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Dr. K.H. (Klaas) Eller

Faculty of Law
Dep. Private Law

Visiting address
  • Nieuwe Achtergracht 166
Postal address
  • Postbus 15842
    1001 NH Amsterdam
Contact details
  • Profile

    Klaas Hendrik Eller is an Associate Professor at the Amsterdam Center for Transformative Private Law (ACT) and affiliated with the Sustainable Global Economic Law (SGEL) research project. 

    His research interests are centered around the role of (private) law in social and technological change, particularly through an angle of contract and economic law, alongside comparative and international private law as well as human rights. His work draws on (transnational) private law theory, socio-legal and anthropological approaches, law & political economy and the history of legal thought. Klaas is a contributor to the project 'The Private Side of Transforming the World: The UN Sustainable Development Goals 2030 and the Role of Private International Law' (Max-Planck Institute, Hamburg). He is a co-editor-in-chief of the German Law Journal, and editor of Kritische Justiz, and a member of the Amsterdam Young Academy (AYA). 

    In 2022, he received a 3-year Veni grant by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) for his project 'Recoding Global Production: Towards a Legal Ethnography of Sustainable Global Supply Chains'

    Klaas obtained his PhD from the University of Cologne (“The Constitution of Global Production”, summa cum laude, Faculty Prize) and holds law degrees from Cologne and the Université de Paris 1 (Panthéon-Sorbonne). Klaas passed the German bar exam (Referendariat) at the High Court of Berlin with secondments inter alia at the Supreme Court of the State of Israel (Justice Daphne Barak-Erez) and an international arbitration boutique. He was a Doctoral Fellow at Humboldt-University’s European Law School Graduate Program, held fellowships at both Tel Aviv University's and Harvard University's Safra Center for Ethics, was a Visiting Researcher at the Institute for Global Law and Policy (IGLP, Harvard Law School) and a Visiting Professor at Tel Aviv University. 

    At the UvA, Klaas serves as the Program Director of the European Private Law LLM and as Academic Coordinator of the "European Law School". 

    His teaching portfolio includes European Contract Law (MA), Comparative Law (MA), Research Training Seminar in European Private Law (MA), Making Markets Beyond the State (MA), Principles in European Contract Law (BA PPLE) and Moot Court in European Union Law (BA). 

  • Research interests


    Fields: private and economic law (esp. contract, property) | international, European and comparative private law | transnational law | human rights | dispute resolution

    Perspectives: private law theory | law & political economy | law & social change | legal intellectual history | legal materiality, STS


    • global value chains and sustainability transitions (labor and environmental rights in transnational regulation; EU Green Deal & Due Diligence Directive; corporate compliance; supply chain 'disruptions' and resilience; pricing, logistics and infrastructure)
    • housing and global cities (legal responses to housing crisis; financialization of housing, public space and urban infrastructure; smart cities)

    Supervision: I am happy to discuss proposals that fall within these fields and/or methodological approaches. 

  • Publications



    • Eller, K. H. (2024). Nasse, Laura: Loi de vigilance: Das französische Lieferkettengesetz (Mohr Siebeck, 2021/22). Rabels Zeitschrift für ausländisches und internationales Privatrecht.
    • Eller, K. H. (2024). Pricing and Distribution in Global Value Chain Regulation. Leiden Journal of International Law.
    • Eller, K. H. (in press). Corporate Environmental Due Diligence and Value Chains. In J. van Zeben, & C. Hilson (Eds.), Research Agenda for Environmental Law Edward Elgar.


    • Beckers, A., Eller, K. H., & Kjaer, P. F. (2022). The Transformative Law of Political Economy in Europe. European Law Open, 1(4), 749-759. [details]
    • Eller, K. H. (2022). Food chain certification and the social pluralism of competition law. In I. Lianos, A. Ivanov, & D. Davis (Eds.), Global Food Value Chains and Competition Law (pp. 397-419). (Global competition law and economics policy). Cambridge University Press. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Eller, K. H. (2022). Privatrecht in der Wohnungskrise: Soziales Mietrecht und die Verfassung des Wohnungsmarktes. In J. Croon-Gestefeld, S. Korch, L. Kuschel, R. Sarel, & P. Scholz (Eds.), Das Private im Privatrecht: Hamburg 2021 (pp. 75-98). (Jahrbuch Junge Zivilrechtswissenschaft; Vol. 5). Nomos. [details]
    • Eller, K. H. (2022). The Information Architecture of Corporate Accountability. In H. Shamir, & S. Banerjee (Eds.), Modern Slavery and the Governance of Global Value Chains (Development Trajectories in Global Value Chains). Cambridge University Press.
    • Eller, K. H. (2022). The Political Economy of Tenancy Contract Law: Towards Holistic Housing Law. European Law Open, 1(4), 987-1005. [details]
    • Eller, K. H., Salminen, J., Viljanen, M., & Sobel-Read, K. (2022). Digital platforms as second-order lead firms: Beyond the industrial/digital divide in regulating value chains. European Review of Private Law, 1059.
    • Salminen, J., Rajavuori, M., & Eller, K. H. (in press). Global Value Chains as Regulatory Proxy: Transnationalizing the Internal Market through EU Law. In A. Beckers, H-W. Micklitz, R. Vallejo, & P. Letto-Vanamo (Eds.), European Transnational Private Law Hart.




    • Eller, K. H. (2019). Das Recht der Verantwortungsgesellschaft. Verantwortungskonzeptionen zwischen Recht, Moral- und Gesellschaftstheorie. Rechtswissenschaft, 10(1), 5-33.


    • Eller, K. H. (2017). Private Governance of Global Value Chains From Within. Lessons From and For Transnational Law. Transnational Legal Theory, 8, 296-329.








    • Eller, K. H., & Bodenheimer, R. (2018). Unionsrechtszentrismus und ISDS: Zur Engführung eines multipolaren Rechtsschutzsystems in Europa nach Achmea. Recht der internationalen Wirtschaft (RIW), 2018(12), 786-792.
    • Eller, K. H., & Herzberg, A. B. (2018). Germany, place of enforcement? Die Sicherungsanordnung zur Vollstreckung aus Schiedssprüchen gem. § 1063 Abs. 3 ZPO. SchiedsVZ. Zeitschrift für Schiedsverfahren, 336-343.


    • Eller, K. H. (2014). Towards a Reflexive Juridification of Private Governance Instruments. The Case of Labour Standards. Bulletin for Comparative Labor Relations, 89, 171-187.
    • Eller, K. H., & Zahn, B. (2014). Formate der Rechtswissenschaft in Europa. Juristenzeitung, 678-680.

    Prize / grant

    • Eller, K. (2024). 'The Hidden Digital Infrastructures of Sustainability Regulation: Towards Digital Private Governance in Global Value Chains?', UvA Responsible Digital Transformations Seed Grant, co-PI.
    • Eller, K. (2023). UvA Sustainability Platform: Seed Grant ('Regulation of environmental sustainability in global supply chains through big data and modelling', co-applicant, PI: Luc Fransen).
    • Eller, K. (2022). UvA Sustainability Grant.
    • Eller, K. (2022). Research Fellowship, UvA Institute for Advanced Studies (IAS).
    • Eller, K. (2022). NWO VENI Grant.
    • Eller, K. (2022). UvA Educational Innovation Grant: Fair & Resilient Societies (FRIS).
    • Eller, K. (2020). Faculty Prize, Faculty of Law, University of Cologne.
    • Eller, K. (2019). Minerva Post-Doctoral Fellowship/Max-Planck-Foundation.
    • Eller, K. (2006). Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes (study grant, 2006-2011).

    Membership / relevant position

    • Eller, K. (2022). Amsterdam Young Academy, Amsterdam Young Academy.

    Media appearance

    Journal editor

    • Eller, K. (editor) (2023). Kritische Justiz (Journal).
    • Eller, K. (editor) (2022). German law journal: review of developments in German, European and international jurisprudence (Journal).


    • Bose, D. (2024). Just business redux: Transnational corporate responsibility decoded through relational justice. [Thesis, fully internal, Universiteit van Amsterdam]. [details]
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  • Ancillary activities
    No ancillary activities