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Dr. N. (Niek) Brunsveld MBA

Team lead, Research and Innovation Policy
Executive Staff
Faculty of Economics and Business

Visiting address
  • Spui 21
  • Room number: 2.04
Postal address
  • Postbus 19268
    1000 GG Amsterdam
  • Responsibilities

    Niek Brunsveld is Team lead, Research & Innovation policy, at the Executive Staff of the University of Amsterdam.

    In this role, Niek leads the team of policy advisors on research and innovation policy, and coordinates university-wide initiatives on such matters as research priority areas, interdisciplinary research initiatives, cooperation with public and private partners, research integrity and ethics. He is scientific secretary of the University Research Advisory Council.

    Next to his work for the Executive Staff Niek is part-time assistant professor in the ethics of economics and business at the Faculty of Economics and Business at the University of Amsterdam.

  • Background

    Niek obtained

    • an MBA (Bentley University, USA), 
    • a PhD in the Philosophy of Religion (Faculty of Humanities, Utrecht University),
    • an Advanced Master in Theology and Religious Studies (K.U.Leuven, Belgium),
    • a Master in Theology/Ethics (Utrecht University), and
    • a degree in Ministerial Education (PThU, the Netherlands).

    Niek has worked as project manager / policy advisor at the Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University, and at the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO), the Hague.

    Niek was (guest) lecturer at Rotterdam School of Management, Utrecht University and Bentley University.

  • Publications



    • Brunsveld, N. (2013). Particularity and Contextuality Interrupting the Public/Private Debate Concerning Religion. In Religion beyond its Private Role in Modern Society (pp. 53-70). Brill.
    • Brunsveld, N. (2013). The Varieties and the Cognitive Value of Religious Experiences. In William James on Religion (pp. 56-77). Springer.


    • Brunsveld, N. (2011). One Notion of Religious Truth? Hilary Putnam's Conceptual Truth and the Justification of Religious Propositions. In Religion in the Public Sphere: Proceedings of the 2010 Conference of the European Society for Philosophy of Religion (pp. 199-209)
    • Brunsveld, N., & Trigg, R. (Eds.) (2011). Religion in the Public Sphere: Proceedings of the 2010 Conference of the European Society for Philosophy of Religion.



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  • Ancillary activities
    • Rotterdam School of Management B.V.
      Workshops, trainingen en cursussen