the tension between political pragmatism and moral-religious principles in an empire under pressure, both in theory and in practice. In my current research I focus on (intellectual) conflict and exchange within the early modern Iberian world and the (colonial) Low Countries, European-indigenous encounters and alliance, and archival politics and silences. I am particularly interested in the connections between the Dutch Revolt and the Chilean Arauco War, and I study conflict and interactions between the Spanish, Dutch and Mapuche. 

    I am programme director of the History Research MA and co-convenor of the Amsterdam-Utrecht Global Intellectual History Seminar



  • Publications


    • Kattenberg, L. (2024). Bataves de l’Ancien Monde et du Nouveau : usages de l’histoire en Espagne dans les débats sur la guerre et la paix dans les Pays-Bas et au Chili colonial. e-Spania. Revue interdisciplinaire d’études hispaniques médiévales et modernes , 47. [details]




    • Kattenberg, L. (2021). Braving the Batavians: Classical Models and Countering Rebellion in the Spanish Empire. In J. Oddens, M. Rutjes, & A. Weststeijn (Eds.), Discourses of Decline: Essays on Republicanism in Honor of Wyger R.E. Velema (pp. 153-167). (Studies in the History of Political Thought; Vol. 17). Brill. [details]


    • Kattenberg, L. F. (2020). The Free Slave: Morality, Neostoicism, and Publishing Strategy in Emanuel d’Aranda’s Algiers and It’s Slavery (1640–82). In M. Klarer (Ed.), Mediterranean Slavery and World Literature: Captivity Genres from Cervantes to Rousseau (pp. 153-174). (Routledge Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Literature). Routledge. [details]




    • Kattenberg, L. F. (2009). Het goede dieet voor de Nederlanden. Fadrique Furió Ceriol en het Spaanse denken over de Nederlandse Opstand 1566-1573. Skript: historisch tijdschrift, 31(4), 206-219.

    Prize / grant

    Membership / relevant position

    • Lok, M., Ferente, S. & Kattenberg, L. (2024). Convener ASH research group 'Global Political Thought', .


    • Lok, M. (organiser), van Dijk, B. (organiser), Kattenberg, L. (organiser), Creyghton, C. (organiser), de Dijn, A. (organiser) & Koekkoek, R. (organiser) (3-7-2019 - 5-7-2019). Huizinga Summerschool 2019: Global Intellectual History: micro versus macro?, Utrecht . organisation Huizinga Summerschool (organising a conference, workshop, ...).


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  • Ancillary activities
    No ancillary activities