Hoogleraar 0.2 (Professor 2), Rechtenfaculteit, Universiteit van Bergen, Noorwegen (B)
Lid Commissie Auteursrecht, Ministerie van Justitie
General Editor Information Law Series, Kluwer Law International
Docent, Munich Intellectual Property Law Center (B)
Plaatsvervangend raadsheer, Gerechtshof Arnhem (B)
Vice-voorzitter Vaste Commissie Plagiaat, Buma-Stemra (B)
Lid Programme Advisory Council, CREATe, the RCUK Centre for Copyright and New Business Models in the Creative Economy
Lid Advisory Committee, Centre for Intellectual Property and Information Law, Cambridge University
Lid IP Advisory Committee, Bucerius Law School, Hamburg
General Editor Information Law Series (Kluwer Law International)
Lid Board of Editors, Journal of World Intellectual Property
Annotator (auteursrecht), Nederlandse Jurisprudentie
Lid Adviesraad, Bits of Freedom
Lid Adviesraad, Dutch Directors Guild
Lid Advisory Board, Electronic Frontier Foundation
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