Dr. Anne de Jong is an associate professor political anthropology at the University of Amsterdam. Her research focuses on the fascinating interplay between power and resistance within armed conflict. Prioritizing everyday and subaltern experiences, de Jong poses that power is always relational, contested, normative and ever changing and that, therefore, resistance is not a separate phenomenon but an integral part of all power relations.
De Jong’s commencing research focused particularly on the relation between civil nonviolent resistance and formations of violence and repression in Israel and Palestine. How does violent occupation shape nonviolent resistance? How do Palestinian and Israeli nonviolent activists work together despite vastly unequal power relations?
Always anchored in extensive ethnographic fieldwork, her research field expands to include racial segregation (South Africa, Bahrain) and the interplay between violent insurgency and nonviolent civil action (Nepal). De Jong finds her theoretical home in critical human right studies and the growing field of resistance studies.
Born from doing "fieldwork under fire” and teaching contentious topics for over a decade in London, Cape Town and Amsterdam, De Jong sees teaching as a valuable part of impact and committed herself to active engagement in the public debate. As such, she considers her publications on the ethics of teaching in higher education as a core part of her body of work.
2023 de Jong, A. Teaching the Enlightened Student: Political Polarization and the Ongoing
Quest for Critical Thinking. In: Pacer, M. & Voelkel, J. (eds.) Knowledge Production in Higher
Education: Between Europe and the Middle East EUMENIA Jean Monnnetwork Manchester: Manchester
University Press.
2021 de Jong, A. Noem de situatie in Israël geen conflict of oplaaiend geweld. Het Parool. 21 mei 2021
2020 Violence in Nonviolent Action: Power Relations in Joint Activism in Israel and Palestine. Journal of Resistance Studies Vol. 6, Nr 2.
2020 de Jong, A. & Mung’ala, L. W. Health and Freedom: The Tense Interdependency of HIV/AIDS Interventions and LGBTIQ Activism in Kenya. Kohl: Journal for Body and Gender Research Vol. 6
Nr. 1: 133-151
2019 Gaza, Black Face and Islamophobia: Intersectionality of race and gender in (counter-) discourse in the Netherlands. In: Karen Farquharson, Kathryn Pillay and Philomena Essed (eds.) Relating Worlds of Racism: Dehumanization, Belonging and the Normativity of Whiteness. New York: Palgrave Macmillan US
2019 de Jong, A. Nederland heeft Bahreins bloed aan de handen. NRC Handelsblad (06-03-2019) en NRC Next (11-03-2019) Amsterdam, the Netherlands
2018 Zionist hegemony, the settler colonial conquest of Palestine and the problem with conflict: a critical genealogy of the notion of binary conflict.. Journal for Settler Colonial Studies Vol 7. Nr. 1: 364-383
2018 de Jong, A. De Palestijnse Gandhi wordt vermoord: Geweldloos verzet is geem ‘schermutseling’ One World Magazine (april 2018) Den Haag: NCDO, de Nationale Commissie voor Internationale Samenwerking en Duurzame Ontwikkeling
2016 Book review Wrapped in the Flag of Israel: Mizrahi Single Mothers and Bureaucratic Torture. In: American Anthropologist. Vol 188 Nr. 4.
2015 Activism, human rights and Academic neutrality: The Gaza Freedom Flotilla. In: Gillan, K. & Pickerill, J. (eds.) Research Ethics and Social Movements: Scholarship, Activism & Knowledge Production. London: Routledge
2014 Women’s resistance, femicide, and ‘Dead without Dying’ in Palestine: An interview with Dr. Nadera Shalhoub-Kevorkian. In: Tijdschrift voor Genderstudies , Vol. 17 nr. 4: 245-35
2014 ‘Peace versus Justice: A critical analysis of Palestinian and Israeli nonviolent activism and resistance’. In: Journal of Palestine Studies – forthcoming
2013 'The Black Pool of Israeli Water Politics' In: Power Dynamics and natural Resources. Amsterdam: The Broker.
2013 review Militarism and International Relations: Political economy, security, theory Stravriannakis & Selby (eds. 2013) London: Routledge In: E-International Relation: e-International Relations
2012 review Militarism and Israeli Society. Sheffer, G. & Barak, O. (eds. 2011) Bloomington: Indiana University Press In: Journal of Modern Jewish Studies Vol. 12, Issue 3
2011 Geen Vijanden: 1000 dagen in Israël en de Palestijnse Gebieden. Amsterdam: Maarten Muntinga Uitgeverij
2011 'The Gaza Freedom Flotilla: Human Rights, Activism and Academic Neutrality'. In: Social Movement Studies: Journal of Social, Cultural and Political Protest Volume 11, Issue 2: 193-209
2011 Israël Palestine : Les combattants de la paix. Paris: Noviny44
2023 de Jong, A. Teaching the Enlightened Student: Political Polarization and the Ongoing Quest for Critical Thinking. In: Pacer, M. & Voelkel, J. (eds.) Knowledge Production in Higher Education: Between Europe and the Middle East EUMENIA Jean Monnnetwork: Manchester: Manchester University Press.
2021 de Jong, A. Dit is geen conflict, dit is kolonisatie. Het Parool (21-05-2021) Amsterdam, the Netherlands
2020 de Jong, A. Violence in Nonviolent Action: Power Relations in Joint Activism in Israel and Palestine. Journal of Resistance Studies Vol. 6, Nr 2.
2020 de Jong, A. & Mung’ala, L. W. Health and Freedom: The Tense Interdependency of HIV/AIDS Interventions and LGBTIQ Activism in Kenya. Kohl: Journal for Body and Gender Research Vol. 6Nr. 1: 133-151
2019 de Jong, A. Gaza, Black Face and Islamophobia: Intersectionality of race and gender in (counter-) discourse in the Netherlands. In: Karen Farquharson, Kathryn Pillay and Philomena Essed (eds.) Relating Worlds of Racism: Dehumanization, Belonging and the Normativity of Whiteness. New York: Palgrave Macmillan US
2019 de Jong, A. Nederland heeft Bahreins bloed aan de handen. NRC Handelsblad (06-03-2019) en NRC Next (11-03-2019) Amsterdam, the Netherlands
2019 Brunschot, H. & de Jong, A. Racen in politiek onrustig Bahrein: FIA heeft mensenrechtenprotocol in statuten staan. F1 maximaal (29-03-2019)
2018 de Jong, A. Zionist hegemony, the settler colonial conquest of Palestine and the problem with conflict: a critical genealogy of the notion of binary conflict. In: Journal of Settler Colonial Studies, Vol 7. Nr. 1: 364-383
2018 de Jong, A. De Palestijnse Gandhi wordt vermoord: Geweldloos verzet is geen ‘schermutseling’ One World Magazine (april 2018) Den Haag: NCDO, de National Commissie voor Internationale Samenwerking en Duurzame Ontwikkeling
2018 de Jong, A. Israëlische apartheidsbussen in Rotterdam One World Magazine (januari 2018) Den Haag : NCDO, de Nationale Commissie voor Internationale Samenwerking en Duurzame Ontwikkeling
2018 de Jong, A. Wie is er bang voor Ahed Tamimi? One World Magazine (januari 2018) Den Haag: NCDO, de Nationale Commissie voor Internationale Samenwerking en Duurzame Ontwikkeling
2017 de Jong, A. Zionist hegemony, the settler colonial conquest of Palestine and the problem with conflict: a critical genealogy of the notion of binary conflict. Journal for Settler Colonial Studies Vol 7 Nr. 2.
2017 de Jong, A. Zal Trump vrede brengen? One World Magazine (Mei 2017) Den Haag: NCDO, de Nationale Commissie voor Internationale Samenwerking en Duurzame Ontwikkeling
2017 de Jong, A. Zwarte Piet, Palestina en de strijd om het dagelijks leven. In: ICA Leiden: Instituut CA Universiteit Leiden
2017 de Jong, A. Seksisme, homofobie en die moslims One World Magazine (maart 2017) Den Haag: NCDO, de Nationale Commissie voor Internationale Samenwerking en Duurzame Ontwikkeling
2016 de Jong, A. Book review Wrapped in the Flag of Israel: Mizrahi Single Mothers and Bureaucratic Torture. In: American Anthropologist. Vol 188 Nr. 6
2016 de Jong, A. De tweedeling van Aleppo loopt parallel met de berichtgeving erover. One World Magazine (December 2016) Den Haag : NCDO, de Nationale Commissie voor Internationale Samenwerking en Duurzame Ontwikkeling
2015 de Jong, A. Activism, human rights and Academic neutrality: The Gaza Freedom Flotilla. In: Gillan, K. & Pickerill, J. (eds.) Research Ethics and Social Movements: Scholarship, Activism & Knowledge Production. London: Routledge S
2014 de Jong, A.Women’s resistance, femicide, and ‘Dead without Dying’ in Palestine: An interview with Dr. Nadera Shalhoub-Kevorkian. In: Tijdschrift voor Genderstudies , Vol. 17 nr. 4: 245-35
2014 de Jong, A. Peace versus Justice: A critical analysis of Palestinian and Israeli nonviolent activism and resistance’. In: Journal of Palestine Studies – forthcoming
2013 de Jong, A. The Black Pool of Israeli Water Politics' In: Power Dynamics and Natural Resources Amsterdam: The Broker
2013 de Jong, A. review Militarism and International Relations: Political economy, security, theory Stravriannakis & Selby (eds. 2013) London: Routledge In:E-International Relation: e-International Relations
2013 de Jong, A. review Militarism and Israeli Society. Sheffer, G. & Barak, O. (eds. 2011) Bloomington: Indiana University Press In: Journal of Modern Jewish Studies Vol. 12, Issue 3
2012 de Jong, A. The Gaza Freedom Flotilla: Human Rights, Activism and Academic Neutrality. In: Social Movement Studies: Journal of Social, Cultural and Political Protest Volume 11, Issue 2: 193-209
2011 de Jong, A. Geen Vijanden: 1000 dagen in Israël en de Palestijnse Gebieden. Amsterdam: Maarten Muntinga Uitgeverij
2011 de Jong, A. Israël Palestine : Les combattants de la paix. Paris: Noviny44
2011 de Jong, A. Book review Militarism and Israeli Society. Sheffer, G. & Barak, O. (Eds.) Bloomington: Indiana University Press'. In: Journal of Modern Jewish Studies Volume 11, Issue 3: 16-17
2010 de Jong, A. The Grey Zone:academia, activism andtheFreedom Flotilla' In: The Middle East in London Volume 7: 4-9
2010 de Jong, A. Peace or Justice: Can Peace Talks Resume? In: LSE International Affairs, Diplomacy and Strategy (IDEAS), 11-02-2010. Also available at: http://www2.lse.ac.uk
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