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Dr. T.D. (Terence) Dores Cruz

Faculty of Economics and Business
Section Microeconomics
Photographer: Peter Gerritsen

Visiting address
  • Roetersstraat 11
  • Room number: E7.30
Postal address
  • Postbus 15867
    1001 NJ Amsterdam
  • Profile

    Terence Dores Cruz is a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Center for Research in Experimental Economics and political Decision making (CREED), University of Amsterdam, under the supervision of prof. dr. Shaul Shalvi. Terence works on topics related to human cooperative and uncooperative behavior, focusing on the role use of social information (e.g., gossip).

    For more information, see Terence's personal website.

  • Publications


    • Dores Cruz, T. D., van der Lee, R., Bechtoldt, M. N., & Beersma, B. (2023). Nasty and Noble Notes: Interdependence Structures Drive Self-Serving Gossip. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. Advance online publication.
    • Martinescu, E., Dores Cruz, T. D., Etienne, T. W., & Krouwel, A. (2023). How political orientation, economic precarity, and participant demographics impact compliance with COVID-19 prevention measures in a Dutch representative sample. Acta Politica, 58(2), 337-358. Advance online publication.
    • Testori, M., Giardini, F., Hemelrijk, C. K., Dores Cruz, T. D., & Beersma, B. (2023). What Matters Most in Supporting Cooperation, the Gossip Content or the Gossiper’s Intention? Simulating Motive Interpretation in Gossip Dynamics. Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, 26(4), Article 1. [details]


    • Balliet, D., Molho, C., Columbus, S., & Dores Cruz, T. D. (2022). Prosocial and punishment behaviors in everyday life. Current Opinion in Psychology, 43, 278-283.
    • Lo Iacono, S., & Daniel Dores Cruz, T. (2022). Hostile media perception affects news bias, but not news sharing intentions. Royal Society Open Science, 9(4).


    • Dores Cruz, T. D., Nieper, A. S., Testori, M., Martinescu, E., & Beersma, B. (2021). An Integrative Definition and Framework to Study Gossip. Group and Organization Management, 46(2), 252-285.
    • Dores Cruz, T. D., Thielmann, I., Columbus, S., Molho, C., Wu, J., Righetti, F., De Vries, R. E., Koutsoumpis, A., Van Lange, P. A. M., Beersma, B., & Balliet, D. (2021). Gossip and reputation in everyday life. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 376(1838), Article 20200301.
    • Dores Cruz, T. D., van der Lee, R., & Beersma, B. (2021). Gossip about Coronavirus: Infection status and norm adherence shape social responses. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, 24(4), 658-679.
    • Wu, J., Számadó, S., Barclay, P., Beersma, B., Dores Cruz, T. D., Iacono, S. L., Nieper, A. S., Peters, K., Przepiorka, W., Tiokhin, L., & Van Lange, P. A. M. (2021). Honesty and dishonesty in gossip strategies: A fitness interdependence analysis. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 376(1838), Article 20200300.




    • Köbis, N. C., van der Lingen, S., Dores Cruz, T., Iragorri-Carter, D., van Prooijen, J.-W., Righetti, F., & Van Lange, P. A. M. (2019). The Look Over Your Shoulder: Unethical Behaviour Decreases in the Physical Presence of Observers. PsyArXiv.


    • Molho, C., Van Lange, P. A. M., Wu, J., Thielmann, I., Dores Cruz, T., Hadlich, S., Beersma, B., De Vries, R. E., Balliet, D., Righetti, F. & Koutsoumpis, A. (2021). Supplementary Table S9 from Gossip and reputation in everyday life. figshare Academic Research System.
    • Dores Cruz, T., Thielmann, I., Columbus, S., Molho, C., Wu, J., Righetti, F., Koutsoumpis, A., Van Lange, P. A. M., Beersma, B., Balliet, D. & de Vries, R. E. (2021). Supplementary Table S9 from Gossip and reputation in everyday life. The Royal Society.
    • Righetti, F., Hadlich, S., Beersma, B., Wu, J., De Vries, R. E., Thielmann, I., Balliet, D., Koutsoumpis, A., Molho, C., Van Lange, P. A. M. & Dores Cruz, T. (2021). Supplementary Table S9 from Gossip and reputation in everyday life. figshare Academic Research System.
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  • Ancillary activities
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