Dr. ir. Guido van Capelleveen is appointed as an assistant professor at the Amsterdam Business School. He developed a business and academic background in information systems & technology, specialized in business analytics and data mining. Guido is particularly interested in the application fields of data science in real-world projects. Many of his projects have a focus on circularity and sustainability.
Guido holds a PhD in Environmental Informatics from the University of Twente. His PhD thesis was written on “industrial symbiosis recommender systems” (download) part of the European H2020 program related to the circular economy transition. His MSc thesis research was performed at the University of California, San Diego, where he researched the application of outlier-based predictors for Health Insurance Fraud Detection in the U.S. Medicaid program. He also worked as an information analyst on management information systems for one of the larger Dutch software organizations.
My Personal Website. My Google Scholar page. My ResearchGate page.