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V.A. (Vincent) Blum MSc

Faculty of Science
College of Life Sciences
Photographer: Bastiaan Heus

Visiting address
  • Science Park 904
  • Room number: C3.141
Postal address
  • Postbus 94214
    1090 GE Amsterdam
  • Profile

    Since August 2019 I am part of the expertise team Academic Skills and Student Centric Education (AV-SO). I teach Academic Skills, Molecular Techniques and Programming. Moreover, I also guide students in their transition to the university, develop new teaching material and coordinate multiple practical courses. Specifically, I develop flipped-classroom education for molecular practicals by creating knowledge clips that are embeddeed in the digitale syllabus LabBuddy.

    While studying Psychobiology I developed a fascination for molecular celbiology. During my masters I studied nanobodies that bind to the oncomodulating receptor US28. This receptor is present in the human cytomegalocirus and plays a part in the progression of brain tumours. I am also interesed in bioinformatics and gained experience in this field by analysing and interpreting complex biological data using computational methods. In my thesis I worked on the development of a universal workflow to analyse ribosome profiling data.

  • Expertise-team Academic Skills and Student Centric Education
    On the picture from left to right: Tomas Meijer, Nina Scheres, Laura Lighaam, Petra Dijkstra, Jorg Brunner, Yara Witte, Ricardo Paap, Saskia Belt and Vincent Blum.

    Vision and Mission

    The expertise-team Academic Skills and Student Centric Education (Dutch: Academische Vaardigheden en Studentgecentreerd Onderwijs) aims to collaborate with research institutes, teachers and course-coordinators to develop and provide high quality innovative, research-focused education. 

    The team consists of experienced, motivated teachers with a scientific background in various fields within (medical) biology.

    We wish to contribute to student talent development using our expertise and passion for education.  

    Team members

  • Knowledgeclips Molecular Biology
  • Ancillary activities
    No ancillary activities