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M. (Mansur) Gazimzianov

Faculty of Humanities
Europese studies

Visiting address
  • Kloveniersburgwal 48
Postal address
  • Postbus 1619
    1000 BP Amsterdam
Contact details
  • Publications


    • Gazimzianov, M., Abroskina, E., Antonyan, Y., Baranov, D., Bobrovnikov, V., Fomina, V., Guchinova, E.-B., Hakkarainen, M., Kryukova, N., Leete, A., Masagutova, M., Mikeshin, I., Panchenko, A., Rygovskiy, D., Senina, Y., & Vallikivi, L. (2022). Форум: Материальный поворот и антропология религии. Antropologicheskij Forum, (55), 31-152.

    Talk / presentation

    • Gazimzianov, M. (speaker) (15-6-2023). Issues of language in studying Tatar history from the first-hand perspective, Summer Research Laboratory Workshop. Language Learning and Language Competencies for Field Research in Eurasian Studies. University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. .
    • Gazimzianov, M. (speaker) (1-12-2022). The Muslim Prison Experiences in Imperial and Soviet Russia, The Muslim Self: A Transregional History, Amsterdam.
    • Gazimzianov, M. (speaker) (8-11-2021). The autobiography and discursive practices of Soviet-era imam from Inner Russia, NISIS Autumn School 2021: “Islamic(ate) Classics: From Manuscript to the Digital Age”, KU Leuven, November 8-12, 2021., Leuven.


    • Gazimzianov, M. (organiser), Mamadshoeva, D. (organiser) & Schoorel, E. (organiser) (10-6-2022 - 11-6-2022). ARTES PhD Conference “Area Studies in Times of Crisis”, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam School for Regional Transnational and European Studies, June 10-11, 2022., Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
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  • Ancillary activities
    No ancillary activities