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Dr. mr. H.L. (Heleen) Janssen

Faculty of Law
Information Law

Visiting address
  • Nieuwe Achtergracht 166
Postal address
  • Postbus 15514
    1001 NA Amsterdam
Contact details
  • Publications


    • Carrière, T. C., Boeschoten, L., Struminskaya, B., Janssen, H. L., de Schipper, N. C., & Araujo, T. B. (2024). Best practices for studies using digital data donation. Quality and Quantity, 1-24.
    • Hase, V., Ausloos, J., Boeschoten, L., Pfiffner, N., Janssen, H., Araujo, T., Carrière, T., de Vreese, C., Haßler, J., Loecherbach, F., Kmetty, Z., Möller, J., Ohme, J., Schmidbauer, E., Struminskaya, B., Trilling, D., Welbers, K., & Haim, M. (2024). Fulfilling data access obligations: How could (and should) platforms facilitate data donation studies? Internet Policy Review, 13(3). [details]






    • Norval, C., Janssen, H., Cobbe, J., & Singh, J. (2018). Reclaiming, Data: Overcoming App Identification Barriers for Exercising Data Protection Rights. In Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Legal and Technical Issues in Cloud and Pervasive Computing (IoT) : UbiComp/ISWC’18 (pp. 921-930). The ACM Digital Library.


    • Gerards, J., & Janssen, H. L. (2006). Regulation of genetic and other health information in a comparative perspective. European Journal of Health Law, 13(4), 339-398.
    • Janssen, H. L. (2006). Protocol 14 bij het EVRM: Met maatregelen in Straatsburg zijn we er nog niet: de toekomst van het Hof ligt in handen van de verdragspartijen bij het EVRM. In T. Barkhuijsen, M. Kuijer, & R. Lawson (Eds.), Nederlands Tijdschrift voor de Mensenrechten | NJCM: 55 jaar Europees Verdrag voor de Rechten van de Mens (Vol. 1, pp. 123-133). Stichting NJCM-Boekerij.


    • Janssen, H. L. (2005). Genetic Information in European States. In J. Gerards, A. W. Heringa, & H. Janssen (Eds.), Genetic discrimination and genetic privacy in comparative perspective (Vol. 51, pp. 47-102). Intersentia Rechtswetenschappen.




    • Janssen, H. L. (2004). Rechtsontwikkelingen in Europese landen. In J. Gevers, & A. Hendriks (Eds.), Bescherming tegen genetische discriminatie: een juridische analyse (Vol. 40, pp. 44-64). Stichting NJCM-Boekerij.



    • Janssen, H., Cobbe, J., Norval, C., & Singh, J. (2019). Personal Data Stores and the GDPR's lawful grounds for processing personal data. Paper presented at Data for Policy 2019: Digital Trust and Personal Data, London, United Kingdom.

    Prize / grant

    • Janssen, H. (2023). EU-Horizon Project Mobifree.
    • Snoek, C., Mettes, P., Janssen, H., Blanke, T., Groen, I. & Rudinac, S. (2023). Artificial Intelligence for video from a multidisciplinary perspective.
    • Janssen, H. & van Binsbergen, T. (2023). Responsible Digital Transformation Midsize Grant - title: B2G Data sharing through a data intermediary.
    • Janssen, H. (2022). Netherlands Institute for the Advanced Studies in the Humanities and Social Science (NIAS).
    • Janssen, H. (1995). Grant - Deutsche Akademische Austauschdienst (DAAD).

    Membership / relevant position

    Talk / presentation

    • van Eechoud, M. (invited speaker), Janssen, H. (invited speaker) & Leerssen, P. (invited speaker) (5-12-2023). “EU Data governance regulation and academic access to non-public data”, Digital Legal Lab’s winter school “Data, personalization, and the law 2023.
    • Janssen, H. (keynote speaker) (2-10-2023). The legal context of applying to IoT capturing personal data in public spaces - "The case of smart doorbells", Amsterdam Institute for Advanced Metropolitan Solutions.
    • Janssen, H. (speaker) (13-4-2023). Data Commons For Public Good, Amsterdam Economic Board (AMEC).
    • Janssen, H. (keynote speaker) & Verboeket, L. (invited speaker) (11-4-2023). Gemeentelijke grip op private sensorgegevens: Onderzoek voor de gemeente Amsterdam, Ministry of Economic Affairs.
    • Janssen, H. (speaker) (28-3-2023). Expert workshop "Understanding data intermediaries for more inclusive data governance", Joint Research Committee European Commission.
    • Janssen, H. (speaker) (23-3-2023). Pitfalls & opportunities of the "Data Intermediary" in Business-to-government data sharing, Gemeente Amsterdam.
    • Janssen, H. (speaker) (23-6-2022). Netherlands Network of Human Rights Researchers, Netherlands Network of Human Rights Researchers, Leiden.
    • Bodo, B. (speaker), Janssen, H. (speaker), Tarkowski, A. (speaker), Hoet, L. (speaker) & Boeselager, D. (speaker) (25-5-2022). Is a European Data Strategy Without Trade-offs Between Economic Efficiency and Fundamental Rights Protection Possible?, CPDP-conference.…
    • Janssen, H. (invited speaker) (12-10-2021). Senate expert session about AI: proportionality examination - better legal regulation of AI-systems, Dutch Senate.
    • Bodó, B. (speaker) & Janssen, H. (speaker) (6-10-2021). Trust, Blockchain-based Technologies, the Public Sector, and the Social Good, Society for Social Studies of Science (4S) annual meeting, Toronto.
    • Janssen, H. (invited speaker) (13-7-2021). Seminar "Handbook non-discrimination-by-design to public sector use. of algorithms-driven systems, University of Tilburg - TILT seminar handreiking Non-discriminatie-by-design, Tilburg.
    • Janssen, H. (invited speaker) (9-6-2021). A first impression of regulatory powers in the Digital Services Act, Faculty of Law, University of Utrecht.
    • Janssen, H. (invited speaker) (20-4-2021). Human Rights Impact Assessment for AI systems; Roundtable Amnesty International, Expert session organised by Amnesty International about "human rights impact assessment", Amsterdam.
    • Giannopoulou, A. (speaker), Irion, K. (speaker), Bodó, B. (speaker) & Janssen, H. (speaker) (29-1-2021). Governing “European values” inside data flows, Governing European values inside data flows, Amsterdam.
    • Janssen, H. (invited speaker) (26-1-2021). Digital rights for change: Reclaiming infrastructures, repairing the future., Privacy Camp .
    • Janssen, H. (speaker) (3-9-2020). Digital Identity in Technology, Humanities and Economy, The Digital Person Symposium, Cambridge.


    • Janssen, H. (participant) (4-9-2023). Implications of the upcoming EU-leglsiation on local data sharing, Brussels (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Janssen, H. (participant) (4-7-2023). Closing Conference of the Blockchain and Society Lab, Amsterdam. I participated in the panel "NFTs, copyright, commons" where I discussed the role of data intermediaries in B2G data sharing. (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Janssen, H. (examiner) (1-7-2023 - 31-1-2024). Member of promotion commission, eLaw, Faculty of Law, University of Leiden (examination).
    • Janssen, H. (organiser) (9-5-2023). Workshop on Digital Urban Citizenship at NIAS/KNAW. I organised a workshop at the Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study (NIAS/KNAW) to present the intermediate results of research carried out during (…) (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Janssen, H. (visiting researcher) (1-9-2022 - 30-6-2023). Netherlands Institute for the Advanced Studies in the Humanities and Social Science (NIAS) (visiting an external institution).
    • Janssen, H. (other), Cobbe, J. (participant) & Hess, E. (participant) (17-2-2022). Podcast on Building the Human Network Into the Law (other).…
    • Ferrari, V. (visiting lecturer), Giannopoulou, A. (visiting lecturer), Quintais, J. (visiting lecturer), Bodó, B. (visiting lecturer) & Janssen, H. (visiting lecturer) (14-4-2021 - 16-4-2021). Universidade Catolica Portuguesa (visiting an external institution).
    • Janssen, H. (chair) (16-12-2020 - 31-12-2022). Data Governance Reading Group, Amsterdam. Data Governance Reading Group (organising a conference, workshop, ...).



    • Bodó, B., & Janssen, H. (2021). Here Be Dragons – Maintaining Trust in the Technologized Public Sector. (Amsterdam Law School Legal Studies Research Paper; No. 2021-23), (Institute for Information Law Research Paper; No. 2021-02). IViR, University of Amsterdam. [details]
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  • Ancillary activities
    • University of Cambridge
      Associated researcher
    • Commissie Persoonsgegevens Amsterdam
      Voorzitter Commissie Persoonsgegevens Amsterdam (CPA)