Bertjan Doosje is an Associate Professor at the University of Amsterdam. From 2012-2019, he held the Frank Buijs Chair on Radicalization Studies, financed by the Ministry of Social Affairs & Employment, Verwey-Jonker Institute (Utrecht) and MOVISIE (Utrecht).
Radicalization Processes
Antecedents and Consequences of Political Trust
Income Inequality and its relations with trust
Misrecognition of Minorities
Emotions in Intergroup Contexts
Acculturation of Ethnic Minorities
Terror Management Theory
Social Identity Theory
- Interpersonal, Intra-group and Intergroup Processes
- Political Psychology
- Radical Movements and Dealing with Terrorism
- Applied Cultural Psychology
Research Master:
- Current Issues in Intergroup Relations
Kurt Lewin Institute:
- Introduction to Structural Equation Modeling