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Dr. A.B. (Anna) Fenko PhD

Lecturer Communication Science
Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences
CW : Persuasive Communication

Visiting address
  • Nieuwe Achtergracht 166
Postal address
  • Postbus 15791
    1001 NG Amsterdam
Social media
  • Profile

    I received an MS degree in Economic Psychology from Moscow State University (Russia) and a PhD in in human-centered design and product experience at TU Delft (Netherlands). 

    Before joining University of Amsterdam, I worked as lecturer and researcher in marketing communication and consumer behaviour at Moscow State University (Russia), Rice University (Houston, USA), University of Twente (Enschede) and Vrije Universiteit (Amsterdam). 

    My research interests are focused on using persuasive communication and nudging interventions (such as multisensory design of products, packages, retail environments and marketing communications) to promote behavioural change, such as healthy eating habits and sustainable consumption. I performed a series of studies into the effects of advertising and packaging design on healthy and sustainable food choice. I have studied the influence of environmental design on healthy food choice in supermarkets and virtual shopping environment and the effects of digital communications on consumer behaviour in online stores. 


  • Teaching

    Marketing Communication, Master Projects supervision, Graduation Projects supervision, Research methods workshop 

  • CV
  • Publications


    Burdett, H., Fenko, A., Gawel, A., Havermans, L. van Dijk, M. (2021). Circular Trailblazers: Scale-Ups Leading the Way Towards a More Circular Economy. World Economic Forum in collaboration with ScaleUpNation, 


    Havermans, L., Fenko, A., Ji-ye Oh, J.Y., Terzi. (2020). Trailblazing: scaling your impact to change industries


    Fenko A. (2019) Influencing Healthy Food Choice through Multisensory Packaging Design. In: Velasco C., Spence C. (eds) Multisensory Packaging. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.


    Fenko, A., Nicolaas, I., & Galetzka, M. (2018). Does attention to health labels predict a healthy food choice? An eye-tracking study. Food Quality and Preference, 69, 57-65.

    Fenko, A., de Vries, R., & van Rompay, T. (2018). How strong is your coffee? The influence of visual metaphors and textual claims on consumers’ flavour perception and product evaluation. Frontiers in Psychology, 9:53, 1-12.

    Fenko, A. & van Rompay, T.J.L. (2018). Consumer driven product design. In: Ares, G. & Varela, P.A. (eds.). Methods in Consumer Research, Vol. 2. Elsevier, pp. 427-462.


    Van Rompay, T.J.L., Finger, F., Saakes, D., & Fenko, A. (2017). “See me, feel me”: Effects of 3D-printed surface patterns on beverage evaluation. Food Quality and Preference, 62, 332-339.

    Hegner, S.M., Fenko, A., & Ter Avest, A. (2017). Using the theory of planned behaviour to understand brand love. Journal of Product & Brand Management, Vol. 26 Issue: 1, 26-41.

    Fenko, A., Kroese, M., & Karreman, J. (2017). Communicating healthfulness and freshness of packaged and unpackaged food. Paper presented at 12th PANGBORN Sensory Science Symposium, August 20-24 2017, Providence, US. 

    Fenko, A., Keizer, T., Pruyn, A. (2017). Do social proof and scarcity work in the online context? Paper presented at 16th International Conference on Research in Advertising (ICORIA). Ghent, Belgium, June 29 - July 1, 2017.


    Fenko, A., Lotterman, H., & Galetzka, M. (2016). What’s in a name? The effects of sound symbolism and package shape on consumer responses to food products. Food Quality and Preference, 51, 100-108.

    Van Rompay, T.J.L., Deterink, F., & Fenko, A. (2016). Healthy package, Healthy product? Effects of Packaging Design as a Function of Purchase Setting. Food Quality and Preference, 53, 84–89.

    Fenko, A., Kersten, L. & Bialkova, S. (2016). Overcoming consumer scepticism toward food labels: The role of multisensory experience. Food Quality and Preference, 48, 81–92.

    Bialkova, S., Sasse, L., & Fenko, A. (2016). The role of nutrition labels and advertising claims in altering consumers’ evaluation and choice. Appetite, 96, 38-46.

    Fenko, A., Heiltjes, S., & van den Berg-Weitzel, L. (2016). Towards a sensory congruent beer bottle: Consumer associations between beer brands, flavours, and bottle designs. Proceedings of DRS 2016, Design Research Society 50th Anniversary Conference. Brighton, UK, 27–30 June 2016.


    Fenko, A., Backhaus, B.W., & van Hoof, J.J. (2015). The influence of product- and person-related factors on consumer hedonic responses to soy products. Food Quality and Preference, 41, 30–40.

    Fenko, A., Leufkens, J.-M., & van Hoof, J.J. (2015). Effects of slogans on cognitive and affective responses to an unknown food product among food neophobics and neophilics. Food Quality and Preference, 39, 268–276.

    Golan, A. & Fenko, A. (2015). Toward a Sustainable Faucet Design: Effects of Sound and Vision on Perception of Running Water. Environment and Behavior, Vol. 47(1), 85–101.

    Fenko, A., van Lith, R., & Galetzka, M. (2015). Communicating food healthiness through package color and material. Paper presented at 11th Pangborn Sensory Science Symposium, August 23-27, Gothenburg, Sweden. 

    Gijsbertsen, D., Galetzka, M., & Fenko, A. (2015). Shaping saltiness: The cross-modal correspondence between taste and vision/audition. Paper presented at 11th Pangborn Sensory Science Symposium, August 23-27, Gothenburg, Sweden. 

    Fenko, A., Hogenkamp, A., & Galetzka, M. (2015). Do extraverts prefer extraverted ads? Consumer responses to visual and self-congruity in advertising. Paper presented at 14th International Conference on Research in Advertising (ICORIA), July 2-5, London. 


    Fenko, A. & Loock, C. (2014). The influence of ambient scent and music on patients' anxiety in a waiting room. Health Environments Research & Design Journal (HERD), 7 (3), 38–59.

    Fenko, A. & I.W.J. Faasen (2014). The influence of context and nutrition information on healthful food choices in a restaurant. Paper presented at the 6th European Conference on Sensory and Consumer Research, 7-10 September 2014, Copenhagen, Denmark.

    Fenko, A., & Drost, W. (2014). A study in pink: What determines the success of gender-specific advertising? Paper presented at 13th International Conference on Research in Advertising (ICORIA), June 26th - 28th 2014, Amsterdam.

    Bialkova, S., Sasse, L., & Fenko, A. (2014). Altering health-pleasure trade-off via advertising claims. Paper presented at 13th International Conference on Research in Advertising (ICORIA), June 26th - 28th 2014, Amsterdam.

    Fenko, A., Breulmann, S. & Bialkova, S. (2014). Increasing advertising power via written scent references. Paper presented at 43rd European Marketing Academy Conference (EMAC), June 3-6, 2014, Valencia, Spain.


    Schifferstein, H.N.J., Fenko, A., Desmet, PM.A., Labbe, D., & Martin, N. (2013). Influence of package design on the dynamics of multisensory and emotional food experience. Food Quality and Preference, 27, 18–25.

    Fenko, A., Leufkens, J.-M., & van Hoof, J. (2013). Effects of slogans on acceptance of an unknown food product: The role of food neophobia. Paper presented at the 10th Pangborn Sensory Science Symposium, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, August, 10-15, 2013.


    Fenko, A., & Schifferstein, H.N.J. (2012). The influence of sensory product properties on affective and symbolic product experience. Proceedings of the 8th Conference on Design & Emotion, 11-14 September, London, UK.


    Fenko, A., Schifferstein, H.N.J., Hekkert, P. (2011). Noisy products: Does appearance matter? International Journal of Design, 5 (3), 77-87. 


    Fenko, A., Otten, J.J., Schifferstein, H.N.J. (2010). Describing product experience in different languages: The role of sensory modalities. Journal of Pragmatics, 42, 3314-3327.

    Bochaver, A., & Fenko, A. (2010). Metaphors in happy and unhappy life stories of Russian adults. Metaphor and Symbol, 25: 4, 243 — 262.

    Fenko, A., Schifferstein, H.N.J., Hekkert, P. (2010). Looking hot or feeling hot: What determines the product experience of warmth? Materials & Design, 31, 1325–1331.

    Fenko, A., Schifferstein, H.N.J., Hekkert, P. (2010). Shifts in sensory dominance between various stages of user-product interactions. Journal of Applied Ergonomics, 41, 34–40.

    Schifferstein, H.N.J., & Fenko, A. (2010). Investigating sensory dominance in product experience. Proceedings of the 7th Conference on Design & Emotion, 4-7 October 2010, Chicago, Il, USA.

    Fenko, A., Schifferstein, H.N.J., & Hekkert, P. (2010). Can we design pleasurable products by combining pleasurable sensory properties? Proceedings of the International Conference on Kansei Engineering and Emotion Research, 2-4 March 2010, Paris, France.

    Fenko, A. (2010). Sensory dominance in product experience. PhD thesis. TU Delft, 224 pp.


    Fenko, A., Schifferstein, Huang, T.-C., & Hekkert, P. (2009). What makes products fresh: The smell or the colour? Food Quality and Preference, 20, 372–379.

    Fenko, A., Schifferstein, & Hekkert, P. (2009). Which senses dominate the product experiences of warmth and freshness? Paper presented at the 8th Pangborn Sensory Science Symposium, 26-30 July 2009, Florence, Italy.


    Fenko, A., Schifferstein, H.N.J., & Hekkert, P. (2008) Factors contributing to product experience: The cases of ‘warmth’ and ‘freshness’. Proceedings of the 6th Conference on Design & Emotion, 6-9 October, 2008, Hong Kong.

    Fenko, A., Schifferstein, H.N.J., & Hekkert, P. (2008) Which senses dominate the different stages of product experience. Proceedings of the 4th Design Research Society Conference, 16-19 July, 2008, Sheffield, UK. 


  • Ancillary activities
    • Nationaal Agentschap Erasmus+ Onderwijs
      Participant in Erasmus+ project on adult education