Sjaak van der Geest is Emeritus Professor of Medical Anthropology at the University of Amsterdam. He has done fieldwork in Ghana and Cameroon. He founded the journal Medische Antropologie and was its editor-in-chief from 1989 to 2012. From 2014 onward the journal is digital and open access under a new name: Medicine Anthropology Health (MAT):
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The project focuses on the social position and (self) perception of elderly people in a rural community in Ghana. Special attention is devoted to changes in the lives of older people, care activities, respect, dependence, reciprocity, 'successful ageing', sexuality, wisdom, witchcraft, death and funeral.
This project explores the cross cultural variation in patterns of disease, demographic factors, and cultural norms that influence the experience of death, dying and grief, particularly with regard to the cultural construction of different forms of dying.
Contrary to the opinion that hospitals are nearly identical clones of a global biomedical model, anthropologists are beginning to describe and interpret the variety of hospital cultures in different countries and social settings. Medical views and technical facilities may vary considerably leading to different diagnostic and therapeutic traditions. Hospital wards provide miniature representations of dominant social and cultural phenomena of a given society.
The objective of this research programme is to investigate in depth some of the key issues that inhibit people in Ghana from taking up services of Voluntary Counselling and Testing (VCT) and Antiretroviral Therapy (ART), both from the supply side and from the demand side.
This list covers publications from 1972 to the present day.
The other list (next tab) covers publications from 2000 onward.
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1975 Marriage, inheritance and witchcraft: A case study of a rural Ghanaian family . Leiden: African Studies Centre (430 pp).
1976 Sexual relationships and birthcontrol inGhana: A case study of a rural town . Amsterdam:Antropologisch-Sociologisch Centrum (350 pp).
1978 Achter de coulissen: Antropologisch veldwerk in Ghana . Assen: van Gorcum (102 pp).
1979 (editor with K.W. van der Veen) In search of health : Essays in medical anthropology . Amsterdam: Antropologisch-Sociologisch Centrum (170 pp).
1979 (editor with J. van Bremen and J. Verrips) Romantropologie: Essays over antropologie en literatuur . Amsterdam: Antropologisch-Sociologisch Centrum(147 pp).
1981 La pathologie de services médicaux: La distribution de médicaments au Sud-Cameroun. Problèmes et suggestions . Amsterdam: Antropologisch-Sociologisch Centrum (208 pp).
1983 (editor with R. Devisch, W.F. Buschkens & K.W. van der Veen) Medische Antropologie, special issue Antropologische Verkenningen 2 (3) (257 pp).
1984 (editor with J. Verrips & J. van Bremen) Romantropologie II: Essays over antropologie en literatuur. Amsterdam: Antropologisch-Sociologisch Centrum (141 pp).
1986 (guest-editor) Verhaal en werkelijkheid . Special issue Sociologisch Tijdschrift 13 (3): 387-574.
1987 (editor) Pharmaceuticals in the Third World: The local perspective . Special half-issue Social Science & Medicine 25 (3): 273-328.
1988 (editor with S.R. Whyte) The context of medicines in developing countries: Studies in pharmaceutical anthropology . Dordrecht: Kluwer.
1989 (editor with G. Nijhof) Ziekte, gezondheidszorg en cultuur: Verkenningen in de medische antropologie en sociologie . Amsterdam: Het Spinhuis.
1991 (with A. Hardon, H. Geerling & A. le Grand) The provision and use of drugs in developing countries. A review of studies and annotated bibliography . Amsterdam: Het Spinhuis.
1994 (editor with P. ten Have, G.Nijhof & P. Verbeek-Heida) De macht der dingen: Medische technologie in cultureel perspectief . Amsterdam: Het Spinhuis.
1994 (withA. Hardon et al.) Applied health research manual: Anthropology of health and health care . Amsterdam: Het Spinhuis.
1995 "Hoe gaat 't?" Vijf opmerkingen over medische antropologie en etnocentrisme . Inaugurale rede. Amsterdam: Het Spinhuis.
1995 (red) Ambivalentie / ambiguïteit. Antropologische notities. Amsterdam: Het Spinhuis.
1998 (editor with A. Rienks) The art of medical anthropology: Readings . Amsterdam: Het Spinhuis.
1999 (with J. Kamwanga & M. Macwan'gi) Health reforms and the quality of health care in Zambia . Amsterdam: Het Spinhuis.
2001 (editor with N. Obirih-Opareh) Toilets and sanitation in Ghana: An urgent matter . Accra: Institute of Scientific and Technological Information (INSTI), CSIR.
2001 (with A. Hardon et al.) Applied health research manual: Anthropology of health and health care . Amsterdam: Aksant, 2nd revised edition.
2002 Oud in Ghana . Groningen: Volkenkundig Museum Gerardus van der Leeuw.
2002 (editor with R. Reis) Ethnocentrism: Reflections on medical anthropology . Amsterdam: Aksant.
2002 (with S.R. Whyte & A. Hardon) Social lives of medicines . Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
2003 (withN. Obirih-Opareh et al.) The effects of decentralisation and privatisation on urban environmental management: Waste management in the Accra Metropolitan Area. The Hague: NUFFIC, NIRP Research for Policy Series, Part 22.
2004 (editor with Clive Seale) Good death and bad death . Special issue Social Science & Medicine 58 (5).
2004 (editor) Hospital ethnography . Special half issue Social Science& Medicine 59 (10).
2005 (with A. Obeng Boamah & P. Atuobi) Life, love and death: Conversations with six elders in Kwahu-Tafo . Amsterdam: Het Spinhuis.
2006 (editor with Geert Mommersteeg) Het bed / The bed. Special issue Medische Antropologie 18 (1).
2007 (editor with Marianne Vysma) Intersubjectivity as an analytical tool in anthropological research. Special issue Medische Antropologie 19 (1).
2008 (editor with Ermute Alber & Susan R. Whyte) Generations in Africa: Connections and conflicts. Münster: Lit-Verlag,
2008 (editor with Debbie Long & Cynthia Hunter) When the field is a hospital or a clinic: Hospital ethnography. Special issue. Anthropology & Medicine 15 (2).
2008 (editor with Nasima Selin & Shahaduz Zaman) Daily health concerns in Kakabo,: Anthropological explorations in a Bangladeshi village. Dhaka: BRAC University, a James P. Grant School of Public Health Publication. Monograph Series 9.
2008 (editor with Sofie Vandamme) Sickness and Love. Special issue Medische Antropologie 20(1).
2008 (editor with Anke Niehof) Resilience and health-related adversity . Special issue Medische Antropologie 20 (2).
2009 (editor with Marian Tankink) Theory and action: Essays for an anthropologist . Diemen: Uitgeverij AMB.
2009 (editor with Alexander Edmonds) Beauty and health. Special issue Medische Antropologie 21 (1).
2009 (editor with Ajay Bailey) Bringing health research to practical use: How, why and for whom . Special issue Medische Antropologie 21 (2).
2010 (editor with Rebekah Park) Doing and living medical anthropology: Personal reflections . Diemen: AMB.
2010 (editor with Anja Hiddinga, Jeannette Pols & Deanna Trakas) Care & health care. Special issue Medische Antropologie 22 (1).
2010 (with Fuusje de Graaff, Anneke L. Francke & Maria E.T.C. van den Muijsenbergh) Communicatie en besluitvorming in de palliatieve zorg voor Turkse en Marokkaanse patiënten met kanker. Amsterdam, Spinhuis, UvA.
2011 (editor with Kerry Chamberlain) Life stages of medicines. Special issue Medische Antropologie 23 (2): 321-308.
2012 (editor with Trudie Gerrits & Flore Singer Aaslid) Ethnography and self-exploration. Special issue Medische Antropologie 24 (1).
2012-2013 (editor with Kristine Krause & Kodjo Senah) Health and health care in Ghana. Special double issue Ghana Studies 15/16.
2014 (editor with Trudie Gerrits & Julia Challinor) Medical anthropology: Essays and reflections from an Amsterdam graduate programme. Diemen: AMB Publishers.
1972 Geographical mobility and conjugal residence in a Kwahu lineage. Research Review (Ghana) 8 (3): 47-55.
1974 Perception and practice of birthcontrol in a Kwahu matrilineage.In: D.G. Jongmans & H.J.M. Claessen (eds) The neglected factor. Family planning: perception and reaction at the base. Assen: van Gorcum, pp. 138-61.*
1975a Wat betekenen kinderen voor ouders in Ghana? Intermediair 11 (30):29-33.*
1975b Appearance and reality: the ambiguous position of women in Kwahu, Ghana. In:P. Kloos & K.W. van der Veen (eds) Rule and reality: essays in honour of André J.F. Köbben. Amsterdam: Antropologisch-Sociologisch Centrum, pp.50-65. *
1975c Parents and children in a Kwahu lineage. In: L. Engberg (ed) Family welfare and planning. Legon: Institute of African Studies, pp. 30-38. *
1976 Role relationships between husband and wife in rural Ghana. Journal of Marriage and the Family 38: 572-78.
1976 Spacing of children, sexual abstinence and breast-feeding in rural Ghana. Social Science & Medicine 10: 225-30. *
1976 Witchcraft, gossip and death: a social drama. Man 12: 526-41. *
1976 De positie van de vrouw in een West-Afrikaans dorp. Intermediair 12 (1/2): 51-55. *
1976 Mijn beste vriend? Ethische vragen bij een antropologisch onderzoek. Intermediair 12 (27): 1-5. *
1976 Een antropoloog met een pseudoniem? Sociodrome 1 (3): 8-11. *
1977 Marriage in Kwahu, Ghana. In: S.A. Roberts (ed) Law and the family in Africa. The Hague/Paris: Mouton, pp. 183-204. *
1977 Family planning or birthcontrol: the Ghanaian contradiction. Cultures et Développement 9: 64-81.*
1977 Hekserij: idioom voor beschuldiging en verdachtmaking. Amsterdam Sociologisch Tijdschrift 4 (1):124-32.
1977 De vos bij de kraanvogel: enquête en participerende observatie in Ghana. In: L. Brunt (ed) Anders bekeken: wet en werkelijkheid in sociaal onderzoek. Amsterdam: Boom/Intermediair, pp. 144-62. *
1978 Induced abortion in a Ghanaian family. African Studies Review 21: 103-20. *
1978 The value of children to parents in Kwahu, Ghana. In: C. Oppong et al. (eds) Marriage, fertility and parenthood in West Africa. Canberra: Australian National University Press, pp. 307-23. *
1979 The doctor and the herbalist: views by Ghanaian school pupils. In: S. van der Geest & K.W. van der Veen (eds) In search of health: essays in medical anthropology. Amsterdam: Antropologisch-Sociologisch Centrum, pp. 91-110. *
1979 Introduction. In: S. van der Geest & K.W. van der Veen (eds) In search of health: essays in medical anthropology. Amsterdam: Antropologisch-SociologischCentrum, pp 1-18.
1979 Envy and inequality in fieldwork: an example from Ghana. Human Organization 38 (2): 200-5. *
1979 Viricentrisme in feministische antropologie. Sociologische Gids 26: 13-29.
1979 Macht en onmacht tussen mannenen vrouwen: een weerwoord. Sociologisch Gids 26: 384.
1979 Het beeld van de dood in Ghanese Highlife-liederen. In: J. van Bremen et al. (eds) Romantropologie. Amsterdam: Antropologisch-Sociologisch Centrun, pp.19-51.
1979 (with N. Asante-Darko) Abortus in een Ghanese samenleving. Intermediair 15 (14): 39-49.
1980 Zichtbare en onzichtbare schaamte: abortus in Ghana. In: G.A. Banck et al. (eds) Gestalten van de dood. Baarn: Ambo, pp. 242-53.*
1980 "Wie dood is, is dood". Populaire liedteksten uit Ghana. In: G.A. Banck et al. (eds) Gestalten van de dood. Baarn:Ambo, pp.169-92 (abridged version of 1979).
1980 The image of death in Akan Highlife songs. Research in African Literatures 11 (2): 145-74.
1980 Envy and inequality in fieldwork: a rejoinder. Human Organization 39 (3): 291-3. *
1980 Ongelijkheid: de blinde vlek van de onderzoeker. In: A.T. Davelaar et al. (eds) De ene mens is de andere niet. Muiderberg: Coutinho, pp. 21-27.
1981 The unexpected repression: how family planning discriminates against women in Ghana. Review of Ethnology (Vienna) 7/25: 193-98. *
1981 Under-the-counter medicines in developing countries. Pharmacy International 2 (12):280-83. *
1981 (with N. Asante-Darko) Mannelijk chauvinisme: man en vrouw in Ghanese populaire muziek. Amsterdams Sociologisch Tijdschrift 8 (1): 167-82.
1981 Primaire gezondheidszorg in de derde wereld: twijfels en tegenslagen. Intermediair 17 (44): 33-39.
1981 Avoiding shame: the ethical context of abortion in Ghana. Anthropological Quarterly 54 (4): 203-9 *
1982 The illegal distribution of western medicines in developing countries: pharmacists, drug pedlars, injection doctors and others. A bibliographic exploration. Medical Anthropology 6 (4):197-219.
1982 The secondary importance of primary health care in South Cameroon. Culture, Medicine & Psychiatry 6: 365-83.
1982 (with N.K. Asante-Darko)The political meaning of Highlife songs in Ghana. African Studies Review 25 (1): 27-35.
1982 The efficiency of inefficiency: medicine distribution in South Cameroon. Social Science & Medicine 16 (24):2145-53.
1982 Het nut van de sociale wetenschap voor gezondheidszorg. Metamedica 61 (3):96-105.
1982 Correlerende misverstanden: over Murdock's "Theories of illness". Sociologisch Tijdschrift 9 (1): 157-68.
1982 with C. Oppong) Economic models and having children: some evidence from Kwahu, Ghana. Africa 52 (4): 15-33. *
1983 Propharmacies: a problematic means of drug distribution in rural Cameroon. Tropical Doctor 13 (1): 9-13.
1983 Non-information for patients: selling drugs in developing countries. Pharmacy International 4 (2):42-4.
1983 Geneesmiddelen in de derde wereld: vrije verkoop en misbruik. Pharmaceutisch Weekblad 118 (35): 723-32.
1983 Mensenen medicijnen in Kameroen: de verwevenheid van formele en informele medicijnvoorziening. Gezondheid en Samenleving 4 (4): 216-25.
1983 Farmaceutisch onderzoek voor de derde wereld. Wetenschap en Samenleving 1983/6: 37-44.
1983 Medische antropologie: een theoretische terreinverkenning. Antropologische Verkenningen 2 (3): 1-38.
1983 (with N.K. Asante-Darko) Male chauvinism: men and women in Ghanian Highlife songs. In: C. Oppong (ed) Female andmale in West Africa. London: George Allen & Unwin, pp. 242-55 (cf. 1981c).
1984 Anthropology and pharmaceuticals in developing countries. Medical Anthropology Quarterly 15 (3): 59-62; and (4): 87-90.
1984 De antropoloog als toneelschrijver. In: J. Verrips et al. (eds) Romantropologie II. Amsterdam: Antropologisch-Sociologisch Centrum, pp. 45-87.
1984 Highlife-liederen, dood en begrafenis: een aanvulling. In: J. Verrips et al. (eds) Romantropologie II. Amsterdam: Antropologisch-Sociologisch Centrum, pp. 133-41.
1984 Death, chaos and Highlife songs: a reply. Research in African Literatures15 (4): 583-88.
1984 Zieke ideeën over gezondheid. Intermediair 20 (51): 41-43.
1984 Medicijngebruik in de Derde Wereld: hoever gaat de verantwoordelijkheid van de farmaceutische industrie? Intermediair 20 (5):31-33.
1984 Bijscholing van de medicijnman. Intermediair 20 (33):29-33.
1985 De informele medicijnhandel in Zuid Kameroen. In: P. van Gelder & Th. Crump (eds) De informele sector in de landen van de derde wereld. Essays over Nicaragua, Suriname, Mexico, Kameroen en Indonesië. Amsterdam: AWIC/Cansa. pp. 115-64.
1985 Donker Afrika. Sociologische Gids 32 (3): 213-17.
1985 The definition of health. Culture Medicine & Psychiatry 9 (3): 287-94.
1985 Marketing myths: Selling drugs in the Third World. Medicine in Society 2 (2): 41-45.
1985 Integrationor fatal embrace? The uneasy relationship between indigenous and Western medicine. Curare 8 (1): 9-14.
1985 Gezondheidszorg hier en elders: enkele antropologische overwegingen. Gezondheid & Samenleving 6 (3): 161-71.
1985 The intertwining of formal and informal medicine distribution in South Cameroon. Canadian Journal of African Studies 19 (3): 569-87.
1985 Westerse medicijnen in niet-Westerse maatschappijen: over farmaceutisch-antropologisch onderzoek. Nieuwsbrief Medische Antropologie 3 (1/2): 2-15.
1985 (with A. Hardon) Onderzoek naar dubieuze praktijken in de verstrekking en het gebruik van geneesmiddelen: enkele methodologische suggesties. Nieuwsbrief Medische Antropologie 3 (1/2): 64-68.
1985 Deantropoloog en de missionaris: een moeizame relatie. Wereld en Zending 1985/3: 215-20.
1985 Zingen tegen de dood. Over Highlife en begrafenis. Ghana Nieuwsbrief No. 18/19: 54-68.
1985 Singing against death. Highlife and funerals. Ghana Newsletter No. 18/19: 53-67 (English version of 1985).
1986 Health care as politics? "Missed chances" in rural Cameroon. In: W. van Binsbergen, F.Reyntjes & G. Hesseling (eds) State and local community in Africa. Brussels: CEDAF/ASDOC, Cahier 2-3-4/1986, Serie 2, pp. 241-60.
1986 De antropoloog, de industrie en zelf-medikatie in de Derde Wereld. In: M. Braakman (red) Gezondheidszorg en kultuur kritische bekeken. Groningen: Konstapel, pp. 109-18.
1986 (with N.K. Asante-Darko) Illegal abortion in Southern Ghana: methods, motives and consequences. Human Organization 45 (4): 333-44.
1986 "Verhaal en Werkelijkheid": Wetenschappers en literatuur. Sociodrome1986/3: 2-8.
1986 Inleiding: Verhaal en Werkelijkheid. Sociologisch Tijdschrift 13 (3):389-419.
1987 Het verdriet van de ander: een antropologisch commentaar. Kultuurleven 54 (6): 514-20.
1987 Introduction. Pharmaceuticals in the Third World: the local perspective. Social Science & Medicine 25(3): 273-76.
1987 Self-care and the informal sale of drugs in South Cameroon.Social Science & Medicine 25(3):293-305.
1987 Tegenstrijdigheden in 'Primary Health Care': een Schakelingen-perspectief. Sociologische Gids 24 (2): 98-116.
1987 Family Planning and the family in Southern Ghana. In: C. Oppong (ed) Sex roles, population and development inWest Africa: policy-related studies on work and demographic issues. London: Currey. pp. 138-53. *
1987 Theoretical orientations and medical anthropology.The Journal of Research & Education in Indian Medicine 4 (3/4): 23-34.
1987 Unequal access to pharmaceuticals in Southern Cameroon: the context of a problem. In: B.E.Jackson & A. Ugalde (eds) The impact of development and modern technologies in Third World Health. Williamsburg: Studies in Third World Societies. pp. 141-66.
1987 Ten Geleide: Kultuur en Ontwikkeling. In: Reader bij de lezingencyclus "Cultuur en ontwikkeling". Amsterdam: Werkgroep Ontwikkelingsvraagstukken. pp 1-6.
1987 (with A.P. Hardon) Hazards of self-medication. World Health Forum 8 (4): 469-71.
1987 Lying informants: a fieldwork experience from Ghana. Population & Development Review 13 (2): 314-22. *
1987 Antropologen en missionarissen: verborgen gelijkenissen. Antropologische Verkenningen 6(4): 1-18.
1987 Het onderhoud van dingen (en mensen): een commentaar. Antropologische Verkenningen 6 (3): 16-9.
1987 Inleiding: Andere medische tradities. In: Reader Traditionele Gezondheidszorg. Amsterdam: Koninklijk Instituut voor de Tropen. pp. 1-4.
1988 (with S.R. Whyte) Medicines in context: an introduction. In: S. van der Geest & S.R. Whyte (eds) The context of medicines in developing countries: studies in pharmaceutical anthropology. Dordrecht: Reidel. pp. 3-11.
1988 The articulation of formal and informal medicine distribution in South Cameroon. In: S. van der Geest & S.R. Whyte (eds) The context of medicines in developing countries: studies in pharmaceutical anthropology. Dordrecht: Reidel. pp. 131-48 (cf.1985).
1988 Pharmaceutical anthropology: perspectives for research and application. In: S. van der Geest & S.R. Whyte (eds) The context of medicines in developing countries: studies in pharmaceutical anthropology. Dordrecht: Reidel. pp. 329-66.
1988 De onzichtbare hand van de dokter: Profarmacies in Kameroen. Sociologische Gids 35(6): 366-79.
1988 Essentiële geneesmiddelen: een antropologische kanttekening. Pharmaceutisch Weekblad 123: 1101-4.
1988 (with A.Hardon) Western pharmaceuticals in Third World countries: methodological suggestions for field research. Health Policy & Planning 3 (2):152-58.
1988 Antropoloog en missionaris: Tu quoque. Antropologische Verkenningen 7 (3): 46-51.
1988 Baarden. Etnofoor 1 (2): 73-81.
1988 (with R. Welsch) Einige Gedanken zur pharmazeutischen Ethnologie. Salix: Zeitschrift für Ethnomedizin 2 (2): 7-16.
1989 (with G. Nijhof) Inleiding: ziekte, gezondheidszorg en cultuur. In: S. van der Geest & G. Nijhof (eds) Ziekte, gezondheidszorg en cultuur. Amsterdam: Het Spinhuis, pp. 1-10.
1989 (with K. de Graaf) De toegevoegde kracht: geneesmiddelen bij tien Guiziga families in Noord Kameroen. In: S. van der Geest & G. Nijhof(eds) Ziekte, gezondheidszorg en cultuur. Amsterdam: Het Spinhuis, pp. 110-9.
1989 (with A. Krumeich) Preventie en cultuur: een voorbeeld uit Suriname. In: S. van der Geest & G. Nijhof (eds) Ziekte, gezondheidszorg en cultuur. Amsterdam: Het Spinhuis, pp. 39-48.
1989 Essentiële geneesmiddelen: een antropologische kanttekening. In: S. van der Geest & G.Nijhof (eds) Ziekte, gezondheidszorg en cultuur. Amsterdam: Het Spinhuis, pp. 120-6 (cf. 1988)
1989 Primary Health Care: een spraakverwarring. Antropologische Verkenningen 8 (1): 1-10.
1989 Over het noodlot: Ghanese liederen en spreekwoorden. Etnofoor 2 (2): 59-69.
1989 Censorship and medicalsociology in The Netherlands. Social Science & Medicine 28 (12): 1339-41.
1989 (with S.R. Whyte) The charm of medicines: metaphors and metonyms. Medical Anthropology Quarterly 3 (4): 345-67.
1989 Dorpsgezondheidswerkers als medicijnverkopers: de toekomst vanPrimary Health Care? Medische Antropologie 1 (1): 70-81.
1989 Aha: de omweg van deverwondering in de medische antropologie. Medische Antropologie 1 (2): 190-206.
1989 "Sunny Boy": Chauffeurs, auto's en Highlife in Ghana. Amsterdams Sociologisch Tijdschrift 16 (1): 20-38.
1990 Did the Akan resort to abortion in pre-colonial Ghana? Some conjectures. Africa 60 (1): 121-31. *
1990 Geld en traditie in Afrika: Is betalen voor gezondheidszorg cultureel aanvaardbaar? Sociologische Gids 37 (4): 238-51.
1990 Onderzoeker en onderzoek. In: F. Bovenkerk, F. Buijs & H. Tromp (red)Wetenschap en partijdigheid. Opstellen voor André J.F. Köbben. Assen/Maastricht: Van Gorcum, pp.329-43.
1990 (with J.D. Speckmann & P. Streefland) Primary Health Care in a multilevel perspective: towards a research agenda. Social Science & Medicine 30 (9): 1025-34.
1990 Medicijn, metafoor en metonymia. MedischeAntropologie 2 (1): 3-29.
1990 (with A.Hardon & S.R. Whyte) Planning for essential drugs: are we missing the cultural dimension? Health Policy & Planning 5 (2): 182-85.
1990 Hoe 'medisch' is de medische antropologie? Sociodrome 1990/2: 11-15.
1990 De sociale en culturele betekenis van medische technologie. Antropologische Verkenningen 9 (2): 49-56.
1990 Anthropologists and missionaries: brothers under the skin. Man 25 (4): 588-601.
1990 (with A. Hardon) Self-medication in developing countries. Journal of Social & Administrative Pharmacy 7 (4): 199-204.
1990 Medicijn, metafoor en metonymia; repliek. Medische Antropologie 2 (2): 227-31.
1991 Marketplace conversations in Cameroon: how and why popular medical knowledge comes into being. Culture, Medicine & Psychiatry 15 (1): 69-90.
1991 Ziekte in andere culturen. In: C.Aakster e.a. (red) Medische sociologie. Groningen: Noordhoff-Wolters, pp. 68-75.
1991 'Grenzen': drie antropologische kanttekeningen. In: M.A. Thung (red) Blijven wij grenzen verleggen? Een grondvraag van onze technologische cultuur. 's-Gravenhage: Uitgeverij Boekencentrum, pp. 33-39.
1991 Reproduktieve manipulatie: de Nuer en wij. In: M.A. Thung (red) Blijven wij grenzen verleggen? Een grondvraag vanonze technologische cultuur.'s-Gravenhage: Uitgeverij Boekencentrum, pp. 75-8.
1992 Is paying for health care culturally acceptable in Sub-Saharan Africa? Money and tradition. Social Science & Medicine 34 (6): 667-73.
1992 "Tegen haat geen medicijn": het lied van een melaatse in een Ghanees dorp. Etnofoor 5 (1/2): 146-64.
1992 (with J.P. Kirby) The absence of the missionary in African ethnography, 1940-1965. African Studies Review 35 (3): 59-103.
1992 Village health workers as medicine sellers? Health Planning & Management 7 (3): 185-97.
1993 Inleiding: Het meer-niveauperspectief als onderzoeksstrategie. MedischeAntropologie 5 (1): 2-9.
1993 Zin en zintuig in gezondheid en ziekte: Voorbeschouwing op een symposium. Medische Antropologie 5 (1): 63-9
1993 Ethnologen und Missionare - Brüder unter der Haut. Zeitschrift für Mission 19 (1): 26-37 (translation and abbreviation of 1990i).
1993 Geneesmiddelen uit planten: Culturele complicaties. Cahiers Biowetenschappen en Maatschappij 17 (1): 25- 33.
1993 (with Adèle Meulenbroek) Metaphors, metonyms and homeopathy:Terms of illness and therapy among Mossi people in Burkina Faso. Curare 16 (3/4): 285-90.
1993 (with A. Baza, A. Hakizimana, K. Hanson & F. Kwizera) Health insurance and the Bamako Initiative in Burundi: Value for money? International Journal of Health Planning and Management 8 (2): 129-35.
1994 Medische technologie in cultureel perspectief: Inleiding. In: S. van der Geest et al. (red) De macht der dingen. Medische technologie in cultureel perspectief. Amsterdam: Het Spinhuis, pp. 1-19.
1994 (with A. Hardon) De kracht van injecties: Sociale en culturele aspecten.In: S.van der Geest et al. (eds) Demacht der dingen: Medische technologie in cultureel perspectief. Amsterdam: Het Spinhuis, pp. 138-58.
1994 (with S. Whyte) Injections: Issues and methods for anthropological research. In: N.L. Etkin & M.L. Tan (eds) Pharmaceuticals: Meanings and contexts. Quezon City: HAIN, pp. 137-61.
1994 Christ as a pharmacist: Medical symbols in German devotion. Social Science & Medicine 39 (5): 727-32.
1994 Het geheim: Antropologische en medisch-antropologische opmerkingen. Medische Antropologie 6 (1): 132-55.
1994 De in- en uitgebeelde ziekte: Een antropologische visie op lichamelijke klachten. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor de Psychologie 49: 264-71.
1994 Medisch contact? Over de aanraking vande dokter: een terreinverkenning. Medisch Contact 49 (33/34): 1045-47.
1994 Tropische geneeskunde en medische antropologie: Een pleidooi voor interdisciplinariteit. Medicus Tropicus 32(2): 3-6.
1994 Community perspectives on the role of traditional medicine in basic health services in Africa. In: Proceedings of the protocol development workshop on Revitalization of Primary Health Care in Uganda and Zambia. Amsterdam: Royal Tropical Institute, pp.12-5.
1995 Editorial. Overcoming ethnocentrism: How social science and medicine relate and should relate to one another. Social Science & Medicine 40 (7): 869-72.
1995 The efficacy of traditional medicine (and biomedicine). In: K van der Velden et al. (eds) Health matters: Pubic health in North-South perspective. Houten/Diegem: Bohn Stafleu Van Loghum, pp. 360-5.
1995 Ten geleide: Geheim. Medische Antropologie 7 (1): 1-6.
1995 Ambivalentie / ambiguïteit: Een inleiding. In: S. van der Geest (red) Ambivalentie / ambiguïteit. Antropologische notities. Amsterdam: Het Spinhuis, pp. 4-17.
1995 Old people and funerals in a rural Ghanaian community: Ambiguities in family care. Southern African Journal of Gerontology 4 (2): 33-40.
1995 Ten geleide: Over hoop en de verantwoordelijkheid van de antropoloog. Medische Antropologie 7 (2): 215-19.
1995 Placebo ergo sum: Naar een antropologische interpretatie van medisch handelen. Medisch Contact 50 (51/52): 1659-63.
1996 Missionaries. In: D. Levinson & M. Ember (eds) The Encyclopedia of Cultural Anthropology.New York: Henry Holt and Co, pp. 797-801.
1996 Grasping the children's point of view: An anthropological reflection. In: P. Bush et al. (eds) Children, medicines and culture. New York / London: Hayworth Press, pp. 337-46.
1996 (with A. Hardon and S.R. Whyte) The anthropology of pharmaceuticals: A biographical approach. Annual Review of Anthropology 25:153-78.
1996 The elder and his elbow:Twelve interpretations of an Akan proverb. Research in African Literatures 27 (3): 110-18.
1996 (with Adèle Meulenbroek) Metaphors, metonyms and homeopathy: Terms of illness and therapy among Mossi people in BurkinaFaso. In: E.Schröder et al. (eds) Medicines and foods:The ethnopharmacological approach. Metz: Société Française d'Ethnopharmacologie, pp. 353-57 (reprint of 1993).
1996 Ouderen en welzijn: Antropologische vragen en opmerkingen. Medische Antropologie 8 (1): 185-96.
1996 Het 'vreemde' begin van de medische antropologie in Nederland. Medische Antropologie 8 (2): 324-39.
1996 (with D.E. Moerman et al.) Placebo effects and research in alternative and conventional medicine. Chinese Journal of Integrated Traditional and Western Medicine 2 (2): 141-48.
1997 Between respect and reciprocity: Managing old age in rural Ghana. Southern African Journal of Gerontology 6 (2): 20-25.
1997 Tellen op leeftijd: Schets van een antropologie van ouderen. Leeftijd 35 (5): 27-30.
1997 Cultuur als placebo. In: M. ter Borg, S. van der Geest & J. Janssen Op zoek naar hoop: Over genezing, magie en religie. Nijmegen: KSGV, pp. 39-58.
1997 Oud in een Ghanees dorp: Beeld en ervaring. Medische Antropologie 9 (1): 74-89.
1997 Money and respect: The changing value of old age in rural Ghana. Africa 67 (4):534-59.
1997 Placebo ergo sum: Towards an anthropological understanding of medical practices. In: Health and diseases: Courses and prospects. Genova: Erga Edizioni.
1997 Is there a role for traditional medicine in basic health services in Africa? A plea for a community perspective. Tropical Medicine & International Health 2 (9): 903-11.
1997 De cultuur van 'au': Over antropologie en pijn. Wijsgerig Perspectief 38 (2): 55-59.
1998 (with Samuel Sarkodie) The fake patient: A research experiment in Ghana. Social Science & Medicine 47 (9): 1373-81.
1998 Poep en omstreken: Over scatologie, cultuur en welbevinden. Medische Antropologie 10 (1): 139-57.
1998 Use and misuse of pharmaceuticals: Anthropological comments. In: P. Streefland (ed) Problems and potential in international health: Transdisciplinary perspectives.Amsterdam: KIT Press / Het Spinhuis, pp. 195-214.
1998 The social and cultural basis of home care to elderly people in Ghana. In: A. Guerci (ed) Illness, culture and society. Genova: Erga Edizioni, pp. 461-80.
1998 Cultuur, logica en ziekte. In: C.W. Aakster & J.W. Groothoff (red) Medische Sociologie: Sociologische perspectieven op ziekte en zorg. Groningen: Wolters-Noordhoff, pp.18-28.
1998 Sociaal-culturele aspecten van ziek-zijn: Inleiding. In: C.W.Aakster & J.W. Groothoff (red) Medische Sociologie: Sociologische perspectieven op ziekte en zorg. Groningen: Wolters-Noordhoff, pp. 15-17.
1998 Spirituele genezing: Een soort pleonasme. In: B. Voorsluis (red) Religie tussen therapie en trauma: Over spirituele genezing. Zoetermeer: Meinema, pp. 77-96.
1998 Participant observation in demographic research: Fieldwork experiences in a Ghanaian community. In: A.M. Basu & P. Aaby (eds) The methods and uses of anthropological demography. Liège: IUSSP, pp. 39-56.
1998 Akan shit: Getting rid of dirt in Ghana. Anthropology Today 14(3): 8-12.
1998 Reciprociteit en zorg voor ouderen: Een antropologische vergelijking tussen Ghana en Nederland. Tijdschrift voor Gerontologie en Geriatrie 29 (5): 237-43.
1998 Yebisa wo fie: Growing old and building a house in the Akan culture of Ghana. Journal of Cross-Cultural Gerontology 13 (4): 333-59.
1998 Opanyin: The ideal of elder in the Akan culture of Ghana. Canadian Journal of African Studies 32 (3): 449-93.
1998 Markt, cultuur en gezondheid. In: A. Gevers (red) Uit de Zevende: Vijftig jaar politieke en sociaal-culturele wetenschappen aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam. Amsterdam: Het Spinhuis, pp. 347-50.
1998 (with Erick Vloeberghs) Amsterdam Oud West, Oud Oost: Verhalen tussen ouderen over culturele grenzen heen. In: I. van Eerd & B. Hermes (red) Pluriform Amsterdam. Amsterdam: Vossiuspers AUP, pp. 69-80.
1999 De veroordeelde als rechter: Een antropologische visie op raadselverhalen. Volkskundig Bulletin 25 (1): 71-78.
1999 Het toilet van de oudere: Over respect, intimiteit en vuil in Ghana. Medische Antropologie 11 (1): 98-110.
1999 Training shopkeepers and schoolchildren in medicine use: Experiments in applied medical anthropology in East Africa. Medical Anthropology Quarterly 13 (2): 253-55.
2000 (With J. Kamwanga, M. Macwan'gi, A. Mazimba,D. Mulikelela & M.Mwangelwa) What did Health Reforms in Zambia achieve? Health Policy & Planning 15 (1): 59-65.
2000 (with A. Oderwald) Weg van de gehuurde zinnen, dichter bij ziekte: Medische antropologie en literaire verbeelding. Medische Antropologie 12 (1): 103-15.
2000 The practicality of metaphors and metonyms: Illness and medicines in Burkina Faso and beyond. In: W. Geissler & L. Meinert (eds) Proceedings of Workshop on People and Medicines in East Africa. Copenhagen:Danish Bilharziasis Laboratory, pp. 45-54.
2000 Funerals for the living: Conversations with elderly people in Ghana. African Studies Review 43 (3): 103-29.
2000 Goed en slecht geld: Gesprekken in een Ghanees dorp. Etnofoor 13 (2): 78-88.
2000 Integrazione o abbraccio fatale? La difficile relazione tra la medicina indigena e la medicina occidentale. In: P. Schirripa & P. Vulpiani (eds) L'ambulatorio del guaritore. Formee pratiche del confronto tra biomedicina e medicinar tradizionali in Africa e nelle Americhe. Lecce, Italia: ARGO Editrice, pp. 55-66. (Italian translation of 1985).
2001 (with M. A. Odei) Introduction. In: S. van der Geest and N. Obirih-Opareh (eds) Toilets and sanitation in Ghana: An urgent matter. Accra: Institute of Scientific and Technological Information (INSTI), CSIR, pp. 1-4.
2001 Toilets, privacy and perceptions of dirt in Kwahu-Tafo. In: S.van der Geest and N.Obirih-Opareh (eds) Toilets and Sanitation in Ghana: An urgent matter. Accra: Institute of Scientific and Technological Information (INSTI), CSIR , pp 5-11.
2001 In een Ghanees ziekenhuis. Kwalon 6 (1): 24-28.
2001 (with A.M. Niekamp) Euthanasie en jarisme: Worden ouderen die willen sterven gediscrimineerd? Huisarts & Wetenschap 44 (4): 45-49.
2001 Gracefully old. In: F. Lindo en M. van Niekerk (eds) Dedication & detachment. Essays in honour of Hans Vermeulen. Amsterdam: Het Spinhuis, pp. 1-14.
2001 "No strength": Sex and old age in a rural town in Ghana. Social Science & Medicine 53 (10): 1383-96.
2001 (with M.von Faber, A. Bootsma-van der Wiel et al.) Successful aging in the oldest old: Who can be characterized as successfully aged? Archives of Internal Medicine 161, Dec 10/24: 2694-2700.
2002 "I want to go!" How elderly people in Ghana look forward to death. Ageing & Society 22 (1): 7-28.
2002 Oud en gelukkig: Over reciprociteit in Ghana en Nederland.In: V.G.M. Chel &C.W.Vliet Vlieland (red) Ontwikkelingen in de geriatrie. Leiden: Leids Universiteir Medisch Centrum, Boerhave Commissie, pp. 163-72.
2002 Respect and reciprocity: Care of elderly people in rural Ghana. Journal of Cross-Cultural Gerontology 17 (1): 3-31.
2002 The toilet: Dignity, privacy and care of elderly people in Kwahu, Ghana.In: S. Makoni & K. Stroeken (eds) Ageing in Africa: Sociolinguistic and anthropological approaches. Aldershot: Ashgate, pp. 227-44.
2002 From wisdom to witchcraft: Ambivalence towards old age in rural Ghana. Africa 72 (3): 437-63.
2002 (with Els van Dongen) 'Succesvol oud': Schuivende betekenissen. In: J. Gussekloo et al. (red) Succesvol oud.Leiden 85-plus Studie, 1997-2001. Rotterdam: Optima, pp. 13-24.
2002 (with M. von Faber et al.) Succesvol oud op hoge leeftijd. In: J. Gussekloo et al. (red) Succesvol oud.Leiden 85-plus Studie, 1997-2001. Rotterdam: Optima, pp. 55-70.
2002(with M.von Faber) Een slordig einde? Reciprociteit en 'succesvol oud' nader beschouwd.. Sociologische Gids 49 (4): 409-20.
2002 Introduction: Ethnocentrism and medical anthropology. In: S. van der Geest & R. Reis (eds) Ethnocentrism: Reflections on medical anthropology. Amsterdam: Aksant, pp. 1-23.
2002 (with R. Reis) Conclusion. In: S. van der Geest & R. Reis (eds) Ethnocentrism: Reflections on medical anthropology. Amsterdam: Aksant, pp.137-42.
2002 "It is a tiresome work." Love and sex in the life of an elderly woman in Kwahu, Ghana. In: A. Guerci & S. Consigliere (eds) Living and 'curing' old age in the world, Vol. 4. Genova: Erga Edizioni, pp. 403-21.
2002 Loneliness and respect among elderly people in Kwahu, Ghana. In: A. Guerci & S. Consigliere (eds) Living and 'curing' old age in the world, Vol. 5. Genova: Erga Edizioni, pp. 262-79.
2002 (with A. Mul & H. Vermeulen) Migration and hiring care for the elderly: Problems and options in cross-country perspective. In: A. Guerci & S. Consigliere (eds) Living and 'curing' old age in the world, Vol. 3. Genova: Erga Edizioni, pp. 312-30.
2002 Hospital care as liturgy: Reconsidering magic, science and religion. AM Revista della Società Itaiana di AntropologiaMedicia 13-14: 243-58.
2002 "No strength!" Sex and old age in a rural town in Ghana. In: D.L. Infeld (ed) Disciplinary approaches to aging. London / New York: Routledge, pp. 241-54 (reprint).
2003 'Ziekte':Sociale en culturele voorstellingen. In: C.W. Aakster & J.W. Groothoff (red) Medische Sociologie: Sociologische perspectieven op ziekte en zorg. Groningen: Wolters-Noordhoff, pp. 47-55.
2003 (with Anne-Marie Niekamp) Ageism and euthanasia in The Netherlands: Questions and conjectures. Mortality 8 (3): 296-304.
2003 Poverty and the "charm" of old age in Ghana: A note on irony. In: AGIDS, Faces of poverty: Capabilities, mobilization and institutional transformation. Proceedings of the International CERES Summerschool 2003. Amsterdam: AGIDS, pp. 27-44.
2003 (with S.R. Whyte) Popularité et scepticisme: Opinions contrastées sur les médicaments. Anthropologie & Sociétés 27 (2): 97-117.
2003 Confidentiality and pseudonyms: A fieldwork dilemma from Ghana. Anthropology Today 19 (1): 14-18.
2003 Healthy bowel movements in Kwahu-Tafo: A brief note. Viennese Ethnomedicine Newsletter 5 (2): 3- 6.
2003. (with P.W. Geissler) Editorial: Should medicines be kept away from children? African considerations. Tropical Medicine & International Health 8 (2): 97-99.
2003 Kou en warmte in de stad: Over 'privacy in public' en geveinsde onverschilligheid. Amsterdams Sociologisch Tijdschrift 30 (3): 528-43.
2004 (with C. Seale) Good and bad death: Introduction. Social Science & Medicine 58 (5): 883-86.
2004 Dying peacefully: Considering good death and bad death in Kwahu-Tafo, Ghana. Social Science & Medicine 58 (5): 899-912.
2004(with N. Obirih-Opareh) Getting out of the shit: Toilets and the daily failure of governance in Ghana. In: G. Biundo (ed) The governance of daily life in Africa. APAD Bulletin No 23-24: 151-66. Münster: LIT Verlag.
2004 "They don't come to listen." The experience of loneliness among older people in Kwahu, Ghana. Journal of Cross-Cultural Gerontology19 (2): 77-96.
2004 Orphans in Highlife: An anthropological interpretation. History in Africa 31: 425-40.
2004 (with A. Mul & H. Vermeulen) Linkages between migration and care for older people: Observations from Greece, Ghana and The Netherlands. Ageing & Society 24: 431-50.
2004 (with K. Finkler) Hospital ethnography: Introduction.Social Science & Medicine 59 (10): 1995-2001.
2004 (with H. van Amstel) Doctors and retribution: The hospitalisation of compensation claims in the Highlands of Papua New Guinea. Social Science & Medicine 59 (10): 2087-94.
2004 Grandparents and grandchildren in Kwahu, Ghana: The performance of respect. Africa 74 (1): 47-61.
2004 (with A. Bootsma-van der Wiel et al.) Succesvol oud op hoge leeftijd; de 'Leiden 85-plus studie'. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde 148 (20): 985-90.
2004 (with S.A. Chowdhury) Migration and safe childbirth: Perceptions of Ghanaian women in the Netherlands. Cultuur Migratie Gezondheid 3 (4): 14-25.
2004 Wilsbekwaamheid: Sociale en culturele kanttekeningen. In: F. Boersma & A. Vellinga (red) Oud en dement: Wilsonbekwaam? Amsterdam: Lundbeck B.V., pp. 29-36.
2005 Ontvankelijkheid en beleving: Over antropologie en ervaringsdeskundigheid. In: H. van Haaster &Y.Koster-Dreese (red) Ervaren en weten: Essays over de relatie tussen ervaringskennis en onderzoek. Utrecht: Jan van Arkel, pp. 139-47.
2005 Bed en beddengoed: Antropologische notities. Medische Antropologie 17 (1): 117-39.
2005 Hoe vies is ontlasting? Antropologische opmerkingen. In: A. Snijdewind (red) Als poepen niet gewoon gaat. Badhoevedorp: Mension TM, pp. 29-52.
2005 'Sacraments' in the hospital: Exploring the magic and religion of recovery. Anthropology & Medicine 12 (2): 135-50.
2005 Une fascination culturelle pour la médecine: l'anthropologie médicale aux Pays-Bas. In: F. Saillant & S. Genest (eds) Anthropologie médicale. Ancrages locaux, défis globaux. Québec/Paris: PUL/Anthropos, pp. 261-88.
2006. Between death and funeral: Mortuaries and the exploitation of liminality in Kwahu, Ghana. Africa 76 (4): 485-501.
2006 Participeren in ziekte en zorg: Meer over kwalitatief onderzoek. Huisarts & Wetenschap 49 (4): 198-202.
2006 Anthropology and the pharmaceutical nexus. Anthropological Quarterly 79 (2): 303-14.
2006 (with Geert Mommersteeg) Beds and culture: Introduction. Medische Antropologie 18 (1): 7-17.
2006 Sleeping in Kwahu, Ghana. Medische Antropologie 18 (1): 73-86.
2006 Participerend onderzoek naar zorg voor dementerende ouderen. KWALON Nr. 32, jrg 11 (2): 44-47.
2006 (with Anita Hardon) Social and cultural efficacies of medicines: Complications for antiretroviral therapy. Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine 2006, 2:48;
2006 (with E. A. Sadler, A.W. Braam, M.I. Broese van Groenou, & D.J.H. Deeg) Cosmic transcendence, loneliness, and exchange of emotional support with adult children: A study among older parents in The Netherlands. European Journal of Ageing 3 (3): 146-54.
2006 (met Tjalling Leenstra & H. Wendte) De wetenschappelijke stage. In: J.T.Bousema et al. (red) Leidraad international health voor een coschap of stage in ontwikkelingsanden. Houten: Bohn Stafleu van Loghum, pp. 277-314.
2007 A cultural fascination with medicine: Medical anthropology in The Netherlands. In: F. Saillant & S. Genest (eds) Medical anthropology: Regional perspectives and shared concerns. Oxford, etc.: Blackwell, pp. 162-82.
2007 Is it possible to understand illness and suffering? Medische Antropologie 19 (1): 9-22.
2007 Not knowing about defecation. In: Roland Littlewood (ed) On knowing & not knowing in the anthropology of medicine. Oxford: Berg, pp. 75 -86.
2007 The social life of faeces: System in the dirt. In: R. van Ginkel & A. Strating (eds) Wildness and sensation: An anthropology of sinister and sensuous realms . Amsterdam: Het Spinhuis, pp. 381-97.
2007 (withMarcel J. H. Ariës, Hanneke Joosten & Harry H. J. Wegdam) Fracture treatment by bonesetters in central Ghana: Patients explain their choices and experiences. Tropical Medicine & International Health 12 (4): 564-74.
2007 De verlangens van een oude man. In: A. Oderwald et al. (red) Schrijven tegen de tijd: Over de kunst van het ouder worden. Utrecht: De Tijdstroom, pp. 109-18.
2007 "It is a tiresome work." Love and sex in the life of an elderly Kwahu woman. In C. Oppong , Y.P.A Oppong & I.K. Odotey (eds) Sex and gender in an era of AIDS: Ghana at the turn of the Millennium. Accra: Sub Saharan Publishers, pp. 211-22.
2007 Participeren in ziekte en zorg: Meer over kwalitatief onderzoek. In: P.L.B.J. Lucassen & T.C. olde Hartman (red) Kwalitatief onderzoek: Praktische methoden voor de medische praktijk. Houten: Bohn Stafleu van Loghum, pp. 65-74 (herdruk van 2006b).
2007 患者 对于制药产品的信任 : 声誉和 怀疑 ( Patients' beliefs about pharmaceutical drugs: Popularity and scepticism) Chinese Journal of New Drugs 16 (21): 1725-30.
2007 Complaining and not complaining: Social strategies of older people in Kwahu, Ghana. Global Ageing:Issues & Action 4 (3): 55-65.
2008 (with S.R. Whyte & E. Alber) Generational connections and conflicts in Africa: An introduction. In: E. Alber et al. (eds) Generations in Africa: Connections and conflicts. Münster: Lit-Verlag, pp.1-23.
2008 Wisdom: An intergenerational gift? Notes from Kwahu-Tafo, Ghana . In: E. Alber et al. (eds) Generations in Africa: Connections and conflicts. Münster: Lit-Verlag, pp. 111-33.
2008 (with N. Obirih-Opareh) Liquid waste management in urban and rural Ghana: Privatisation as governance? In: Giorgio Blundo & Pierre-Yves Le Meur (eds) The governance of daily life. Ethnographic explorations of the delivery of public and collective services. Leiden: Brill, pp. 205-22.
2008 (with R. Reis & T. Gerrits) Over kwalitatieve analyse bij onderzoek onder 'anderen'. In: Foets, M., J. Schuster and K. Stronks (eds) Handboek gezondheids- en gezondheidszorgonderzoek onder allochtonen, pp. 108-21.
2008 Sanitation. In: William A. Darity Jr. (ed) International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences. Vol. 7. 2nd ed. Detroit: Macmillan ReferenceUSA, pp. 321-23.
2008 (with Debbie Long & Cynthia Hunter) When the field is a hospital or a clinic: Hospital ethnography. Introduction. Anthropology & Medicine 15 (2): 71-78.
2008 (with Nasima Selim) Introduction. In:S. van der Geest et al. (eds) Daily health concerns in a Bangladesh village: Anthropological explorations. Dhaka: BRAC, pp. 11-14.
2008 Life after dark in Kwahu-Tafo, Ghana. Etnofoor 20 (2): 23-39.
2008 (with Sofie Vandamme) Sickness and love: An introduction. Medische Antropologie 20 (1): 5-11.
2008 De eenzaamheid van zien en niet gezien worden. Voyeurisme bij Louis Paul Boon. In: A. Oderwald et al. Aan de ketting: Verslaving verbeeld. Utrecht: De Tijdstroom, pp.291-97.
2008 Resilience and the whims of reciprocity in old age: An example from Ghana. Medische Antropologie 20 (2): 297-311.
2009 Listening: Friendship according to Kwame Opoku. In: Sjaak van der Geest & Marian Tankink (eds) T heory and action:Essays for an anthropologist. Amsterdam, pp. 203-09.
2009 'Anyway'. Cars and Highlife in Ghana: Inscriptionsand means of transport. In: J.-B. Gewald, S. Luning and K. van Walraven (eds.) The speed of change: Motor vehicles and people in Africa, 1890 - 2000. Leiden/Boston:Brill, pp. 253-93.
2009 Children and dirt in Kwahu, Ghana: A social-anthropological perspective. In: R. Kutalek & A. Prinz (eds) Essays in medical anthropology. The Austrian Ethnomedical Society after thirty years. Wiener Ethnomedizinische Reihe Volume 6. Wien, Muenster: LIT Verlag, pp. 179-90.
2009 (with A. Edmonds) Introducing 'Beauty and Health'. Medische Antropologie 21 (1): 5-19.
2009 (with A. Kleinman) 'Care' in health care: Remaking the moral world of medicine. Medische Antropologie 21 (1): 159-68.
2009 End-of-life care in Ghana and The Netherlands: Good death, bad death and euthanasia. In C. Oppong, Ph. Antwi & K. Waerness (eds) Care of the seriously sick and dying: Perspectives of Ghana. Bergen: BRIC, Unifob Global, pp. 265-89.
2009 (with A. Bailey) Introduction: Bringing health research to practical use. Medische Antropologie 21 (2): 215- 21.
2009 Het onbenul van gezonde mensen. In: A. Oderwald, K. Neuvel & W. van Tilburg (red) Opname: Ziek tussen vier muren. Utrecht: De Tijdstroom, pp. 117-32.
2010 (with M. von Faber & E. Sadler) Shifting meanings of 'successful ageing': Anthropological reflections. In: J. Bouwer (ed) Successful ageing, spirituality and meaning: Multidisciplinary perspectives. Leuven: Peeters, pp. 137-50.
2010 (with Rebekah Park) Doing and living medical anthropology: An introduction. In: R. Park & S. van der Geest (eds) Doing and living medical anthropology: Personal reflections. Diemen: AMB, pp. 1-9.
2010 Thick and thinned description: How useful can medical anthropology be? In Rebekah Park & Sjaak van der Geest (eds) Doing and living medical anthropology: Personal reflections. Diemen: AMB, pp. 91-106.
2010 (with Margaret von Faber) Loosing and gaining: About growing old 'successfully' in The Netherlands. In: Janice E. Graham & Peter H. Stephenson (eds) Contesting aging and loss. North York: University of Toronto Press, pp. 27-45.
2010 (with J. Kinsman & A. Hardon) La chaîne des médicaments en tant que phénomène multiniveau : Le cas des médicaments antirétroviraux. Notes méthodologiques et théoriques. Dans C. Garnier et A.L. Saives (coll.) Turbulences dans la chaîne des médicaments. Les éditions Liber, Montréal, pp. 39-64.
2010 Why are pharmaceuticals sometimes liked and sometimes disliked? Viennese Ethnomedicine Newsletter 12 (2-3): 15-21.
2010 (with E. van der Sijpt & T. Gerrits) Introduction. Viennese Ethnomedicine Newsletter 12 (2-3): 3-6.
2010 Aangeraakt worden: Het gevaar van welkome intimiteit. In: A. Oderwald, K. Neuvel & W. van Tilburg (red) Besmet. Utrecht: De Tijdstroom, pp. 17-28.
2010 Introducing 'Health and Health Care'. Medische Antropologie 22 (1): 1-6.
2010 Rumpelstiltskin: The magic of the right word. In: Arko Oderwald, Willem van Tilburg & Koos Neuvel (eds) Unfamiliar knowledge: Psychiatric disorders in literature . Utrecht: De Tijdstroom, pp. 37-44.
2010 (with Adèle Meulenbroek) Concretisering door metafoor en metonymia: Over de verbeelding, verklaring en ervaring van ziekte en genezing. Jaarboek Integrale Geneeskunde 2010/2011. Naar een geïntegreerde theorie van ziekte en gezondheid. Harderwijk: Stichting TIG, pp. 25-33.
2011 Patients as co-researchers? Views and experiences in Dutch medical anthropology. In: S. Fainzang, H.E. Hem & M.B. Risør (eds) The taste for knowledge: Medical anthropology facing medical realities. Aarhus: Aarhus University Press, pp. 97-110.
2010 (with F.M. de Graaff, A.L. Francke & M.E.T.C. van den Muijsenbergh) 'Palliative care': a contradiction in terms? A qualitative study of cancer patients with a Turkish or Moroccan background, their relatives andcare providers. BMC Palliative Care 9:19 (open access)
2011 Shifting positions between anthropology, religion and development: The case of Christianity. Exchange 40 (3): 257-73.
2011 (with A.A. Kaptein & F. Meulenberg) Verhalen, verhalen. Tijdschrift voor Medisch Onderwijs 30 (3): 91-100.
2011 The urgency of pharmaceutical anthropology: A multilevel perspective. Curare 34 (1-2): 9-15.
2011 Ethnocentric ethics in anthropological research. Medische Antropologie 23 (1): 139-51.
2011 Goedaardig. De kunst van het achterblijven. In: A. Oderwald, K. Neuvel & Willem van Tilburg (red) Ontspoorde cellen: Kanker in fictie. Utrecht: De Tijdstroom, pp. 209-16.
2011 Loneliness and distress in old age: A note from Ghana. In: M. Tankink & M. Vysma (eds) Roads and boundaries: Travels in search of (re)connection. Diemen: AMB Publishers, pp. 67-74.
2011 Zaufanie i sceptycyzm - Zmiany postaw[Trust and scepticism - Changing attitudes towards pharmaceuticals] LUD 95: 93-103. (Polish)
2011 (with Kerry Chamberlain) Researching the life stages of medicines: Introduction. Medische Antropologie 23 (2): 231-41.
2011 (with S.R. Whyte) O encanto dos medicamentos:metáforas e metonímias. Sociedade e Cultura 14 (2): 457-72. (Portuguese translation of 'The charm of medicines', 1989).
2012 Alien origins: Xenophilia and the rise of medical anthropology in the Netherlands. Anthropology & Medicine 19 (1): 9-16.
2012 Intérêt de la perspective multi-niveaux en anthropologie du médicament. Ethnopharmacologia n°48 (juillet 2012): 7-13. (cf. 2011).
2012 (with Trudie Gerrits & Flore Singer Aaslid) Introducing ‘Ethnography and self-exploration’. Medische Antropologie 24 (1): 5-21.
2012 Graceful and successful ageing: Observations from Ghana and the Netherlands. In:Brigitte Röder, Willemijn de Jong & Kurt W. Alt (eds) Alter(n) anders denken: Kulturelle und biologische Perspektiven. Wien, Köln, Weimar: Böhlau Verlag GMBH & Cie, pp. 227-38.
2012 Geen nieuw leven. De toekomst op slot en een verleden zonder betekenis. In: Arko Oderwald et al. (red) Nieuw leven: Geboorte in fictie. Utrecht: De Tijdstroom, pp. 157-67.
2012 Discussing and testing efficacy: The never-ending debate about ‘traditional / alternative’ and ‘bio-medicines’. Revue Internationale sur le Médicament ( RIM) 4 (1): 1-13.
2012 (with Ad A. Kaptein et al.) Storying stories. Medical Education Development 2012; 2:e7.
2012 (with Fuusje M. de Graaff, Anneke L. Francke, Maria E.T.C. van den Muijsenbergh) Talking in triads: Communication with Turkish and Moroccan immigrants in the palliative phase of cancer. Journal of Clinical Nursing 21(21-22): 3143-52.
2012 (with Fuusje M. de Graaff, Anneke L. Francke, Maria E. T. C. van den Muijsenbergh) Understanding and improving communication and decision-making in palliative care for Turkish and Moroccan immigrants: A multiperspective study. Ethnicity & Health 17(4): 363-84.
2012 (with Alexander de Graeff, Patrick Mistiaen, Fuusje de Graaf et al.) Palliatieve zorg voor mensen met een niet-westerse achtergrond: Een handreiking met adviezen. NTPZ – Nederlands-Vlaams Tijdschrift voor Palliatieve Zorg 12(2): 4-20.
2012 (with René Devisch, Eileen Moyer & Vinh-Kim Nguyen) Preface / Postface: ‘Medische Antropologie’ 1989-2012. Medische Antropologie 24 (2): 257-63.
2013 (with Genevieve C. Aryeetey, Caroline Jehu-Appiah, Agnes M Kotoh, Ernst Spaan, Daniel K. Arhinful, Rob Baltussen and Irene A. Agyepong) Community concepts of poverty: An application to premium exemptions in Ghana’s National Health Insurance Scheme. Globalization and Health 9:12 (Open Access).
2013 Kinship as friendship: Brothers and sisters in Kwahu, Ghana. In: Erdmute Alber, Cati Coe & Tanja Thelen (eds) The anthropology of sibling relationships. Basingstoke: Palgrave, pp. 51-70.
2013 (with Papreen Nahar) Understanding life through unwanted childlessness: Ethnography and fiction from Ghana, Bangladesh and ‘Dystopia’. Anthropology Today 29 (3): 3-7.
2013 Uma fascinação cultural pela medicina: A antropología médica nos Países Baixos. In: Francine Saillant & Serge Genest (eds) Antropologia médica: Ancoragens locais, desafios globais. Rio de Janeiro: Editora Fiocruz, pp. 259-284. (translated by Vera Lucia dos Reis)
2013 (with Emmanuel Kanchebe Derbile) Repackaging exemptions under National Health Insurance in Ghana: How can access to care for the poor be improved? Health Policy and Planning 28(6): 586-95.
2013 Het water te diep? Antropologen en patiëntenonderzoekers. In: Christine Dedding & Meralda Slager (red) De rafels van participatie in de gezondheidszorg: Van participerende patiënt naar participerende omgeving. Den Haag: Boom Lemma, pp. 89-98.
2014 Medical anthropology. In: William C. Cockerham, Robert Dingwall & Stella R. Quah (eds) The Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Health, Illness, Behavior, and Society. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
2014 Pollution and purity. In: William C. Cockerham, Robert Dingwall & Stella R. Quah (eds) The Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Health, Illness, Behavior, and Society. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
2014 (with Trudie Gerrits, Julia Challinor & Ria Reis) Introduction: Essays in medical anthropology and the AMMA experience. In: S. van der Geest, T. Gerrits & J. Challinor (eds) Medical anthropology: Essays and reflections from an Amsterdam graduate programme. Diemen: AMB Publishers, pp. 1-14.
2014 (with Papreen Nahar) How women in Bangladesh confront the stigma of childlessness: Agency, resilience, and resistance. Medical Anthropology Quarterly, forthcoming.
2014 (with Kristine Krause) Introduction: Studying Health and Health Care in Ghana. Ghana Studies 15/16: 7-40.
2014 De kunst en verleidelijkheid van het rechtop be-staan: De voeten. In: Arko Oderwald, Koos Neuvel & Willem van Tilburg (red) Een zachte machine: Een literaire reis door het lichaam. Utrecht: De Tijdstroom, pp. 73-82.
2014 Overcoming ethnocentrism: How social science and medicine relate and should relate to one another. In: E. Nathaniel Gates (ed) The concept of race in natural and social science. London: Routledge, pp. 173-176 [reprint from 1995].
2015 Alien origins: Xenophilia and the rise of medical anthropology in the Netherlands. In: Elisabeth Hsu & Caroline Potter (eds) Medical anthropology in Europe: Shaping the field. London & New York: Routledge, pp. 11-18. [reprint from 2012].
2015 Friendship and fieldwork: A retrospect as ‘foreword’. Curare 38 (1/2): 3-8.
2015 Wisdom and counselling: A note on advising people with HIV/AIDS in Ghana. African Journal of AIDS Research (AJAR) 14(3): 255-264.
2015 Foreword. In Sjoerd Rijpma, David Livingstone and the myth of African poverty and disease. Leiden: Brill, pp. xi-xvi.
2015 Hygiene and sanitation: Medical, social and psychological concerns. Canadian Medical Association Journal (CMAJ). DOI:10.1503/cmaj.150588.
2015 How can it be!? Ethnography as magical realism and the discovery of the ordinary. Valedictory lecture. Medicine Anthropology Theory (MAT) 2 (2): 79-94.
2016 (with Sahienshadebie Ramdas & Henk D.F.H. Schallig) Nuancing stigma through ethnography: The case of cutaneous leishmaniasis in Suriname. Social Science & Medicine 151: 139-146.
2016 Will families in Ghana continue to care for older people? Logic and contradiction in policy. In: J. Hoffman & K. Pype (eds) Ageing in Sub-Saharan Africa: Spaces and Practices of Care. London: Policy Press, pp. 21-41.
2016 Shakespeare in the Ugandan bush. Anthropology Today 32 (1): 22-24.
2016 (with A.M. Kotoh) Why are the poor less covered in Ghana’s national health insurance? A critical analysis of policy and practice. International Journal for Equity in Health 15:34.
2016 Scatological children’s humour: Notes from the Netherlands and Anywhere. Etnofoor 28 (1): 127-140.
2016 Remembering Klaas Willem van der Veen (1930–2016). Medicine Anthropology Theory (MAT) 3 (2): 1-10.
2016 Studying older people in Ghana: Closing reflections. Ghana Studies 19 (1):
2016 Comment on Hans Baer et al. “Rebranding our Field? Towards an articulation of Health Anthropology.” Current Anthropology 57 (4): 494-510.
2016 Bed en beddengoed: Antropologische notities. . In: M. Lancel, F. Koenraadt & Karel 't Lam (red) Gestoorde slaap: Een onschuldig probleem? Nijmegen: Wolf Legal Publishers, pp. 49-69. (slightly revised reprint from 2005
2017 Les médicaments sur un marché camerounais. Reconsidération de la commodification et de la pharmaceuticalisation de la santé. Anthropologie & Santé 14 | 2017: 1-1
2017 (with Silvana Rugolotto & Alice Larotonda) How migrants keep Italian families Italian: Badanti and the private care of older people. International Journal of Migration, Health and Social Care 13 (2):185-197,
2017 The freedom of anthropological fieldwork. Etnofoor 29 (1): 101-112.
2018 Lying in defence of privacy: Anthropological and methodological observations. International Journal of Social Research Methodology. Open access.
2018 Foreword. In: Gerhard Nijhof, Sickness work: Personal reflections of a sociologist. Singapore: Palgrave Pivot, pp. vii-xii.
2018 Pharmaceuticals. The International Encyclopedia of Anthropology. Wiley Online Library.
2018 (with Agnes Millicent Kotoh & Genevieve Cecilia Aryeetey) Factors that influence enrolment and retention in Ghana’s National Health Insurance Scheme. International Journal of Health Policy and Management 7 (5): 443-455. doi:10.15171/ijhpm.2017.117
2018 Remembering Corlien M. Varkevisser (1937–2017). Medicine Anthropology Theory MAT. 5 (4): 1–13.
2018 Erfenis als voortzetting van het leven na de dood: Antropologische overwegingen [Inheritance as continuation of life after death: Anthropological reflections]. In: P. de Beer, J. van der Meer, J. Plantenga & W. Salverda (red) Voor wie is de erfenis? Over vrijheid, gelijkheid en familiegevoel. [For whom is the inheritance? About freedom, equality and family sentiment]. Amsterdam: Van Gennep, pp. 135-148.
2018 Privacy from an anthropological perspective. In: A. de Groot & B. van der Sloot (eds) Handbook privacy studies: An interdisciplinary introduction. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, pp. 413-443.
2018 The belly open: Fieldwork, defecation and literature with a capital L. In: Pius Mosima (ed) A transcontinental career: Essays in honour of Wim van Binsbergen. Hoofddorp: Shikanda Press, pp. 51-60.
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