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Dr. M.R.E. (Merlijn) Breunesse

Faculty of Humanities
Capaciteitsgroep Griekse en Latijnse talen en culturen

Visiting address
  • Turfdraagsterpad 9
Postal address
  • Postbus 94203
    1090 GE Amsterdam
Contact details
  • Publications


    • Breunesse, M. R. E., Fossi, C., & Vacano, K. (Eds.) (2025). Constructing Fantastical Worlds from Antiquity to the Present. (Euhormos: Greco-Roman Studies in Anchoring Innovation). Brill.


    • Breunesse, M. (2023). Haec Urbs est Thebae: Proximal Deixis in the Prologue to Plautus’ Amphitruo. Mnemosyne, 76(2), 230-257. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Breunesse, M., & Diessel, H. (2023). Iconicity in spatial deixis: A cross-linguistic study of 180 demonstrative systems. In C. Gentens, L. Ghesquière, W. B. McGregor, & A. Van Linden (Eds.), Reconnecting form and meaning: In honour of Kristin Davidse (pp. 185-207). (Studies in Language Companion Series; Vol. 230). John Benjamins Publishing Company.
    • Breunesse, M., & Fantoli, M. (2023). Quia, quoniam, and information management in Plautus. Journal of Latin Linguistics, 21(2), 163-185. [details]
    • Breunesse, M., & van Gils, L. (2023). Cicero and Political Agency in Late-Republican Rome. In S. Castelli, & I. Sluiter (Eds.), Agents of Change in the Greco-Roman and Early Modern Periods (pp. 129-147). (Euhormos. Greco-Roman studies in Anchoring Innovation; Vol. 4). Brill. [details]


    • Breunesse, M. R. E. (Accepted/In press). Demonstrative reference in Plautus. Brill.


    • Breunesse, M. (2021). (Inter)subjectification and the Latin demonstratives: A corpus study. In A. M. M. Rodríguez (Ed.), Linguisticae dissertationes: Current Perspectives on Latin Grammar, Lexicon and Pragmatics. Selected Papers from the 20th International Colloquium on Latin Linguistics (Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain,June 17-21, 2019) (pp. 765-782). Ediciones Clásicas. [details]


    • Diessel, H., & Breunesse, M. (2020). A typology of demonstrative clause linkers. In Å. Næss, A. Margetts, & Y. Treis (Eds.), Demonstratives in discourse (pp. 305-340). (Topics at the grammar-discourse interface; Vol. 6). Language Science Press. [details]


    • Breunesse, M. (2019). Cicero vs. Mark Antony: Identity construction and ingroup/outgroup formation in Philippics One and Three. In L. van Gils, C. Kroon, & R. Risselada (Eds.), Lemmata Linguistica Latina. - Volume 2: Clause and discourse (pp. 448-463). De Gruyter. [details]

    Prize / grant

    • Breunesse, M. (2021). Royal Netherlands Institute in Rome (KNIR) Postdoc Scholarship.

    Membership / relevant position

    • Breunesse, M. (2022-2023). DFG Network on Diachronic Metalepsis.
    • Breunesse, M. (2019-). OIKOS National Research School in Classical Studies in The Netherlands, Research School OIKOS.
    • Breunesse, M. (2019). Anchoring Innovation.

    Talk / presentation

    • Breunesse, M. (speaker) (5-2022). Immersion in Sosia's battle narrative (Am. 203-261), Plautus from Page to Stage II.
    • Breunesse, M. (speaker) (5-2022). Deixis and the blend of reality and fiction in Plautine drama, 21st International Colloquium of Latin Linguistics, Santiago de Compostela.
    • van Gils, L. (speaker) & Breunesse, M. (speaker) (15-4-2021). Cicero and political agency in Late-Republican Rome, Agents of Change.
    • Breunesse, M. (speaker) (22-11-2019). Anchoring demonstratieven in Latijns drama, Biannual Colloquium of the OIKOS research Group ‘The language of Literature’, Katwijk aan Zee.
    • Breunesse, M. (speaker) & Diessel, H. (speaker) (7-2019). Iconicity in spatial deixis: A cross-linguistic study of 180 demonstrative systems, Deictic Communication: Theory and Application, Norwich.
    • Breunesse, M. (speaker) (6-2019). Intersubjectivity in the Latin demonstratives: A diachronic corpus study, 20th International Colloquium on Latin Linguistics, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.
    • Breunesse, M. (speaker) & Bloom, B. (speaker) (7-2018). The role of (inter)subjectification in the development of the Norwegian preproprial article into the psychologically distal demonstrative, 20th International Congress of Linguists, Cape Town.
    • Diessel, H. (speaker) & Breunesse, M. (speaker) (7-2018). Demonstratives: Sound symbolism and grammaticalization, Historical and comparative linguistics in Jena, Jena.
    • Breunesse, M. (speaker) & Diessel, H. (speaker) (15-6-2018). A typology of clause-combining demonstratives, Discourse Functions of Demonstratives, Oslo.
    • Breunesse, M. (invited speaker) (5-2018). Cicero vs. Mark Antony: Identity construction in Philippics I and III, University of Belgrade.
    • Breunesse, M. (speaker) (6-2017). Demonstrative typology, Language as a Form of Action, Rome.
    • Breunesse, M. (speaker) (4-2017). Cicero vs. Mark Antony: Identity construction and outgroup formation in Philippics I and III., 19th International Colloquium on Latin Linguistics, Munich.
    • Breunesse, M. (speaker) (11-2015). Referent identification in Latin: The function of the demonstrative ille., Biannual Conference of the OIKOS Research Group 'The Language of Literature', Katwijk aan Zee.


    • Breunesse, M. (organiser), Fossi, C. (organiser) & Vacano, K. (organiser) (30-6-2022 - 1-7-2022). Constructing Fantastical Worlds: From Antiquity to the Present. Workshop on Constructing Fantastical Worlds: From Antiquity to the Present (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Breunesse, M. (organiser) (10-2018). DComm Workshop on Dissemination and Academic Skills, Jena (organising a conference, workshop, ...).


    • Breunesse, M. R. E. (2020). Demonstratives in space and discourse: A synchronic and diachronic analysis.
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  • Ancillary activities
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