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Drs. R. (Robert) van Doesburg

Faculty of Law
Juridisch Kennismanagement

Visiting address
  • Nieuwe Achtergracht 166
Postal address
  • Postbus 15544
    1001 NA Amsterdam
Contact details
  • Publications


    • van Binsbergen, L. T., Liu, L-C., van Doesburg, R., & van Engers, T. (2020). eFLINT: a domain-specific language for executable norm specifications. In M. Erwig, & J. Gray (Eds.), GPCE '20: proceedings of the 19th ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Generative Programming: Concepts and Experiences : November 16-17, 2020, Virtual, USA (pp. 124-136). Association for Computing Machinery. [details]


    • Deljoo, A., van Engers, T., van Doesburg, R., Gommans, L., & de Laat, C. (2018). A Normative Agent-based Model for Sharing Data in Secure Trustworthy Digital Market Places. In A. P. Rocha, & J. van den Herik (Eds.), ICAART 2018: proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence : Funchal, Madeira, Purtugal, January 16-18, 2018 (Vol. 1, pp. 290-296). SciTePress. [details]


    • van Engers, T. M., & van Doesburg, R. (2015). At your service, on the definition of services from sources of law. In Proceedings of the fifteenth International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law: San Diego, June 8 12, 2015, University of San Diego School of Law (pp. 221-225). ACM. [details]
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  • Ancillary activities
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