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P.S. (Petra) Dijkstra MSc

Faculty of Science
College of Life Sciences

Visiting address
  • Science Park 904
  • Room number: C3.141
Postal address
  • Postbus 94214
    1090 GE Amsterdam
  • Profile

    Since August 2022, I have been a member of the team that teaches academic skills. Initially for the bachelor Biology and later for Biomedical Sciences. Besides this, I am involved in the courses "Grip op je Studie","Studie Loopbaan Oriëntatie", the Honours course "De Eeuw van de Levenswetenschappen" and I am a mentor for first year students. 

    My interest for biomedical sciences mainly focuses on metabolism and the effect of nutrition on health status. In my Masters in Nutrition and Health in Wageningen, I studied the long-term effects of early-life nutrition. I love to continue learning more about the human body and am passionate about transferring this enthusiasm to my students. 

  • Expertise-team Academic Skills and Student Centric Education

    Vision and Mission

    The expertise-team Academic Skills and Student Centric Education (Dutch: Academische Vaardigheden en Studentgecentreerd Onderwijs) aims to collaborate with research institutes, teachers and course-coordinators to develop and provide high quality innovative, research-focused education. 

    The team consists of experienced, motivated teachers with a scientific background in various fields within (medical) biology.

    We wish to contribute to student talent development using our expertise and passion for education.  

    Team members

    From left to right: Tomas Meijer, Nina Scheres, Laura Lighaam, Petra Dijkstra, Jorg Brunner, Yara Witte, Ricardo Paap, Saskia Belt and Vincent Blum.
  • Ancillary activities
    No ancillary activities