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Dr. J. (Johanneke) Kroesbergen-Kamps

Faculty of Humanities
Religion Studies

Visiting address
  • Kloveniersburgwal 48
  • Room number: D1.06
Postal address
  • Postbus 1622
    1000 BP Amsterdam
Contact details
  • Publications


    • Kroesbergen-Kamps, J. (2023). Speaking of Satan in Zambia: Making cultural and personal sense of narratives about Satanism. OpenJournals Publishing AOSIS (Pty) Ltd.
    • Kroesbergen-Kamps, J. (2023). Conspiracy Theories in Africa: A Continuum of Narratives about Evil Agents. In M. Pasi, F. Piraino, & E. Asprem (Eds.), Religious Dimensions of Conspiracy Theories: Comparing and Connecting Old and New Trends (pp. 187-201). Routledge.
    • Kroesbergen-Kamps, J. (2023). “God is in Control”: Religious Coping in Sermons About the COVID-19 Pandemic in the Reformed Church in Zambia. Journal of Religion and Health. Advance online publication.



    • Kroesbergen-Kamps, J. (2020). RELIGION, SATANIC ACCUSATIONS, AND POLITICS. In C. Kaunda, & M. Hinfelaar (Eds.), Competing for Caesar: Religion and Politics in Post-colonial Zambia (pp. 173-192). Fortress Press.
    • Kroesbergen-Kamps, J. (2020). Witchcraft after modernity: Old and new directions in the study of witchcraft in africa. HAU: Journal of Ethnographic Theory, 10(3), 860-873.


    • Kroesbergen-Kamps, J. (2019). Witchcraft, Revelation and Education in the Pursuit of Development. In J. Amanze, M. Masango, E. Chitando, & L. Siwila (Eds.), Religion and Development in Southern and Central Africa: Vol 1 (pp. 165-178)


    • Kroesbergen-Kamps, J. (2018). Dreaming of Snakes in Contemporary Zambia: Small Gods and the Secular. In M. Ostling (Ed.), Fairies, Demons, and Nature Spirits : 'Small Gods' at the Margins of Christendom (pp. 233–251)
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  • Ancillary activities
    • Rev
    • Gedienstig