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Prof. dr. P. (Philippe) Bouyer PhD

Faculty of Science

Visiting address
  • Science Park 904
Postal address
  • Postbus 94485
    1090 GL Amsterdam
  • Publications


    • Abend, S., Allard, B., Arnold, A. S., Ban, T., Barry, L., Battelier, B., Bawamia, A., Beaufils, Q., Bernon, S., Bertoldi, A., Bonnin, A., Bouyer, P., Bresson, A., Burrow, O. S., Canuel, B., Desruelle, B., Drougakis, G., Forsberg, R., Gaaloul, N., ... Zawada, M. (2023). Technology roadmap for cold-atoms based quantum inertial sensor in space. AVS Quantum Science, 5(1), Article 019201. [details]
    • Wörner, L., Root, B. C., Bouyer, P., Braxmaier, C., Dirkx, D., Encarnação, J., Hauber, E., Hussmann, H., Karatekin, Ö., Koch, A., Kumanchik, L., Migliaccio, F., Reguzzoni, M., Ritter, B., Schilling, M., Schubert, C., Thieulot, C., Klitzing, W. V., & Witasse, O. (2023). MaQuIs—Concept for a Mars Quantum Gravity Mission. Planetary and Space Science, 239, Article 105800. [details]



    • Bongs, K., Malcolm, J., Ramelloo, C., Zhu, L., Boyer, V., Valenzuela, T., Maclean, J., Piccardo-Selg, A., Mellor, C., Fernholz, T., Fromhold, M., Krüger, P., Hellmig, O., Grote, A., Dörscher, S., Duncker, H., Windpassinger, P., Sengstock, K., Becker, C., ... Wicht, A. (2014). iSense: A technology platform for cold atom based quantum technologies. In Research in Optical Sciences : Quantum Information and Measurement: 18–20 March 2014, Messe Berlin, Berlin, Germany Article QTu3B.1 (OSA Technical Digest). Optica Publishing Group. [details]


    • Ménoret, V., Templier, S., Bouyer, P., Desruelle, B., Arguel, R., Battelier, B., Jarlaud, V., d’Armagnac de Castanet, Q. & Cognets, C. (2024). Atom interferometry at arbitrary orientations and rotation rates - Raw data. Figshare.
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  • Ancillary activities
    • Quantum Delta NL
      Director Research and Technology, member of the board
    • Exail
      Member of scientific directorate
    • IOGS
      Invited professor
    • AIP Publishing
      Editor in Chief for AVS Quantum Science
    • Quantum Delta NL
      Coorditnator Quantum Sensing Applications