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Y. (Yuri) Demchenko

Faculty of Science
Informatics Institute

Visiting address
  • Science Park 904
  • Room number: C3.153
Postal address
  • Postbus 94323
    1090 GH Amsterdam
  • Publications


    • Demchenko, Y., Degeler, V., Opresu, A., & Brewer, S. (2023). Professional and 21st Century Skills for Data Driven Digital Economy. In 2023 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON): Salmiya, Kuwait, 1-4 May 2023, American University of Kuwait (pp. 847-854). IEEE. [details]


    • Demchenko, Y. (2019). Big Data Platforms and Tools for Data Analytics in the Data Science Engineering Curriculum. In ICCBDC 2019: proceedings of 2019 3rd International Conference on Cloud and Big Data Computing : Oxford, United Kingdom, August 28-30, 2019 (pp. 60-64). The Association for Computing Machinery. [details]
    • Demchenko, Y. (2019). Cloud based Big Data Platforms and Tools for Data Analytics in the Big Data Engineering Curriculum. In Proc 15th Int. Conference on Data Science (ICDATA’19), July 29 - August 1, 2019, Las Vegas (pp. 201-206). CSREA Press.
    • Demchenko, Y., Comminiello, L., & Reali, G. (2019). Designing Customisable Data Science Curriculum using Ontology for Science and Body of Knowledge. In ICBDE 2019: 2019 International Conference on Big Data and Education : March 30-April 01, 2019, University of Greenwich, London, UK (pp. 124-128). The Association for Computing Machinery. [details]
    • Demchenko, Y., Cushing, R., Los, W., Grosso, P., de Laat, C., & Gommans, L. (2019). Open Data Market Architecture and Functional Components. In 2019 International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation (HPCS): Dublin, Ireland, 15-19 July 2019 (pp. 1017-1021). IEEE. [details]
    • Demchenko, Y., Wiktorski, T., Cuadrado Gallego, J. J., & Brewer, S. (2019). EDISON Data Science Framework (EDSF) Extension to Address Transversal Skills required by Emerging Industry 4.0 Transformation. In IEEE 15th International Conference on eScience: proceedings : 24-27 September 2019, San Diego, California (pp. 553-559). IEEE Computer Society. [details]
    • Demchenko, Y., Zhao, Z., Surbiryala, J., Koulouzis, S., Shi, Z., Liao, X., & Gordiyenko, J. (2019). Teaching DevOps and Cloud based Software Engineering in University Curricula. In IEEE 15th International Conference on eScience: proceedings : 24-27 September 2019, San Diego, California (pp. 548-552). IEEE Computer Society. [details]
    • Wiktorski, T., Demchenko, Y., & Chertov, O. (2019). Data Science Model Curriculum Implementation for Various Types of Big Data Infrastructure Courses. In IEEE 15th International Conference on eScience: proceedings : 24-27 September 2019, San Diego, California (pp. 541-547). IEEE Computer Society. [details]



    • Demchenko, Y., Belloum, A., de Laat, C., Loomis, C., Wiktorski, T., & Spekschoor, E. (2017). Customisable Data Science Educational Environment: From Competences Management and Curriculum Design to Virtual Labs On-Demand. In 2017 IEEE 9th International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science: CloudCom 2017 : proceedings : 11-14 December 2017, Hong Kong, Hong Kong (pp. 363-368). IEEE Computer Society. [details]
    • Demchenko, Y., Turkmen, F., de Laat, C., & Slawik, M. (2017). Defining Intercloud Security Framework and Architecture Components for Multi-Cloud Data Intensive Applications. In 2017 17th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing: proceedings : 14-17 May 2017, Madrid, Spain (pp. 945-952). IEEE Computer Society. [details]
    • Demchenko, Y., Turkmen, F., de Laat, C., Hsu, C-H., Blanchet, C., & Loomis, C. (2017). Cloud Computing Infrastructure for Data Intensive Applications. In H-H. Hsu, C-Y. Chang, & C-H. Hsu (Eds.), Big Data Analytics for Sensor-Network Collected Intelligence (pp. 21-62). (Intelligent Data-Centric Systems). Academic Press. [details]
    • Escalona, E., Filiposka, S., Grosso, P., & Demchenko, Y. (2017). The Seventh Workshop on Network Infrastructure Services (NetCloud 2017): Message from Workshop Organizers. In 2017 IEEE 9th International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science: CloudCom 2017 : proceedings : 11-14 December 2017, Hong Kong, Hong Kong (pp. xliv-xlv). IEEE Computer Society. [details]
    • Slawik, M., Blanchet, C., Demchenko, Y., Turkmen, F., Ilyushkin, A., de Laat, C., & Loomis, C. (2017). CYCLONE: The Multi-Cloud Middleware Stack for Application Deployment and Management. In 2017 IEEE 9th International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science: CloudCom 2017 : proceedings : 11-14 December 2017, Hong Kong, Hong Kong (pp. 347-352). IEEE Computer Society. [details]
    • Wiktorski, T., Demchenko, Y., & Belloum, A. (2017). Model Curricula for Data Science EDISON Data Science Framework. In 2017 IEEE 9th International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science: CloudCom 2017 : proceedings : 11-14 December 2017, Hong Kong, Hong Kong (pp. 369-374). IEEE Computer Society. [details]


    • Demchenko, Y., Belloum, A., Los, W., Wiktorski, T., Manieri, A., Brocks, H., Becker, J., Heutelbeck, D., Hemmje, M., & Brewer, S. (2016). EDISON Data Science Framework: A Foundation for Building Data Science Profession for Research and Industry. In 8th IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science: CloudCom 2016 : proceedings : 12-15 December 2016, Luxembourg City, Luxembourg (pp. 620-626). IEEE Computer Society. [details]
    • Demchenko, Y., Filiposka, S., de Vos, M., Regvart, D., Karaliotas, T., Grosso, P., & de Laat, C. (2016). ZeroTouch Provisioning (ZTP) Model and Infrastructure Components for Multi-provider Cloud Services Provisioning. In 2016 IEEE International Conference on Cloud Engineering Workshops: proceedings : 4-8 April 2016, Berlin, Germany (pp. 184-189). IEEE Computer Society. [details]
    • Demchenko, Y., Zivkovic, M., de Laat, C., Blanchet, C., Bedri, M., Gibrat, J-F., Slawick, M., Zilci, I., Aznar Baranda, J. I., Lodygensky, O., Branchat, R., & Loomis, C. (2016). CYCLONE: A Platform for Data Intensive Scientific Applications in Heterogeneous Multi-cloud/Multi-provider Environment. In 2016 IEEE International Conference on Cloud Engineering Workshops: proceedings : 4-8 April 2016, Berlin, Germany (pp. 154-159). IEEE Computer Society. [details]
    • Ngo, C., Demchenko, Y., & de Laat, C. (2016). Multi-tenant attribute-based access control for cloud infrastructure services. Journal of Information Security and Applications, 27-28, 65-84. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Wiktorski, T., Shirazi, A., Demchenko, Y., & Belloum, A. (2016). Quantitative and qualitative analysis of current data science programs from perspective of data science competence groups and framework. In 8th IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science: CloudCom 2016 : proceedings : 12-15 December 2016, Luxembourg City, Luxembourg (pp. 633-638). IEEE Computer Society. [details]


    • Demchenko, Y., Dumitru, C., Koining, R., de Laat, C., Matselyukh, T., Filiposka, S., de Vos, M., Arbel, D., Regvart, D., Karaliotas, T., & Baumann, K. (2015). Open Cloud eXchange (OCX): A Pivot for Intercloud Services Federation in Multi-provider Cloud Market Environment. In Proceedings, 2015 IEEE International Conference on Cloud Engineering: 9-12 March 2015, Tempe, Arizona (pp. 472-479). IEEE Computer Society. [details]
    • Demchenko, Y., Ngo, C., Grosso, P., de Laat, C., & Membrey, P. (2015). Cloud-based infrastructure for data-intensive e-science applications: Requirements and architecture. In O. Terzo, & L. Mossucca (Eds.), Cloud Computing with E-science Applications (pp. 17-40). CRC Press. [details]
    • Ngo, C., Demchenko, Y., & de Laat, C. (2015). Decision Diagrams for XACML Policy Evaluation and Management. Computers & Security, 49, 1-16. Advance online publication. [details]


    • Belter, B., Rodriguez Martinez, J., Aznar, J. I., Ferrer Riera, J., Contreras, L. M., Antoniak-Lewandowska, M., Biancani, M., Buysse, J., Develder, C., Demchenko, Y., Donadio, P., Simeonidou, D., Nejabati, R., Peng, S., Drzewiecki, Ł., Escalona, E., Garcia Espin, J. A., Gheorghiu, S., Ghijsen, M., ... Soudan, S. (2014). The GEYSERS Optical Testbed: a Platform for the Integration, Validation and Demonstration of Cloud-based Infrastructure Services. Computer Networks, 61, 197-216. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Demchenko, Y., Belloum, A., Bernstein, D., & de Laat, C. (2014). Experience of Profiling Curricula on Cloud Computing Technologies and Engineering for Different Target Groups. In 2014 IEEE 6th International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science: CloudCom 2014 : proceedings : Singapore, 15-18 December 2014 (Vol. 2, pp. 949-955). IEEE Computer Society. [details]
    • Demchenko, Y., Gruengard, E., & Klous, S. (2014). Instructional Model for Building effective Big Data Curricula for Online and Campus Education. In 2014 IEEE 6th International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science: CloudCom 2014 : proceedings : Singapore, 15-18 December 2014 (Vol. 2, pp. 935-941). IEEE Computer Society. [details]
    • Demchenko, Y., Ngo, C., de Laat, C., & Lee, C. (2014). Federated Access Control in Heterogeneous Intercloud Environment: Basic Models and Architecture Patterns. In 2014 IEEE International Conference on Cloud Engineering: proceedings : 10-14 March, 2014, Boston, Massachusetts (pp. 439-445). IEEE Computer Society. [details]
    • Demchenko, Y., de Laat, C., & Membrey, P. (2014). Defining Architecture Components of the Big Data Ecosystem. In W. W. Smari, G. C. Fox, & M. Nygard (Eds.), Proceedings of the 2014 International Conference on Collaboration Technologies and Systems: CTS 2014 : May 19-23, 2014, the Commons Hotel, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA (pp. 104-112). IEEE. [details]


    • Antonescu, A-F., Oprescu, A-M., Demchenko, Y., de Laat, C., & Braun, T. (2013). Dynamic Optimization of SLA-Based Services Scaling Rules. In Proceedings IEEE 5th International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science: CloudCom 2013 : 2-5 Dec. 2013, Bristol, United Kingdom (Vol. 1, pp. 282-289). IEEE. [details]
    • Bernstein, D., & Demchenko, Y. (2013). The IEEE Intercloud Testbed - Creating the Global Cloud of Clouds. In Proceedings IEEE 5th International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science: CloudCom 2013 : 2-5 Dec. 2013, Bristol, United Kingdom (Vol. 2, pp. 45-50). IEEE. [details]
    • Demchenko, Y., Bernstein, D., Belloum, A., Oprescu, A., Wlodarczyk, T. W., & de Laat, C. (2013). New Instructional Models for Building Effective Curricula on Cloud Computing Technologies and Engineering. In Proceedings IEEE 5th International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science: CloudCom 2013 : 2-5 Dec. 2013, Bristol, United Kingdom (Vol. 2, pp. 112-119). IEEE. [details]
    • Demchenko, Y., Membrey, P., Grosso, P., & de Laat, C. (2013). Addressing big data issues in Scientific Data Infrastructure. In W. W. Smari, & G. C. Fox (Eds.), Proceedings of the 2013 International Conference on Collaboration Technologies and Systems: May 20-24, 2013, Sheraton San Diego Hotel & Marina, San Diego, California (pp. 48-55). IEEE. [details]
    • Demchenko, Y., Membrey, P., Ngo, C. T., de Laat, C. T. A. M., & Gordijenko, D. (2013). Big Security for Big Data: Addressing Security Challenges for the Big Data Infrastructure. In Proc. Secure Data Management (SDM’13) Workshop. Part of VLDB2013 conference, 26-30 August 213, Trento, Ital
    • Demchenko, Y., Ngo, C., de Laat, C., Garcia-Espin, J. A., Figuerola, S., Rodriguez, J., Contreras, L. M., Landi, G., & Ciulli, N. (2013). Intercloud Architecture Framework for Heterogeneous Cloud based Infrastructure Services Provisioning On-Demand. In L. Barolli, F. Xhafa, M. Takizawa, T. Enokido, & H-H. Hsu (Eds.), WAINA 2013: proceedings, 27th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications Workshops, 25-28 March 2013, Barcelona, Spain (pp. 777-784). IEEE. [details]
    • Demchenko, Y., Ngo, C., de Laat, C., Lopez, D. R., Morales, A., & García-Espín, J. A. (2013). Security infrastructure for dynamically provisioned cloud infrastructure services. In S. Pearson, & G. Yee (Eds.), Privacy and security for cloud computing (pp. 167-210). (Computer communications and networks). Springer. [details]
    • Demchenko, Y., van der Ham, J., Ngo, C., Matselyukh, T., Filiposka, S., de Laat, C., & Escalona, E. (2013). Open Cloud eXchange (OCX): Architecture and Functional Components. In Proceedings IEEE 5th International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science: CloudCom 2013 : 2-5 Dec. 2013, Bristol, United Kingdom (Vol. 2, pp. 81-87). IEEE. [details]
    • Makkes, M. X., Ngo, C., Demchenko, Y., Strijkers, R., Meijer, R., & de Laat, C. (2013). Defining Intercloud Federation Framework for Multi-provider Cloud Services Integration. In W. Zimmermann, D. Król, Y. W. Lee, & A. Omerovic (Eds.), The Fourth International Conference on Cloud Computing, Grids, and Virtualization, May 27-June 1, 2013, Valencia, Spain (pp. 185-190). IARIA. [details]
    • Membrey, P., Chan, K. C. C., & Demchenko, Y. (2013). A Disk Based Stream Oriented Approach For Storing Big Data. In W. W. Smari, & G. C. Fox (Eds.), Proceedings of the 2013 International Conference on Collaboration Technologies and Systems: May 20-24, 2013, Sheraton San Diego Hotel & Marina, San Diego, California (pp. 56-64). IEEE. [details]
    • Oprescu, A. M., Antonescu, A. F., Demchenko, Y., & De Laat, C. (2013). ICOMF: Towards a multi-cloud ecosystem for dynamic resource composition and scaling. In IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science, CloudCom 2013 (pp. 49-55). IEEE.


    • Demchenko, Y., Makkes, M. X., Strijkers, R., & de Laat, C. (2012). Intercloud architecture for interoperability and integration. In 4th IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science proceedings (CloudCom2012): Taipei, Taiwan, 3-6 December 2012 (pp. 666-674). IEEE. [details]
    • Demchenko, Y., Ngo, C., Makkes, M. X., Strijkers, R., & de Laat, C. (2012). Defining inter-cloud architecture for interoperability and integration. In W. Zimmermann, Y. W. Lee, & Y. Demchenko (Eds.), Cloud Computing 2012: The Third International Conference on Cloud Computing, GRIDs, and Virtualization: July 22-27, 2012, Nice, France (pp. 174-180). IARIA. [details]
    • Demchenko, Y., Ngo, C., Martínez-Julia, P., Torroglosa, E., Grammatikou, M., Jofre, J., Gheorghiu, S., Garcia-Espin, J. A., Perez-Morales, A. D., & de Laat, C. (2012). GEMBus based services composition platform for cloud PaaS. In F. De Paoli, E. Pimentel, & G. Zavattaro (Eds.), Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing: first European conference, ESOCC 2012, Bertinoro, Italy, September 19-21, 2012 : proceedings (pp. 32-47). (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; Vol. 7592). Springer. [details]
    • Demchenko, Y., Zhao, Z., Grosso, P., Wibisono, A., & de Laat, C. (2012). Addressing big data challenges for scientific data infrastructure. In 4th IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science proceedings (CloudCom2012): Taipei, Taiwan, 3-6 December 2012 (pp. 614-617). IEEE. [details]
    • Grosso, P., Demchenko, Y., & de Laat, C. (2012). e-Infrastructure requirements for Big Data Science. In M. Bubak, M. Turała, & K. Wiatr (Eds.), Cracow '12 Grid Workshop, October 22-24, 2012, Kraków, Poland: proceedings Academic Computer Centre CYFRONET AGH.
    • Membrey, P., Chan, K. C. C., Ngo, C., Demchenko, Y., & de Laat, C. (2012). Trusted Virtual Infrastructure Bootstrapping for On Demand Services. In Proceedings: 2012 Seventh International Conference on Availability, Reliability, and Security: ARES 2012: 20-24 August 2012, Prague, Czech Republic (pp. 350-357). IEEE Computer Society. [details]
    • Ngo, C., Membrey, P., Demchenko, Y., & de Laat, C. (2012). Policy and context management in dynamically provisioned access control service for virtualized Cloud infrastructures. In Proceedings: 2012 Seventh International Conference on Availability, Reliability, and Security: ARES 2012: 20-24 August 2012, Prague, Czech Republic (pp. 343-349). IEEE Computer Society. [details]
    • Tzanakaki, A., Anastasopoulos, M. P., Georgakilas, K., Garcia-Espin, J. A., Ferrer Riera, J., Figuerola, S., Ghijsen, M., Demchenko, Y., de Laat, C. T. A. M., Vicat-Blanc, P., Soudan, S., Anhalt, F., Peng, S., Escalona, E., Nejabati, R., & Simeonidou, D. (2012). Virtual infrastructure planning: the GEYSERS approach. In P. Cunningham, & M. Cunningham (Eds.), 2012 Future Network & Mobile Summit: 4-6 July 2012, Berlin, Germany. Proceedings (pp. 611-619). IEEE. [details]


    • Demchenko, Y., & de Laat, C. (2011). Defining Generic Architecture for Cloud Infrastructure as a Service model. Proceedings of Science, 133, Article 115. [details]
    • Demchenko, Y., Ngo, C., & de Laat, C. (2011). Access control infrastructure for on-demand provisioned virtualised infrastructure services. In W. W. Smari, & G. C. Fox (Eds.), Proceedings of the 2011 International Conference on Collaboration Technologies and Systems (CTS 2011) (pp. 466-475). IEEE. [details]
    • Demchenko, Y., Ngo, C., de Laat, C., Wlodarczyk, T. W., Rong, C., & Ziegler, W. (2011). Security infrastructure for on-demand provisioned Cloud infrastructure services. In CloudCom 2011: 2011 Third IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science : proceedings : 29 November-1 December 2011, Athens, Greece (pp. 255-263). IEEE. [details]
    • Demchenko, Y., de Laat, C., & Mavrin, A. (2011). Defining generic architecture for Cloud IaaS provisioning model. In F. Leymann, I. Ivanov, M. van Sinderen, & B. Shishkov (Eds.), CLOSER 2011: proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science, Noordwijkerhout, Netherlands, 7-9 May, 2011 (pp. 79-85). SciTePress Science and Technology Publications. [details]
    • Demchenko, Y., van der Ham, J., Yakovenko, V., de Laat, C., Ghijsen, M., & Cristea, M. (2011). On-demand provisioning of Cloud and Grid based infrastructure services for collaborative projects and groups. In W. W. Smari, & G. C. Fox (Eds.), Proceedings of the 2011 International Conference on Collaboration Technologies and Systems (CTS 2011) (pp. 134-142). IEEE. [details]
    • Escalona, E., Peng, S., Nejabati, R., Simeonidou, D., García-Espín, J. A., Ferrer, J., Figuerola, S., Landi, G., Ciulli, N., Jiménez, J., Belter, B., Demchenko, Y., de Laat, C., Chen, X., Yukan, A., Soudan, S., Vicat-Blanc, P., Buysse, J., de Leenheer, M., ... Bohnert, T. M. (2011). GEYSERS: a novel architecture for virtualization and co-provisioning of dynamic optical networks and IT services. In 2011 Future Network & Mobile Summit: 15-17 June 2011, Warsaw, Poland IIMC International Information Management Corp.. [details]
    • Grammatikou, M., Marinos, C., Demchenko, Y., Lopez, D. R., Dombek, K., & Jofre, J. (2011). GEMBus as a service oriented platform for cloud-based composable services. In CloudCom 2011: 2011 Third IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science : proceedings : 29 November-1 December 2011, Athens, Greece (pp. 666-671). IEEE. [details]
    • Matias, J., Jacob, E., Sanchez, D., & Demchenko, Y. (2011). An OpenFlow based network virtualization framework for the Cloud. In CloudCom 2011: 2011 Third IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science : proceedings : 29 November-1 December 2011, Athens, Greece (pp. 672-678). IEEE. [details]
    • Ngo, C., Membrey, P., Demchenko, Y., & de Laat, C. (2011). Security framework for virtualised infrastructure services provisioned on-demand. In CloudCom 2011: 2011 Third IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science : proceedings : 29 November-1 December 2011, Athens, Greece (pp. 698-704). IEEE. [details]


    • Demchenko, Y., Cristea, M., de Laat, C., & Haleplidis, E. (2010). Authorisation infrastructure for on-demand grid and network resource provisioning. In A. Doulamis, J. Mambretti, I. Tomkos, & T. Varvarigou (Eds.), Networks for Grid Applications: third international ICST conference, GridNets 2009, Athens, Greece, September 8-9, 2009: revised selected papers (pp. 9-18). (Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering; Vol. 25). Springer. [details]
    • Demchenko, Y., de Laat, C., Lopez, D. R., & García-Espín, J. A. (2010). Security Services Lifecycle Management in on-demand infrastructure services. In J. Qiu, G. Zhao, & C. Rong (Eds.), Proceedings International Workshop on Cloud Privacy, Security, Risk & Trust (CPSRT 2010), 2nd IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science (CloudCom 2010), Indianapolis, IN, USA (pp. 644-650). IEEE Computer Society. [details]
    • Matias, J., Jacob, E., Demchenko, Y., de Laat, C., & Gommans, L. (2010). Extending AAA operational model for profile-based access control in ethernet-based Neutral Access Networks. In E. M. Macías López, A. Bogliolo, M. Perry, & M. Ran (Eds.), First International Conference on Access Networks, Services and Technologies (ACCESS 2010), Valencia, Spain (pp. 168-173). IEEE Computer Society. [details]


    • Demchenko, Y., Cristea, M., & de Laat, C. (2009). XACML policy profile for multidomain network resource provisioning and supporting authorisation infrastructure. In Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE International Symposium on Policies for Distributed Systems and Networks (POLICY 2009) (pp. 98-101). IEEE. [details]
    • Gommans, L., Xu, L., Demchenko, Y., Wan, A., Cristea, M., Meijer, R., & de Laat, C. (2009). Multi-domain lightpath authorization, using tokens. Future Generation Computer Systems, 25(2), 153-160. [details]


    • Demchenko, Y., Mulmo, O., Gommans, L., de Laat, C., & Wan, A. (2008). Dynamic security context management in Grid-based applications. Future Generation Computer Systems, 24(5), 434-441. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Demchenko, Y., Wan, A., Cristea, M., & de Laat, C. (2008). Authorisation Infrastructure for On-Demand Network Resource Provisioning. In Grid 2008: proceedings of the 2008 9th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Grid Computing: September 29th-October 1st, 2008, Tsukuba, Japan (pp. 95-103). IEEE. [details]
    • Demchenko, Y., de Laat, C., Koeroo, O., & Groep, D. (2008). Re-thinking Grid Security Architecture. In R. van Engelen, M. Govindaraju, & M. Cafaro (Eds.), Proceedings: Fourth IEEE International Conference on eScience: eScience 2008 (pp. 79-86). IEEE Computer Society. [details]
    • Demchenko, Y., de Laat, C., Koeroo, O., & Sagehaug, H. (2008). Extending XACML authorisation model to support policy obligations handling in distributed application. In Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Middleware for Grid Computing (MGC'08) (pp. 5). ACM. [details]


    • Ngo, C., Makkes, M. X., Demchenko, Y., & de Laat, C. (2013). Multi-data-types Interval Decision Diagrams for XACML Evaluation Engine. In J. Castellà-Roca, J. Domingo-Ferrer, J. Garcia-Alfaro, A. A. Ghorbani, C. D. Jensen, J. A. Manjón, I. V. Onut, N. Stakhanova, V. Torra, & J. Zhang (Eds.), 2013 Eleventh Annual International Conference on Privacy, Security and Trust: Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona, Catalonia, July 10-12, 2013 (pp. 257-266). IEEE. [details]


    • Ngo, C., Demchenko, Y., & de Laat, C. (2012). Toward a dynamic trust establishment approach for multi-provider intercloud environment. In CloudCom 2012: proceedings, 2012 Fourth IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science, the Grand Hotel, Taipei, Taiwan, December 3-6, 2012 (pp. 532-538). IEEE. [details]


    • Vicat-Blanc, P., Figuerola, S., Chen, X., Landi, G., Escalona, E., Develder, C., Tzanakaki, A., Demchenko, Y., García Espín, J. A., Ferrer, J., López, E., Soudan, S., Buysse, J., Jukan, A., Ciulli, N., Brogle, M., van Laarhoven, L., Belter, B., Anhalt, F., ... Gumaste, A. (2011). Bringing optical networks to the Cloud: an architecture for a sustainable future Internet. In J. Domingue, A. Galis, A. Gavras, T. Zahariadis, D. Lambert, F. Cleary, P. Daras, S. Krco, H. Müller, M-S. Li, H. Schaffers, V. Lotz, F. Alvarez, B. Stiller, S. Karnouskos, S. Avessta, & M. Nilsson (Eds.), The Future Internet: Future Internet Assembly 2011: achievements and technological promises (pp. 307-320). (Lecture notes in computer science; Vol. 6656). Springer. [details]




    • Demchenko, Y. (2018). Bootstrapping GDPR: Technical infrastructure requirements and architectures to implement GDPR.. Paper presented at Amsterdam Privacy Conference 2018, 5-8 October 2018, Amsterdam, AMSTERDAM, Netherlands.


    • Demchenko, Y., Filiposka, S., Matselyukh, T., Vos, M., Regvart, D., van der Ham, J., ... de Laat, C. T. A. M. (2014). Open Cloud eXchange (OCX): Bringing Cloud Services to NRENs and Universities. Paper presented at TERENA Networking Conference 2014 (TNC2014), 19-22 May 2014, Dublin, Ireland, .
    • Dumitru, C., Koning, R., Oprescu, A. M., Demchenko, Y., Grosso, P., & de Laat, C. T. A. M. (2014). Enabling User-Centric Data-Intensive Application Deployment in Clouds Using the Open Cloud Exchange. Paper presented at Enabling User-Centric Data-Intensive Application Deployment in Clouds Using the Open Cloud Exchange
      , New Orleans, United States.


    • Demchenko, Y., Zhao, Z., Grosso, P., Wibisono, A., & de Laat, C. T. A. M. (2012). Big data challenges for e-science infrastructure. Paper presented at The 7th International Conference on Cooperation and Promotion of Information Resources in Science and Technology (COINFO'12): Open Sharing in Cloud Context, .


    • Demchenko, Y., & Rykhalski, A. (2011). Cloud Computing Technology for Provisioning Virtualised Infrastructure Services. Abstract from RELARN2011, .
    • Demchenko, Y., Strijker, R., Ngo, C., Cristea, M. L., Ghijsen, M., & de Laat, C. T. A. M. (2011). Defining Inter-Cloud Architecture. Poster session presented at 3rd IEEE Conference on Cloud Computing Technologies and Science (poster papers), .
    • Ngo, C., Demchenko, Y., de Laat, C. T. A. M., Grammatikou, M., Julia, P. M., Morales, A. D. P., & Lopez, D. R. (2011). ESB based Services Composition platform for Cloud PaaS. Poster session presented at 3rd IEEE Conf. on Cloud Computing Technologies and Science, .
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  • Ancillary activities
    • Research Data Alliance
      Co-chair Interest Group on handling of Research Data