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Dr F. (Francesco) Chiaravalloti

Tenured Assistant Professor of Cultural Policy and Management
Faculty of Humanities
Algemene Cultuurwetenschappen
Photographer: Bastiaan Heus

Visiting address
  • Turfdraagsterpad 15
  • Room number: 1.04
Postal address
  • Postbus 94551
    1090 GN Amsterdam
Contact details
  • Profile


    Dr Francesco Chiaravalloti is Tenured Assistant Professor of Cultural Policy and Management, Director of the Bachelor Programme in Cultural Studies (BA Cultuurwetenschappen), and Co-Chair of the research group Artistic Knowing: Research in and on Art and Cultural Practices.

    The focus of his work as a teacher and as a researcher is on the enhancement of the appreciation of arts, culture, and creativity by individuals, organizations, and communities.
    Francesco is member of the Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH) roundtable Cultural Sciences & Linguistics of the Dutch Research Council (NWO) and of the Cultural Policy working group at the Boekmanstichting.
    He is currently principal investigator in the MSCA-RISE project SPACEX (Spatial Practices in Art and ArChitecture for Empathetic EXchange) and  evaluator of the Creative Europe project OperaVision Next Generation, a project led by Opera Europa and 26 opera companies from 14 countries to bring opera and musical theatre to audiences worldwide digitally.



    Visiting Professor of Arts Management at Burgundy School of Business in Dijon, April 2022 - August 2023

    Visiting Professor of Cultural Policy and Economics at Unversità di Bologna, February 2022 – Present

    Visiting Professor of Arts Management at Universität Innsbruck, May 2019 - Present  

    Visiting Professor of Arts Policy and Management at Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Milan, September 2016 – Present

    Visiting Professor of Arts Management at Erasmus University Rotterdam, September 2014 - August 2015

    Assistant Professor of Cultural Policy and Management at University of Amsterdam, September 2012 - Present

    Lecturer & Researcher in Arts Management at Utrecht University, January 2009 - August 2012

    Visiting Professor of Arts Management at University of Bayreuth, Semptember 2008 - August 2009

    Lecturer of Arts Marketing at University of Groningen, September 2007 - August 2009

    Associate at Philippe Rixhon Associates Ltd, September 2006 - August 2014

    Director at A&A - Arts & Artists Management and Research, January 2005 - August 2006

    Senior Researcher at Fraunhofer IPK, Corporate Management, July 2001 - December 2004

    Consultant at Deloitte & Touche, Management Solutions, November 2000 - June 2001

    Working Student at Siemens AG, ICN, October 1999 - July 2000



    University of Groningen, PhD, Business and Economics, 2008-2016

    Conservatory Giovanni Paisiello, MMus, Piano Performance, 2004 - 2005

    Università di Roma Tor Vergata, MSc, Business Engineering, 1992 - 2000

    Liceo Scientifico Cavanis, Maturità scientifica, 1987 - 1992


    Professional Qualifications

    Senior Teaching Qualification Certificate, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2020

    Basic Teaching Qualification Certificate, Utrecht University, The Netherlands, 2012

    Admission to the Italian Association of Professional Journalists after qualifying examination, 2004

    Admission to the Italian Association of Chartered Engineers after passing the state examination, 2000

  • Publications


    • Chiaravalloti, F. (2024). Performance Evaluation in the Arts: A Multidisciplinary Review and a New Pragmatic Research Agenda. In Y. Jung, N. Vakharia, & M. Vecco (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Arts and Cultural Management (pp. 641–662). (Oxford Handbooks). Oxford University Press.


    • Chiaravalloti, F. (2021). Investigating the practice of evaluation in publicly funded arts organizations: The first step toward the development of artistic languages of accountability. In 16TH EIASM INTERDISCIPLINARY CONFERENCE ON INTANGIBLES AND INTELLECTUAL CAPITAL : SUSTAINABILITY AND INTEGRATED REPORTING, GOVERNANCE AND VALUE CREATION European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management (EIASM).


    • Chiaravalloti, F. (2020). Stop measuring, start understanding! An arts policy and management researcher’s autobiographic account of the urgency of an ethnographic turn in research on the values of art. Art & the Public Sphere, 9(1-2), 131-143. [details]


    • Boorsma, M., & Chiaravalloti, F. (2018). Arts Marketing Performance: An Artistic-Mission-Led Approach to Evaluation. In E. Rosewall, & R. Shane (Eds.), Arts and Cultural Management: Critical and Primary Sources. - Vol. 3: Resource Development (pp. 229-246). Bloomsbury Academic. [details]



    • Chiaravalloti, F. (2014). Performance Evaluation in the Arts and Cultural Sector: A Story of Accounting at Its Margins. The Journal of Arts Management, Law, and Society, 44(2), 61-89. Advance online publication. [details]



    • Chiaravalloti, F. (2012). Performance Evaluation in Performing Arts: Regulatory versus folk institutions of accountability? In Contradictions in Public Management: Managing in Volatile Times: 16th Annual Conference of the International Research Society for Public Management Rome: International Research Society for Public Management.
    • Chiaravalloti, F., & Piber, M. (2012). The politics of evaluation: The case of cultural organizations. In VII International Conference on Cultural Policy Research: Culture politics and cultural policies: 9-12 July 2012, Barcelona: proceedings Centre for the Study of Culture, Politics and Society (CECUPS). [details]
    • Chiaravalloti, F., & van der Meer, J. (2012). Performance Evaluation in Performing Arts: Coexisting or competing forms of accountability for artistic results? In 4th Workshop on 'Managing Cultural Organisations': Bologna, Italy, October 25-26, 2012 European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management (EIASM). [details]


    • Chiaravalloti, F., & Piber, M. (2011). Ethical Implications of Methodological Settings in Arts Management Research: The Case of Performance Evaluation. The Journal of Arts Management, Law, and Society, 41(4), 240-266.
    • Chiaravalloti, F., & Piber, M. (2011). Ethical and Political Implications of Methodological Settings in Arts Management Research: The case of performance evaluation. In The 11th International Conference on Arts and Cultural Management Antwerp: AIMAC; Antwerp Management School; Universiteit Antwerpen.
    • Chiaravalloti, F., & Piber, M. (2011). Governance and The Cultural Sector: Ethical and political implications of methodological settings in performance evaluation research. In Reassembling Organizations Gothenburg: EGOS; University of Gothenburg.
    • Chiaravalloti, F., & Vuyk, K. (2011). Monitoring Artistic Experience: Towards an interdisciplinary theoretical framework. In The 11th International Conference on Arts and Cultural Management AIMAC; Antwerp Management School; Universiteit Antwerpen.


    • Boorsma, M., & Chiaravalloti, F. (2010). Arts Marketing Performance: An Artistic-Mission-Led Approach to Evaluation. The Journal of Arts Management, Law, and Society, 40(4), 297-317.


    • Chiaravalloti, F., & Boorsma, M. (2009). Arts marketing and performance management: closing the gap between mission and indicators. In Innovative Concepts and Practices. 5th Conference on Performance Measurement and Management Control Nice, Brussels: The European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management.


    • Chiaravalloti, F. (2008). A Non-Prescriptive View of Artistic Value. A Theoretical Contribution to the Discussion on Artistic Quality in Publicly Funded Opera Companies. In The 5th International Conference on Cultural Policy Research (pp. 41). Istanbul: Yeditepe University.


    • Chiaravalloti, F., & van der Meer-Kooistra, J. (2007). Including Artistic Quality Indicators in the PMS's of Publicly Funded Opera Companies. A Case-Based Research Approach. In 9th International Conference on Arts & Cultural Management (pp. 53). Valencia: Universitat de València, Facultat d'Economia.
    • Chiaravalloti, F., & van der Meer-Kooistra, J. (2007). Performance Measurement and Management for Performing Arts. Including Artistic Quality Indicators in the PMS's of Publicly Funded Opera Companies. In Measuring and Rewarding Performance. 4th Conference on Performance Measurement and Management Control Nice, Brussels: The European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management.


    • Chiaravalloti, F. (2005). Performance Management for Performing Arts. A framework for the evaluation of artistic quality in public professional opera houses. In 8th International Conference on Arts & Cultural Management (pp. 86). Montréal: Chaire de Gestion des Arts Carmelle et Rémi-Marcoux, HEC Montréal.
    • Chiaravalloti, F. (2005). Performance Management for Performing Arts. Content and differences in the evaluation of artistic quality in public professional opera houses. In Responsible Management in an Uncertain World. 5th Annual Conference of the European Academy of Management (pp. 180). München: European Academy of Management & Technische Universität München.


    • Elffers, A., & Chiaravalloti, F. (2022). Waardevol onderzoek in de cultuursector: Kunnen onderzoekers agents of social and cultural change zijn? Boekman, 34(133), 8-11.


    • Chiaravalloti, F. (2009). Implications of methodological choices in arts management research: the case of the investigation of the artistic outcome of performing arts organisations. In SOM PhD Conference 2009 Groningen: Research School SOM, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Groningen.


    • Chiaravalloti, F. (2017). In dialoog met de samenleving: Een etnologische benadering van de waarden van kunst en cultuur. Boekman, 29(113), 56-59. [details]


    • Chiaravalloti, F. (2023). Values and Evaluations of or as Cultural Practices? Entering a time of pragmatic experimentation. Paper presented at 8th EIASM Workshop on Managing Arts and
      Cultural Organizations, Innsbruck, Austria.


    • Chiaravalloti, F. (2022). Establishing Arts Management as a distinct academic discipline: shifting the focus from the managerial to the artistic in managing arts organizations.. Abstract from Social Theory, Politics, and the Arts, Seoul, Korea, Republic of.
    • Chiaravalloti, F. (2022). Investigating the practice of evaluation in publicly funded arts organizations: The first step toward the development of artistic languages of accountability. Paper presented at International Conference on Cultural Policy Research, Antwerp, Belgium.
    • Chiaravalloti, F., & Zembylas, T. (2022). Artistic evaluation in opera organizations: forming individual judgments within a network of evaluators. Paper presented at Sociology of the Arts Mid-term Conference, Lund, Sweden.


    • Chiaravalloti, F. (2020). The (non)values of opera for non-users: Towards an understanding of new audiences’ potential attachments to opera. Paper presented at 7th WORKSHOP ON MANAGING ARTS AND CULTURAL ORGANIZATIONS.


    • Chiaravalloti, F. (2019). From Elitism to Inclusivity: Understanding the (Ir)relevance of Opera for Contemporary Society. Paper presented at 44th Social Theory, Politics and the Arts Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana, United States.


    • Chiaravalloti, F. (2017). For what, to whom, and based on which kind of information are publicly funded arts organizations accountable? A case-study of full decoupling between procedural and substantive accountability in a national opera house. Paper presented at XXI. IRSPM Annual Conference, Budapest, Hungary.
    • Chiaravalloti, F. (2017). How organization studies can contribute to a more refined taxonomy of accountability forms for the study of the impact of public management reforms on public and publicly funded organizations. Paper presented at Researching Management Accounting and Control: Reflections on its impact and implications for the future, Groningen, Netherlands.
    • Chiaravalloti, F. (2017). Why holding someone accountable for something he cannot fully manage? The unclear politics of performance evaluation the cultural sector. Paper presented at Interdisciplinary workshop on intangibles and intellectual capital , Ancona, Italy.


    • Chiaravalloti, F. (2016). The co-existence of organic and mechanistic forms of evaluation in performing arts organizations: A case study of a publicly funded opera company. Paper presented at 32nd EGOS Colloquium: Organizing in the Shadow of Power. [details]


    • Chiaravalloti, F., & Vuyk, K. (2014). Redirecting research on the impact of NPM-oriented cultural policies: A contribution from literature on accountability in education. Paper presented at 40th International Conference on Social Theory, Politics & the Arts.



    • Chiaravalloti, F. (2012). Performance Evaluation in the Arts: From the margins of accounting to the core of accountability. Abstract from Research Conference on the Contribution of Sustainable Cultural Entrepreneurship.

    Prize / grant

    • Chiaravalloti, F. (2022). EU CREA Opera Vision Next Generation.
    • Chiaravalloti, F. (2021). “Best Junior Contribution to the Theory and Practice of Intangibles and IC” Awards, SPECIAL MENTIONS.
    • Chiaravalloti, F. (2021). Audience Research Summer Dance Forever 2021.
    • Chiaravalloti, F. (2019). SPACEX (Spatial Practices in Art and ArChitecture for Empathetic EXchange).
    • Chiaravalloti, F. (2018). The (ir)relevance of ‘elitist’ art forms in contemporary society: A new pragmatic approach to the understanding of cultural values. (Cutting Edge Research Fund - Research Fellowship).
    • Chiaravalloti, F. (2018). The (ir)relevance of ‘elitist’ art forms in contemporary society: A new pragmatic approach to the understanding of cultural values. (Cutting Edge Research Fund - Network Grant).
    • Chiaravalloti, F. (2017). 2nd Prize for Best Contribution to the Intangibles & IC Theory & Practice.
    • Chiaravalloti, F. (2017). In Dialogue with Users. The Relevance of Opera for Society.

    Membership / relevant position

    • Chiaravalloti, F. (2020-2025). Member of the Evaluation Working Group of the Centre for Cultural Value., Centre for Cultural Value.
    • Chiaravalloti, F. (2019-2024). Member of the Social Science and Humanities Table "Cultural Studies and Linguistics", Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (NWO), Den Haag.
    • Chiaravalloti, F. (2018-2022). Member of the Scientific Committee, Social Theory, Politics and the Arts.
    • Chiaravalloti, F. (2018-2023). Member of the Scientific Committee of Social Theory, Politics and the Arts, the oldest and still one of the most influential academic gatherings of (…), Social Theory, Politics and the Arts.
    • Chiaravalloti, F. (2018-2023). Member of the Scientific Committee of Social Theory, Politics and the Arts, Social Theory, Politics and the Arts.

    Talk / presentation

    • Chiaravalloti, F. (speaker) (21-9-2023). Values and Evaluations of or as Cultural Practices? Entering a time of pragmatic experimentation, SPACEX-RISE consortium meeting and training event / conference at UvA, Amsterdam.
    • Chiaravalloti, F. (speaker) (25-5-2023). On the The Possibilities of New Pragmatism for Interdisciplinary Research, Tilburg University.
    • Chiaravalloti, F. (speaker) (23-9-2020). Conducting high impact research in arts management, 5th AIMAC Doctoral Symposium, Cambridge.
    • Chiaravalloti, F. (speaker) (26-10-2019). Building Bridges, Debate Session on The Value of Opera in Society, Opera Europa Autumn Conference 2019, Karlsruhe.
    • Chiaravalloti, F. (speaker) (25-10-2018). Understanding artistic performancein its context, Università di Trento.
    • Chiaravalloti, F. (speaker) (17-10-2018). Understanding the value of arts in society, Opera Europa Autumn Conference

      , Paris.
    • Chiaravalloti, F. (speaker) (29-5-2017). Hou maar op met al die modellen! Een etnologie van de waarde van kunst en cultuur, Boekmanstichting.
    • Chiaravalloti, F. (speaker) (30-5-2016). Onderzoek in zicht. Performance evaluation in the arts: from the margins of accounting to the core of accountability, Boekmanstichting.
    • Chiaravalloti, F. (invited speaker) (30-5-2016). Performance evaluation in the arts: from the margins of accounting to the core of accountability, Onderzoek in zicht, Amsterdam, Boekmanistichting.
    • Chiaravalloti, F. (invited speaker) (20-5-2016). Developing theory from case studies: The case of performance evaluation in the arts, Seminar for PhD students, Milano, Università Cattolica.
    • Chiaravalloti, F. (invited speaker) (16-3-2016). Performance Evaluation in the Arts, MA Course on Cultural Management, Rotterdam, EUR.
    • Chiaravalloti, F. (invited speaker) (29-6-2015). Understanding artistic performance in its context: A case study of the practice of evaluation in a publicly funded opera company, XIIIth International Conference on Arts and Cultural Management, Aix en Provence.
    • Chiaravalloti, F. (invited speaker) (26-5-2015). Performance evaluation in opera. The importance of audiences’ reception from the point of view of opera managers., Workshop audience and reception research. Current trends in audience and reception research: back to the aesthetic experience., Amsterdam.
    • Chiaravalloti, F. (speaker) (7-1-2013). The Arena of Arts Management. The case of performance evaluation, Arts and Economics Masterclasses, Utrecht.
    • Chiaravalloti, F. (invited speaker) (3-12-2012). Performance Evaluation in the Arts, Master in Art and Culture Studies, Specialisation Cultural Economics and Entrepreneurship, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam, Rotterdam.


    • Chiaravalloti, F. (participant) (31-10-7). Opera Europa Autumn Conference 2023: Troubled Waters, Copenhagen. OperaVision Audience Research. In conversation with Opera Vision's partners to prepare the audience survey in the framework of the evaluation of the (…) (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Chiaravalloti, F. (organiser) (7-10-2023). Opera Europa Autumn Conference 2023: Troubled Waters, Copenhagen. OperaVision Audience Research. A conversation with the partners of OperVision about the audience survey in the framework of the evaluation of the (…) (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Chiaravalloti, F. (organiser) (6-10-2023). Opera Europa Autumn Conference 2023: Troubled Waters, Copenhagen. The Value of OperaVision for Emerging Artists.A Focus Group in the framework of the evaluation of the OperaVision Next Generation project led by Dr (…) (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Chiaravalloti, F. (organiser) & Lerm Hayes, C.-M. (organiser) (20-9-2023 - 23-9-2023). SPACEX-RISE consortium meeting and training event / conference at UvA, Amsterdam. I was responsible for the organization of the morning sessions of the training event, which had a traditional conference format, with the title (…) (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Chiaravalloti, F. (organiser) & Lerm Hayes, C.-M. (organiser) (20-9-2023 - 23-9-2023). SPACEX-RISE consortium meeting and training event / conference at UvA, Amsterdam. The Horizon 2020 RISE Spacex consortium (Spatial Practices in Art and Architecture for Empathetic Exchange) visited Amsterdam 20-23 September (…) (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Chiaravalloti, F. (participant) (23-9-2020 - 1-10-2020). 5th AIMAC Doctoral Symposium, Cambridge (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Chiaravalloti, F. (participant) (11-10-2019). 44th Social Theory, Politics and the Arts Conference, New Orleans. From Elitism to Inclusivity: Understanding the (Ir)relevance of Opera for Contemporary Society (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Chiaravalloti, F. (organiser) (17-1-2019 - 18-1-2019). 3rd Meeting of VOICE: Value of Opera for Inclusive Communities in Europe, Amsterdam. Workshop for the finalization of the consortium and the project proposal to submit to H2020-SC6-TRANSFORMATIONS-08-2019 on the topic: Workshop for (…) (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Chiaravalloti, F. (organiser) (4-10-2018 - 5-10-2018). 2nd Meeting of VOICE: Value of Opera for Inclusive Communities in Europe, Amsterdam. Workshop for the consolidation of the consortium and the design of the project proposal for H2020-SC6-TRANSFORMATIONS-08-2019 on the topic: Workshop (…) (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Chiaravalloti, F. (organiser) (7-6-2018). 1st Meeting of VOICE: Value of Opera for Inclusive Communities in Europe, Amsterdam. Meeting for the creation of a consortium to submit to H2020-SC6-TRANSFORMATIONS-08-2019 on the topic: The societal value of culture and the impact of (…) (organising a conference, workshop, ...).


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  • Ancillary activities
    No ancillary activities