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M.J.A. (Marco) Brohet MSc

PhD Candidate at Complex Cyber Infrastructure (CCI)
Faculty of Science
Informatics Institute

Visiting address
  • Science Park 900
  • Room number: L5.28
Postal address
  • Postbus 94323
    1090 GH Amsterdam
Contact details
  • Publications


    • Barger, M., Brohet, M., & Regazzoni, F. (2024). Demonstrating Post-Quantum Remote Attestation for RISC-V Devices. In 2024 Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition (DATE) IEEE.
    • Brohet, M., & Regazzoni, F. (2024). A Survey on Thwarting Memory Corruption in RISC-V. ACM Computing Surveys, 56(2), Article 28. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Regazzoni, F., Acs, G., Aszalos, A. Z., Avgerinos, C., Bakalos, N., Berral, J. L., Bos, J. W., Brohet, M., Castillo Sanz, A. G., Davies, G. T., Florescu, S., Flory, P.-E., Gutierrez-Torre, A., Haleplidis, E., Héliou, A., Ioannidis, S., El-Kady, A. I., Kapusta, K., Karagianni, K., ... Fournaris, A. P. (2024). SECURED for Health: Scaling Up Privacy to Enable the Integration of the European Health Data Space. In 2024 Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition (DATE) IEEE.


    • De Kremer, M., Brohet, M., Banik, S., Avanzi, R., & Regazzoni, F. (2023). Resource-Constrained Encryption: Extending Ibex with a QARMA Hardware Accelerator. In 2023 IEEE 34th International Conference on Application-specific Systems, Architectures and Processors : ASAP 2023: proceedings : 19-21 July 2023, Porto, Portugal (pp. 147-155). IEEE Computer Society. [details]
    • van den Berg, D., Slooff, T., Brohet, M., Papagiannopoulos, K., & Regazzoni, F. (2023). Data Under Siege: The Quest for the Optimal Convolutional Autoencoder in Side-Channel Attacks. In IJCNN 2023 conference proceedings: IJCNN 2023, International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, 18-23 June 2023, Gold Coast Convention and Exhibition Centre, Queensland, Australia (pp. 6630-6638). IEEE. [details]


    • Brohet, M., Valencia, F., & Regazzoni, F. (2023). Invited Paper: Instruction Set Extensions for Post-Quantum Cryptography. In 2023 IEEE/ACM International Conference On Computer Aided Design (ICCAD n2023): San Francisco, California, USA, 28 October-2 November 2023 IEEE. [details]
    • Fournaris, A. P., Tasopoulos, G., Brohet, M., & Regazzoni, F. (2023). Running Longer To Slim Down: Post-Quantum Cryptography on Memory-Constrained Devices. In 2023 IEEE International Conference on Omni-layer Intelligent Systems (COINS): July 23-July 25, 2023, Berlin, Germany (pp. 151-156). IEEE. [details]

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