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M. (Melanie) van Driel MSc

Postdoctoral Researcher
Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences
GPIO : Docenten GPIO/ISW

Visiting address
  • Nieuwe Achtergracht 166
Postal address
  • Postbus 15629
    1001 NC Amsterdam
  • Publications


    • Hickmann, T., Biermann, F., Sénit, C.-A., Sun, Y., Bexell, M., Bolton, M., Bornemann, B., Censoro, J., Charles, A., Coy, D., Dahlmann, F., Elder, M., Fritzsche, F., Gehre Galvão, T., Grainger-Brown, J., Inoue, C., Jönsson, K., Koloffon Rosas, M., Krellenberg, K., ... Weiland, S. (2024). Scoping article: Research frontiers on the governance of the Sustainable Development Goals. Global Sustainability , 7, 1-12. [details]
    • van Driel, M., Biermann, F., Kim, R. E., & Vijge, M. J. (2024). The impact of the Sustainable Development Goals on global policies on sustainable consumption and production. Globalizations, 21(8), 1366-1382. [details]

    Journal editor

    • van Driel, M. (editor) (2024-). International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics (Journal).


    • van Driel, M. (participant) (13-11-2024). Co-learning event SDG interactions, The Hague (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • van Driel, M. (participant) (4-2024). Mid-term event SDG interactions project: Women's empowerment and nutrition led by Dr. Robert Lensink, Groningen (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • van Driel, M. (participant) (3-2024). Mid-term review of SDG interactions project: Cherry-picking, led by Art Dewulf, Nairobi (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • van Driel, M. (other) (2024 - 2025). Co-lead, Global governance working group, SDG taskforce of the ESG network (other).
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  • Ancillary activities
    • Gemeente Oegstgeest