I am an ecologist with a main research focus on animal movement ecology. I am principally curious to understand how the environment shapes spatiotemporal patterns of animal movements to better comprehend their ecology and behaviour in a rapidly changing world. I am passionate about conservation and improving collaboration between scientists, governments, companies and NGOs to create actions to address the challenges the natural world is presented with. During my PhD, I developed a nocturnal bird migration forecast model that will be used by Rijkswaterstaat (Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management) as a tool to help mitigate the collision risk between migratory birds and offshore wind turbines in the North Sea basin. So far, my research has mainly focused on reptiles, amphibians and birds, but I also enjoy learning more about insects, plants and fungi.
To learn more about me and my research, also check out:
1. https://avaz.ba/vijesti/bih/568299/istrazivanja-maglajke-o-pticama-koristit-ce-i-nizozemska-vlada (in Bosnian)
2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aZTZFmzGgnc&ab_channel=BHFuturesFoundation (my video from the 3MT thesis competition organized by BH Futures Foundation)
3. https://vimeo.com/540556791?embedded=true&source=vimeo_logo&owner=107770983 (video created by Rijkswaterstaat about the whole project my research was part of, in Dutch and English)
4. https://www.noordzeeloket.nl/nieuws/nieuws/2023/nieuw-vogelvoorspellingsmodel-bijdragen-minder/ (an article about the bird migration forecast model, in Dutch)
I am also posting research via my Twitter account: @bradaric_maja (see above)