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Drs. H.J. (Driek) Heesakkers

Project Manager
Library of the UvA
Projecten en Innovatie
Photographer: Monique Kooijmans

Visiting address
  • Singel 425
Postal address
  • Postbus 19185
    1000 GD Amsterdam
  • Profile


    Hi, my name is Driek Heesakkers.  I work as project manager at the university library of the Universiteit van Amsterdam.  After graduating in economic and social history, I worked various ICT jobs, before joining the Digital Production Centre as a developer, then moved on to project management. 


    Projects I've managed include:

    • Acquiring and implementing Alma Library system
    • Acquiring and implementing LibSafe an OAIS-compliant Digital Depot for both digital-born and digitized collections
    • Introducing RFID-based circulation, including self-service for items from closed stacks
    • Guidelines for Research Data Management


  • Ancillary activities
    No ancillary activities