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E.S. (Emma) van der Goot

PhD candidate
Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences
CW : Political Communication & Journalism

Visiting address
  • Nieuwe Achtergracht 166
Postal address
Contact details
  • Profile

    Emma van der Goot is a PhD candidate in the programme group Political communication and Journalism at the University of Amsterdam (ASCoR). She is also affiliated with the strategic communication group at Wageningen University and Research. Her research interests lie in conflict framing and negative campaigning. In particular, she is interested in how politicians adopt conflict framing in their online communication, whether different kinds of conflict have a differential effect on political engagement and cynicism, and how they impact democracy.

  • Research

    The impact of online battles: Use and implications of political conflict frames in a digital media environment

    Politicians increasingly use online and social media to communicate with voters. In doing so, they frequently use conflict framing (i.e. criticizing other politicians, ideas, or institutions). Conflicts can take a variety of forms and have different effects. We know that conflict framing can mobilize and inform voters, but it can also lead to cynicism and disengagement. What is unclear, however, is whether and how the nature of the conflict frame moderates these effects.


  • Publications


    • Hameleers, M., & van der Goot, E. S. (2024). Look at what the real facts and experts say! The use of expert references and objectivity claims in disinformation: A qualitative exploration and typology. Journalism. Advance online publication.
    • van der Goot, E. S., Kruikemeier, S., de Ridder, J., & Vliegenthart, R. (2024). Online and offline battles: Usage of different political conflict frames. The International Journal of Press/Politics, 29(1), 26-46.
    • van der Goot, E. S., Soontjens, K., Beckers, K. A. E., Buyens, W., & Van Aelst, P. (2024). Pointing Fingers in the Disinformation Era: How Journalists and Politicians Perceive Each Other’s Role in Spreading Disinformation and Its Impact on their Relationship. Journalism Studies. Advance online publication.





    • Soontjens, K., Beckers, K. A. E., Walgrave, S., van der Goot, E. S., & van der Meer, G. L. A. (2023). “Not all parties are treated equally”. Journalist perceptions of partisan news bias.. Paper presented at International Communication Association, Toronto, Canada.
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