Samantha Daniels is a PhD-candidate with the department Constitutional and Administrative law of the University of Amsterdam. She writes her thesis under the supervision of professor Adrienne de Moor - van Vugt.
In her dissertation, Samantha studies the relationship between constitutional emergency law and crisis-responsive financial supervision. The financial crisis of 2008 and the debt crisis 2011 show the need for a responsive framework that meets the 'need for speed' of efficient and reductive crisis effect-policy on one hand, and the legal framework of European and national institutions on the other. In her thesis, Samantha explores both fields by analyzing European and Dutch emergency law and crisis managements systems in respect to the financial sector.
Samantha graduated in 2009 from the University of Amsterdam with a degree in Constitutional and Administrative law. After her graduation, she became a teacher in Constitutional law and European history of law and an associate with Van Diepen van der Kroef Advocaten in Amsterdam. In september 2011 she started working on her PhD thesis full time.
Constitutional emergency law - financial supervision - administrative law (land planning and real estate)
S. Daniels, 'De Interventiewet in staatsnoodrechtelijk perspectief', in: NJB 2012, p. 1778 - 1784.
J.A. Peters, E. Sutorius en S. Daniels, 'Proeve van een wet: Wet toetsing stervenshulp aan ouderen', in: Uit vrije wil. Waardig sterven op hoge leeftijd. Amsterdam: Boom 2011, p. 45 - 83.
S. Daniels en J.A. Peters, 'De rol van de rechter bij leven en dood', in: Grondrechten in de gezondheidszorg. Houten: Bohn Stafleu van Loghum 2010, p. 201 - 210.
Ius Commune, 30 november 2012: Gaps in the Dutch Intervention Act from the perspective of emergency law. Workshop at the annual Ius Commune Conference 2012, Amsterdam
S. Daniels, 'Houd wet van 1360 miljard niet geheim', in: NRC Handelsblad, 12 maart 2012, p. 8.
S. Daniels, 'Parlement is laks met inspraak miljoenen euro's', in: NRC Handelsblad, 21 mei 2012, p. 13.
S. Daniels, 'TransformatiekantoorgebouwenAmsterdam versoepeld', in: Vastgoedjournaal, 27 januari 2011.
S. Daniels, 'Oplegging dwangsom bij overtreding meldingsplicht leegstand is onmogelijk', in: Vastgoedjournaal, 20 januari 2011.