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Dr. G.J.E. (Trudie) Gerrits

Associate Professor
Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences
Programme group: Anthropology of Health, Care and the Body
Photographer: Bram Belloni

Visiting address
  • Nieuwe Achtergracht 166
Postal address
  • Postbus 15509
    1001 NA Amsterdam
Contact details
  • Profile and Background

    Current Position

     Currently, I am Associate Professor at the Department of Sociology and Anthropology at the University of Amsterdam (UvA). I am lecturing in the Bachelor of Cultural Anthropology and the Master of Medical Anthropology and Sociology (MAS) and I am  co-director of the MAS. In addition I am thesis supervisor in the Cultural Anthropology and MAS Masters programs and co-supervisor of a number of PhD-candidates.  Most of my own research work is related with infertility and assisted reproductive technologies (ARTs).  

    Short CV

    In 2008 I received my PhD (cum laude ) at the University of Amsterdam based on my dissertation, which is a hospital ethnography entiteld 'Clinical Encounters. Dynamics of patient-centred practices in a Dutch fertility clinic'. Before that I studied Cultural Anthropology at the Catholic University of Nijmegen (BA) and at the University of Amsterdam (MA), and Communication Sciences (Voorlichtingskunde) at the University of Wageningen. In Amsterdam I specialized in Medical Anthropology and obtained my Master's degree (cum laude) in 1994 after completing a MA thesis on 'Social and cultural aspects of infertility among the Macua in the north of Mozambique'. Previously I have worked as researcher, policy advisor and health educator at the Mozambican Ministry of Health (1985-1990).

    From 1991 until 2007 I worked at the Medical Anthropology Unit (MAU)at the UvA, where I was involved as researcher,  technical advisor, project assistant and/or coordinator in various (applied) health research projects in the Netherlands and abroad. Research topics included reproductive health issues; medicine use among Dutch children; migrants and vaccinations; the evaluation of the Dutch governmental cooperation in the field of Health, Nutrition and Population (1995-1999); access and adherence to antiretrovirals (ARVs); and specific aspects in HIV/AIDS prevention activities for ethnic minorities in The Netherlands . In this period I have also coordinated the international PRMUC Course (Promoting Rational Medicine Use in the Community), which had been developed by the WHO, RTI (Royal Tropical Institute, Amsterdam) and the MAU and was involved in teaching, in particular in the AMMA (Amsterdam Master of Medical Anthropology). From 2010-2012 I also was AMMA director.

    Core Research Interest: Infertility and  Assisted Reproductive Technologies
    For my master's thesis I studied the meaning, consequences  and help seeking behaviour of infertile Macua women in the north of Mozambique. This study resulted in a number of publications and presentations on infertility and childlessness 'in the south', which topic until then had received scarce attention from anthropologists and in the field of international health.  I was one of the initiators and organizers of the first 'Social Science Research on Childlessness in a global perspective', which was held in Amsterdam in 1999.

    With my PhD-thesis 'Clinical encounters. Dynamics of patient-centred practices in a Dutch fertility clinic' I continued in the same area of interest, though I focused on the medical practices and medicalization of infertility in a western context. What makes (many) people with fertility problems so persistent in their use of fertility treatment (and IVF in particular) once they have visited a fertility clinic? What makes it so difficult to jump off the roller coaster of treatment? And in particular, in what way does visiting a fertility clinic - and the experience of clinical encounters - affect people in terms of the (further) medicalization of their fertility problems? These were the questions that formed the starting point for my study, in which I portray the daily practices of a Dutch fertility clinic and provide insight into the situated accounts of couples visiting this clinic. Further, in this thesis I examine - inspired by Foucauldian notions on the workings of disciplinary power - how these clinical encounters affect the experiences and views of people with fertility problems and their (further) use of fertility services and technologies. By looking in such detail at the complex and dynamic relationship between clinical practice and people's experiences, my thesis intends to contribute to an understanding of the complexity of women's and men's responses to reproductive technology, and more broadly, seeks to advance the theoretical understanding of processes of medicalization in clinical practice.

    Currently, I am involved in  a comparative study on the Appropriation and Use of ARTs in Sub-Saharan Africa, a study initiated and coordinated by Viola Hörbst, funded by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) and hosted by the Centro de Estudos Africanos e Brasileiros (CEAB) at the ISCSP, Technical University of Lisbon. 
    This multi-sited study takes places in Ghana, Uganda and Mozambique/South-Africa. Three major research lines, concerned with the appropriation of ART in Africa, will be explored:

    •  the mobility of both providers and end-users across the globe (South-South, North-South, South-North) and the emergence of transnational networks
    • the mobility of artefacts, practices, skills and ethics associated with ARTs
    • the locally specific structures and historical contexts that in turn shape form and praxis of those technologies

    As part of this study I am doing field research in two private fertility clinics in Ghana.

    External Tasks

    • Co-chair of the Social Science Group of the Taskforce 'Infertility Care in Developing Countries' of ESHRE,  the European Society for Human Reproduction and Embryology.
    • Representative of the UvA-AIISSR Health Care and the Body Research group in Sharenet, the Dutch network organisation in the field of Sexual and Reproductive Health.
    • Dutch Committee member of SANPAD, the South Africa Netherlands research Programme on Alternatives in Development



    Infertility, reproductive health, reproductive technology, medicalization, hospital ethnography, ethics, Ghana, Mozambique


  • Keywords


    Infertility, reproductive health, reproductive technology, medicalization, hospital ethnography, ethics, Ghana, Mozambique

  • Teaching and PhD supervision

    In 2013-2014 I am involved in the Master Medical Anthropology and Sociology as Program Director. and in the Bachelor Cultural Anthropoly I teach Reproduction,  Health and Technologies.


    Currently, I am co-supervisor of the following Phd-Candidates: 

    Marije Visser (UvA-AMC, with Prof. Fulco van der Veen)

    Ines Faria (School of Social and Political Sciences, Technical University of Lisbon, with Dr. Viola Hörbst)

    Lucia Linda Yevoo  (WUR, with Prof. Han van Dijk)

    Matilda Aberese-Ako (WUR, with Prof. Han van Dijk)

    Matilda Hanna Marisol Henao Vanegas (AISSR, with Prof. Ria Reis)

    Carla Rodrigues (AISSR, with Prof. Anita Hardon)

  • Publications


    • Algera, E., Leusink, P., Gerrits, T., Pols, J., & Ravesloot, J. H. (2024). mHealth technologies for pregnancy prevention: A challenge for patient-centred contraceptive counselling in Dutch general practice. The European journal of general practice, 30(1), Article 2302435 . [details]


    • Gerrits, T., Kroes, H., Russell, S., & van Rooij, F. (2023). Breaking the silence around infertility: a scoping review of interventions addressing infertility-related gendered stigmatisation in low- and middle-income countries. Sexual and Reproductive Health Matters, 31(1), Article 2134629 . [details]
    • Grocher, K., & Gerrits, T. (2023). A racially and culturally sensitive approach to fertility counseling. In S. N. Covington (Ed.), Fertility Counseling: Clinical Guide (2nd ed., pp. 183-194). Cambridge University Press. [details]
    • Siermann, M., Visser, M., Schrijvers, A., Mochtar, M., & Gerrits, T. (2023). ‘Doing’ kinship: heterosexual parents’ experiences of non-genetic parenthood through donor conception. Reproductive Biomedicine Online, 46(1), 210-218. [details]


    • Gerrits, T. (2022). Global IVF and local practices: The case of Ghana. In S. Han, & C. Tomori (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Anthropology and Reproduction (pp. 233-256). (Routledge anthropology handbooks). Routledge. [details]
    • König, A. (Guest ed.), Whittaker, A. (Guest ed.), Gerrits, G. J. E. (Guest ed.), & Rozée, V. (Guest ed.) (2022). Special issue: Shifting Surrogacies. International Journal of Comparative Sociology, 63(5-6).
    • König, A., Whittaker, A., Gerrits, T., & Rozée, V. (2022). Shifting surrogacies: Comparative ethnographies. International Journal of Comparative Sociology, 63(5-6), 235-246. [details]
    • Moll, T., Gerrits, T., Hammarberg, K., Manderson, L., & Whittaker, A. (2022). Reproductive travel to, from and within sub-Saharan Africa: A scoping review. Reproductive Biomedicine and Society Online, 14, 271-288. [details]
    • Whittaker, A., Gerrits, T., & Weis, C. (2022). Emerging “repronubs” and “repropreneurs”: Transnational surrogacy in Ghana, Kazakhstan, and Laos. International Journal of Comparative Sociology, 63(5-6), 304–323. [details]



    • Bos, H. M. W., van Rooij, F. B., Esho, T., Ndegwa, W., Bilajbegovic, A., Kioko, B., Koppen, L., Kemunto Migiro, S., Mwenda, S., & Gerrits, T. (2019). Fertility Problems and Fertility Care in Sub-Saharan Africa: The Case of Kenya. In O. Taubman-Ben-Ari (Ed.), Pathways and Barriers to Parenthood: Existential Concerns Regarding Fertility, Pregnancy, and Early Parenthood (pp. 59-82). Springer. [details]
    • Schrijvers, A., Bos, H., van Rooij, F., Gerrits, T., van der Veen, F., Mochtar, M., & Visser, M. (2019). Being a donor-child: wishes for parental support, peer support and counseling. Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 40(1), 29-37. [details]
    • Visser, M., Gerrits, T., van der Veen, F., & Mochtar, M. (2019). Counsellors’ practices in donor sperm treatment. Human Fertility, 22(4), 255-265. [details]



    • Gerrits, T., van Rooij, F., Esho, T., Ndegwa, W., Goossens, J., Bilajbegovic, A., Jansen, A., Kioko, B., Koppen, L., Kemunto Migiro, S., Mwenda, S., & Bos, H. (2017). Infertility in the Global South: Raising awareness and generating insights for policy and practice. Facts, Views & Vision in Ob Gyn, 9(1), 39-44. [details]


    • Gerrits, T. (2016). 'It’s not my eggs, it is not my husband’s sperm, it is not my child': surrogacy and 'not doing kinship' in Ghana. In C. Kroløkke, L. Myong, S. W. Adrian, & T. Tjørnhøj-Thomsen (Eds.), Critical kinship studies (pp. 65-80). (Rowman and Littlefield international - intersections). Rowman & Littlefield. [details]
    • Gerrits, T. (2016). Patient-centred IVF: Bioethics and care in a Dutch clinic. (Fertility, reproduction and sexuality; No. 33). Berghahn Books. [details]
    • Gerrits, T. (2016). Assisted reproductive technologies in Ghana: Transnational undertakings, local practices and ‘more affordable’ IVF. Reproductive Biomedicine and Society Online, 2, 32-38. [details]
    • Gerrits, T., & Hörbst, V. (2016). Entrepreneuring Barren Grounds. In L. Manderson, E. Cartwright, & A. Hardon (Eds.), The Routledge handbook of medical anthropology (pp. 345-349). (Routledge handbooks). Routledge. [details]
    • Hörbst, V., & Gerrits, T. (2016). Assisted reproductive technologies in private IVF clinics in Ghana and Uganda: Local responses to the scarcity of embryologists. In D. Bonnet, & V. Duchesne (Eds.), Procréation médicale et mondialisation: Expériences africaines (pp. 57-71). (Anthropologies et médecines). L'Harmattan. [details]
    • Hörbst, V., & Gerrits, T. (2016). Transnational connections of health professionals: medicoscapes and assisted reproduction in Ghana and Uganda. Ethnicity & Health, 21(4), 357-374. [details]
    • Kweekel, L., Gerrits, T., Rijnders, M., & Brown, P. R. (2016). The Role of Trust in CenteringPregnancy: Building Interpersonal Trust Relationships in Group-Based Prenatal Care in The Netherlands. Birth - Issues in Perinatal Care and Education, 44(1), 41-47. [details]
    • Visser, M., Gerrits, T., Kop, F., van der Veen, F., & Mochtar, M. (2016). Exploring parents’ feelings about counseling in donor sperm treatment. Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 37(4), 156-163. [details]
    • Visser, M., Mochtar, M. H., de Melker, A. A., van der Veen, F., Repping, S., & Gerrits, T. (2016). Psychosocial counselling of identifiable sperm donors. Human Reproduction, 31(5), 1066-1074. [details]
    • de Groot, M., Dancet, E., Repping, S., Goddijn, M., Stoop, D., van der Veen, F., & Gerrits, T. (2016). Perceptions of Oocyte Banking From Women Intending to Circumvent Age-Related Fertility Decline. Acta obstetricia et gynecologica Scandinavica, 95(12), 1396-1401. [details]


    • Aberese-Ako, M., Agyepong, I. A., Gerrits, T., & van Dijk, H. (2015). 'I used to fight with them but now I have stopped!': conflict and doctor-nurse anaesthetists' motivation in maternal and neonatal care provision in a specialist referral hospital. PLoS ONE, 10(8), Article e0135129. [details]
    • Gerrits, T. (2015). ARTs in resource-poor areas: practices, experiences, challenges and theoretical debates. In K. Hampshire, & B. Simpson (Eds.), Assisted reproductive technologies in the third phase: global encounters and emerging moral worlds (pp. 94-104). (Fertility, reproduction and sexuality; No. 31). Berghahn Books. [details]


    • Aberese-Ako, M., van Dijk, H., Gerrits, T., Arhinful, D. K., & Agyepong, I. A. (2014). 'Your health our concern, our health whose concern?': perceptions of injustice in organizational relationships and processes and frontline health worker motivation in Ghana. Health Policy and Planning, 29(Suppl. 2), ii15-ii28. [details]
    • Gerrits, T. (2014). The ambiguity of patient-centred practices: the case of a Dutch fertility clinic. Anthropology & Medicine, 21(2), 125-135. [details]





    • Hardon, A. P., Akurut, D., Comoro, C., Ekezie, C., Irunde, H. F., Gerrits, T., Kglatwane, J., Kinsman, J., Kwasa, R., Maridadi, J., Moroka, T. M., Moyo, S., Nakiyemba, A., Nsimba, S., Ogenyi, R., Oyabba, T., Temu, F., & Laing, R. (2007). Hunger, waiting time and transport costs: time to confront challenges to ART adherence in Africa. AIDS Care, 19(5), 658-665. [details]


    • Gerrits, T. (2002). Infertility and matrilineality. The exceptional case of the Macua. In M. C. Inhorn, & F. Van Balen (Eds.), Infertility around the globe: new thinking on childless, gender and reproductive technology. (pp. 337-349). University of California.


    • Hardon, A. P., & Gerrits, T. (2001). Social and cultural aspects of being infertile in Africa. In Sexual and Reproductive health: recent advances, future directions New Age International. [details]
    • van Balen, F., & Gerrits, T. (2001). Quality of infertility care in poor-resource areas and the introduction of new reproductive technologies. Human Reproduction, 16(2), 215-219. [details]
    • van Zandvoort, H., de Koning, K., & Gerrits, T. (2001). Viewpoint: medical infertility care in low income countries: the case for concern in policy and practice. Tropical Medicine & International Health, 6(7), 563-569. [details]


    • de Kok, B. C., Gerrits, G. J. E., van der Sijpt, E., Picavet, C., Dechau, D. M., Russel, S., Elbers, C., & Temmerman, M. (2017). Synthesis Evaluation of SRHR Subsidy Frameworks 2011-2015: Final Report. University of Amsterdam.


    • van der Geest, S., Gerrits, T., & Challinor, J. (2014). Medical anthropology: essays and reflections from an Amsterdam graduate programme. (Health, culture and society). AMB. [details]
    • van der Geest, S., Gerrits, T., Challinor, J., & Reis, R. (2014). Introduction: essays in medical anthropology and the AMMA experience. In S. van der Geest, T. Gerrits, & J. Challinor (Eds.), Medical anthropology: essays and reflections from an Amsterdam graduate programme (pp. 1-11). (Health, culture and society: studies in medical anthropology and sociology). AMB. [details]


    • Gerrits, G. J. E. (2011). Biomedical infertility care in Sub-Saharan Africa: what is going on? In E. Slager (Ed.), Reproductieve geneeskunde, gynaecologie en obstetrie anno 2011 (pp. 961-966). DCHG. [details]



    • Gerrits, T. (2009). Sharing uncertainty in clinical encounters in a Dutch fertility clinic. In S. van der Geest, & M. Tankink (Eds.), Theory and action: essays for an anthropologist (pp. 51-59). [details]


    • Reis, R., van der Geest, S., & Gerrits, T. (2008). Over kwalitatieve analyse bij onderzoek onder ‘anderen’. In M. Foets, J. Schuster, & K. Stronks (Eds.), Gezondheids(zorg)onderzoek onder allochtone bevolkingsgroepen (pp. 108-121). (NWO-reeks sociale cohesie; No. 16). Aksant. [details]


    • Radyowijati, A., & Gerrits, T. (2007). Assessment of Gender Specific Aspects in HIV/AIDS Prevention Projects for Ethnic Minorities in the Netherlands. Aids Fonds.


    • Hardon, A. P., & Gerrits, T. (2004). Applied Health Research Manual : Anthropology of Health and Health Care. (4th ed.) Het Spinhuis.


    • Hardon, A., Boomongkon, P., Streefland, P., Tan, M. L., Hongvivatana, T., van der Geest, S., van Staa, A., Varkevisser, C., Acuin, C., Chowdhury, M., Bhuiya, A., Sringeryuang, L., van Dongen, E., & Gerrits, T. (2001). Applied health research manual: Anthropology of health and health care. (3rd, rev. ed.) Het Spinhuis. [details]
    • van Balen, F., & Gerrits, T. (2001). Kinderwens in context. [Child desire in context]. In Zwanger van de kinderwens: visies, feiten en vragen over voortplantingstechnologie. Ratenau Instituut..


    • Gerrits, T. (2000). Studying infertility and STDs among the Macua in Montepuez, Mozambique: a multi-disciplinary challenge? In Social science research on childlessness in a global perspective. Kohnstamm Institute.
    • van Balen, F., Gerrits, T., & Inhorn, M. C. (2000). Social science research on childlessness in a global perspective. Kohnstamm Institute.


    • Gerrits, G. J. E., Boonmongkon, P., Feresu, S., & Halperin, D. (1999). Involuntary infertility and childlessness in resource-poor countries. Current Reproductive Health Concerns. Het Spinhuis. [details]


    • Gerrits, T., Hardon, A., & Haaijer-Ruskamp, F. M. (1996). "Preferably half a Tablet." Health seeking behaviour when Dutch children get ill. In P. J. Bush, D. J. Trakas, & et al (Eds.), Children, Medicines and Culture. (pp. 209-224). Haworth Press.


    • Radyowijati, A., Gerrits, G., & Bushee, J. (2019). Stepping stones to integrating infertility into sexual and reproductive health and rights programming: lessons learnt from the Jembatan project: Final Report Jembatan Project for Share-Net International. Results in Health and University of Amsterdam.


    • de Kok, B. C., Gerrits, G. J. E., van der Sijpt, E., Picavet, C., Dechau, D. M., Russell, S. J., Elbers, C., & Temmerman, M. (2017). Synthesis Evaluation of SRHR Subsidy Frameworks 2011-2015. Report for the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs. AIGHD/AISSR.




    • Gerrits, T. (2008). [Review of: P. Liamputtong (2008) Doing cross-cultural research: ethical and methodological perspectives]. Medische Antropologie, 22(1), 178-181. [details]


    • Gerrits, G. J. E., & Kinsman, F. J. (2006). From training to action: the process of engaging health professionals in operational research on adherence to antiretroviral therapy. In A. Hardon, S. Davey, & G. J. E. Gerrits (Eds.), From access to adherence: the challenges of antiretroviral treatment. Studies from Botswana, Tanzania and Uganda WHO. [details]
    • Hardon, A. P., Davey, S., & Gerrits, G. J. E. (2006). From access to adherence: the challenges of antiretroviral treatment. Studies from Botswana, Tanzania and Uganda. WHO. [details]
    • Hardon, A. P., Gerrits, G. J. E., & Kinsman, F. J. (2006). On hunger, transport costs and waiting time: a synthesis of challenges to ARV adherence in three African countries. In A. P. Hardon, S. Davey, & T. Gerrits (Eds.), From access to adherence: the challenges of antiretroviral treatment. Studies from Botswana, Tanzania and Uganda WHO. [details]


    • Gerrits, G. J. E., Abah, S. J., & et al., U. (2005). There's hope - early observations of ARV treatment roll-out in South Africa. Essential Drugs Monitor. [details]


    • Gerrits, T. (2003). [Bespreking van: G. Nijhof (2000) Levensverhalen: de methode van autobiografisch onderzoek in de sociologie]. Medische Antropologie, 15(1), 231-235. [details]


    • Hardon, A. P., Stegeman, M., & Gerrits, T. (2002). Synthesis report. Health, Nutrition and Population: Burkina Faso, Yemen, Mozambique. 1995-1999. Ministry of Foreign Affairs / IOB. [details]


    • van Balen, F., & Gerrits, T. (2001). (On)gewenste kinderloosheid: twijfel, uitstel en afstel. [(In)voluntary childlessness: doubts, delay and canceling.]. In Zwanger van de kinderwens: visies, feiten en vragen over voortplantingstechnologie. Ratenau Institute.


    • Gerrits, T. (2000). [Bespreking van: R. Cecil (1996) The anthropology of pregnancy loss: comparative studies in miscarriage, stillbirth and neonatal death]. Medische Antropologie, 12(1), 142-147. [details]


    • Hardon, A. P., & Gerrits, G. J. E. (1999). A bull is not a Bull without a Scar: Results of a literature review on how men and women in Sub-Saharan Africa percieve, prevent and treat sexually transmitted infections. In A bull is not a bull without a Scar [details]


    • Kroes, H., Siermann, M., Jansz, R., & Gerrits, G. J. E. (2019). Breaking the Silence Around Infertility -A narrative review of existing programmes, practices and interventions in low and lower-middle income countries.. Paper presented at Co-Creation Conference, Amsterdam, Netherlands.


    • Schrijvers, A. M., Bos, H. M. W., van Rooij, F. B., Gerrits, G. J. E., van der Veen, F., Mochtar, M. H., & Visser, M. (2017). Being a donor-child: wishes for parental support, peer support and counselling. Poster session presented at
      33rd Annual Meeting of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE) 2017, Geneva, Switzerland.


    • Schrijvers, A. M., Bos, H. M. W., van Rooij, F. B., Gerrits, G. J. E., van der Veen, F., Mochtar, M. H., & Visser, M. (2016). Donor-conceived offspring:Exploring thier wishes and needs for counselling and guidance. Poster session presented at Annual Conference of the Society of Reproductive and Infant Psychology, Leeds, United Kingdom.


    • Hörbst, V., & Gerrits, T. (2014). Transnational networks and the embedding of practices over time: organising assisted reproductive techniques. Paper presented at Les technologies de la procréation et la mondialisation. Dispositifs, savoirs, expériences en Afrique subsaharienne.

    Membership / relevant position

    • Gerrits, T. (2018-2020). Board member (basic science officer) of Special Interest Group ‘Global and Socio-cultural Aspects of Infertility’, ESHRE: European Society for Human Reproduction and Embryology.
    • Gerrits, T. (2018-2020). Community of Practice on Infertility of Share-Net The Netherlands.
    • Gerrits, G. J. E. (2009). Lid Nederlands Nationaal Committee, SANPAD, the Netherlands (South Africa-Netherlands research Programme on Alternatives in Development).
    • Gerrits, G. J. E. (2009). Adviseur Nederlandse Adviesraad, SANPAD, the Netherlands (South Africa-Netherlands research Programme on Alternatives in Development).
    • Gerrits, G. J. E. (2009). Coördinatie Masterprogramma, IS-Academy.
    • Gerrits, G. J. E. (2009). Lid van Social Study Group, IS-Academy.

    Media appearance

    Journal editor

    • Gerrits, T. (editor), Ombelet, W. (editor), van Balen, F. (editor) & Vanderpoel, S. (editor) (2012). Facts, Views & Vision in Ob Gyn (Journal).


    • Gerrits, T. (organiser) (11-2019). ESHRE Campus "Unequal access to infertility care: causes and solutions”, Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Gerrits, T. (organiser) (2019). Co-Creation Conference, Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Gerrits, G. J. E. (organiser) (19-11-2017). Infertility Care Workshop, Accra, Ghana (in collaboration with Association of Childless Couples of Ghana – ACCOG) (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Gerrits, G. J. E. (organiser) (14-11-2017). Infertility Round Table, University of Amsterdam (in collaboration with Sharenet International) (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Gerrits, G. J. E. (organiser) (7-6-2017). Consensus Conference - Synthesis Evaluation of SRHR Subsidy Frameworks 2011-201, Ministry of Foreign Affairs. (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Gerrits, G. J. E. (organiser) (3-12-2016). Infertility Workshop for Patient Support Group (in collaboration with Footstep to Fertility Foundation - FFF) (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Gerrits, G. J. E. (organiser) (2-12-2016). Infertility Workshop for Practitioners (in collaboration with Footstep to Fertility Foundation) (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Gerrits, T. (organiser) (9-10-2014). Network meeting for students and NGOs, Amsterdam. Linking research, policy and practice: students and NGOs (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Hörbst, V. (organiser), Gerrits, T. (organiser), Quintino, C. (organiser), Bastos, C. (organiser), Seixas, P. (organiser), Faria, I. (organiser) & Cavalho, G. (organiser) (24-3-2014 - 25-3-2014). Conference, Lisbon. International Symposium: Biomedical Technologies in Sub-Saharan Africa (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Gerrits, T. (other) (2014 - 2015). Member, Sharenet International - Working Group Small Grants (other).
    • Gerrits, T. (participant) (2-10-2013). Organizer. "Linking Research and Practice - Students and NGOs". Symposium organized by the ShareNet - Netherlands Network on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights and HIV & AIDS (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Gerrits, T. (other) (2013). Member Dutch National SANPAD Committee (South Africa-Netherlands Research Programme on Alternatives in Development), South Africa-Netherlands Research Programme on Alternatives in Development (other).
    • Gerrits, T. (other) (2013). Chair Social Study Group of the ESHRE Taskforce on "Developing Countries and Infertility’, ESHRE: European Society for Human Reproduction and Embryology (other).
    • Gerrits, T. (other) (2013). Member Steering Committee ‘Share-Net International’ - The Knowledge Platform on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Netherlands (other).
    • Gerrits, T. (participant) (2013). Member Share-Net Netherlands - Workgroup "Linking Research and Practice - Students and NGOs" (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Gerrits, T. (other) (2013 - 2015). Member Steering Committee, Sharenet International (other).
    • Gerrits, T. (other) (2013 - 2014). Coordinator Social Science Study Group, ESHRE / The Walking Egg - Task Force 'Infertility Care in Developing Countries' (other).
    • Gerrits, T. (other) (2012 - 2015). Member, Sharenet Netherlands - Workgroup Linking Research and Practice (other).
    • Gerrits, T. (other) (2012 - 2015). Representative UvA-AISSR, Sharenet Netherlands (other).
    • Gerrits, G. J. E. (participant) (21-11-2011 - 22-11-2011). Co-organizer Workshop on 'Socio-cultural and ethical aspects of biomedical infertility care in poor resource countries, Genk, Belgium (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).


    • Gerrits, G. J. E. (2008). Clinical encounters : dynamics of patient-centred practices in a Dutch fertility clinic. [Thesis, fully internal, Universiteit van Amsterdam]. [details]
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  • Ancillary activities
    No ancillary activities