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Dr. N.P.C. (Niels) Beerepoot

Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences
GPIO: Political and Economic Geographies
Area of expertise: Future of Work, platformisation of labour, global reconfiguration of value chains
Photographer: onbekend

Visiting address
  • Nieuwe Achtergracht 166
  • Room number: B4.21
Postal address
  • Postbus 15629
    1001 NC Amsterdam
  • Profile

    I am associate professor in Economic Geography at the Amsterdam Institute for Social Science Research. My research focuses on the local outcomes of (de)globalisation in different parts of the world. I teach in the Bachelor programme Human Geography and Planning, the Master programme Human Geography and the (Research)master International Development Studies. I am chair of the examinations committee of the Bachelor and Master programme Human Geography and Planning.  

    Research expertise

    My key research interests include: Future of Work, platformisation of labour, global reconfiguration of value chains. I have conducted extensive empirical research experience in the Philippines. My current regional focus is on South (India) and Southeast Asia (Philippines).


    In February 2005, I defended my PhD thesis titled "Collective Learning in Small Enterprise Clusters: Skilled Workers, Labour Market Dynamics and Knowledge Accumulation in the Philippine Furniture Industry" at the University of Amsterdam. From to 2011 to 2016 I was the project leader of the NWO-WOTRO Integrated-Programme project on understanding the local outcomes of the emergence of the offshore service sector in Mumbai and Manila. This project is a collaboration with researchers from the University of Mumbai and the University of the Philippines and concentrates on the patterns of offshore service sector development in both cities, access to employment and chances for upward labour mobility, the induced and indirect effects and wider social implications in both cities. From 2016 to 2023 I was executive editor of the Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie. 

    Visiting positions

    • Durham University (6 months, 2006)
    • Tata Institute of Social Science in Mumbai (2.5 months, 2009), funded by NWO-ICSSR Social Science Cooperation Programme India-Netherlands
    • University of the Philippines-School of Labour and Industrial Relations in Manila (2 months, 2015), funded by University of the Philippines Visiting Scholar programme.
    • Visiting lecturer (2010-2013, 2018) at FHR Lim a Po Institute (Suriname) and the German University of Technology (Oman) for short courses on Globalisation and Regional Development
  • Research projects

    Current and past research projects

    Digital freelancing and impact sourcing 
    A new form of service outsourcing has rapidly expanded in recent years, namely the digital labour platforms for freelance contractors. Digital labour platforms provide a great opportunity to cut-off intermediaries in global value chains and directly outsource digital work to individuals (contractors) in developing countries. They can bring service outsourcing within the reach of small firms and individuals (as clients and contractors) and lead to a redefinition of work organisation through the formation of virtual teams that consist of individuals from around the world. This research explores how digital labour platforms can be utilized for reaching new groups who fall outside the traditional scope for service outsourcing and whether they can hereby contribute to impact sourcing objectives. 

    WOTRO Integrated Programme (2011-2016)
    Contemporary globalisation is increasingly referred to as hierarchical integration in a new international division of labour. This project concentrates on contemporary globalisation by means of the international expansion of offshore service delivery. Offshore service delivery is still at an early stage of development and there is limited knowledge on the scope and magnitude of this particular form of globalisation. To what extent this follows different patterns compared to industrial offshoring, with regard to issues such as the embeddedness of production and opportunities for upgrading and upward labour mobility has, so far, not been a subject of in-depth analysis. Furthermore, limited knowledge is available on the enclave-nature of contemporary globalisation and whether it strengthens inequalities between people who benefit from the new economic opportunities and those who are confronted with various forms of exclusion.

    Integration of Indian ICT-ITES companies in the Dutch service outsourcing market (2014, funded by Platform Outsourcing Nederland)
    This research focused on the entry strategy and integration of Indian ICT-ITES companies in the Dutch service outsourcing market.  

    Union Challenges and Strategies to Engage Contract Workers in Developing Countries (2012-2013, funded by CNV Internationaal)
    Based on empirical research in 2 African countries (Senegal and Togo) and 2 Asian countries (Cambodia and Indonesia) this research examined how trade unions can respond to the challenges of dealing with an increasingly flexible and fragmented labour force.

  • Publications



    • Beerepoot, N., & Oprins, J. (2022). Online freelancing and impact sourcing: Examining the inclusive development potential of online service work in the Philippines. The Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries, 88(2), Article e12204. Advance online publication. [details]


    • Kumar, R., & Beerepoot, N. (2021). Matching global service standards—the role of intermediaries in economic upgrading of support-service firms in global production networks. Journal of Economic Geography, 21(6), 899-923. [details]


    • D'Cruz, P., Mulder, R., Noronha, E., Beerepoot, N., & Magala, S. (2019). The changing role of the nation-state and regulation: Workplace bullying legislation in The Netherlands. The Economic and Labour Relations Review, 30(1), 77-98. [details]
    • Kumar, R., & Beerepoot, N. (2019). Multipolar governance and social upgrading in the international services value chains: The case of support-service workers in Mumbai. Geoforum, 104, 147-157. [details]
    • Oprins, J., & Beerepoot, N. (2019). Meeting Social Objectives with Offshore Service Work: Evaluating Impact Sourcing in the Philippines. In M. Graham (Ed.), Digital Economies at Global Margins (pp. 249-268). MIT Press. [details]


    • Lambregts, B., Kleibert, J., & Beerepoot, N. (2018). The making of Mumbai as a global city: investigating the role of the offshore services sector. In M. Hoyler, C. Parnreiter, & A. Watson (Eds.), Global City Makers: Economic Actors and Practices in the World City Network (pp. 124-150). (New horizons in regional science). Edward Elgar Publishing. [details]


    • Beerepoot, N., Kleibert, J., & Lambregts, B. (2017). Conclusions: trends and ways forward in services-driven economic growth. In N. Beerepoot, B. Lambregts, & J. Kleibert (Eds.), Globalisation and Services-driven Economic Growth: Perspectives from the Global North and South (pp. 223-230). (The dynamics of economic space). Routledge. [details]
    • Kumar, R., & Beerepoot, N. (2017). Altering the Social Fabric of the Working Poor? Work and Employment Issues of Support Workers Catering to International ICT-ITES Firms in Mumbai. In E. Noronha, & P. D'Cruz (Eds.), Critical Perspectives on Work and Employment in Globalizing India (pp. 133-152). Springer. [details]
    • Lambregts, B., Beerepoot, N., & Kleibert, J. (2017). Globalisation and services-driven economic growth: An introduction. In N. Beerepoot, B. Lambregts, & J. Kleibert (Eds.), Globalisation and Services-driven Economic Growth: Perspectives from the Global North and South (pp. 1-18). (The dynamics of economic space). Routledge. [details]
    • Papadongonas, P., & Beerepoot, N. (2017). Beyond call centres: The indirect effects of service sector-driven growth on new middle-class consumption and retail in Mumbai. In N. Beerepoot, B. Lambregts, & J. Kleibert (Eds.), Globalisation and Services-driven Economic Growth: Perspectives from the Global North and South (pp. 207-222). (The dynamics of economic space). Routledge. [details]


    • Beerepoot, N., & Lambregts, B. (2016). Competition and wage effects in the global online market for microwork and services outsourcing. In B. Nicholson, R. Babin, & M. C. Lacity (Eds.), Socially Responsible Outsourcing: Global Sourcing with Social Impact (pp. 119-137). (Technology, Work and Globalization). Palgrave Macmillan. [details]
    • Beerepoot, N., & Roodheuvel, I. (2016). Internationalization strategies of emerging market-based multinationals: integration of Indian ICT-ITES companies on the Dutch service outsourcing market. European Planning Studies, 24(7), 1374-1391. Advance online publication. [details]


    • Beerepoot, N., & Keijser, C. (2015). The service outsourcing sector as driver of development: the expectations of Ghana's ICT for Accelerated Development programme. Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie, 106(5), 556-569. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Beerepoot, N., & Kumar, R. (2015). Upgrading service delivery and employment conditions through indirect insertion in global value chains. Competition & Change, 19(5), 374-389. [details]
    • Beerepoot, N., & Lambregts, B. (2015). Competition in online job marketplaces: towards a global labour market for outsourcing services? Global Networks, 15(2), 236-255. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Beerepoot, N., & Vogelzang, E. (2015). Service outsourcing to smaller cities in the Philippines: the formation of an emerging local middle class. In B. Lambregts, N. Beerepoot, & R. C. Kloosterman (Eds.), The local impact of globalization in South and Southeast Asia: offshore business processes in services industries (pp. 195-207). (Routledge studies in the modern world economy; No. 149). Routledge. [details]
    • Beerepoot, N., Lambregts, B., & Kloosterman, R. C. (2015). Conclusions: offshore services and the road to development. In B. Lambregts, N. Beerepoot, & R. C. Kloosterman (Eds.), The local impact of globalization in South and Southeast Asia: offshore business processes in services industries (pp. 208-214). (Routledge studies in the modern world economy; No. 149). Routledge. [details]
    • Kloosterman, R. C., Beerepoot, N., & Lambregts, B. (2015). Service-sector driven economic development from a historical perspective. In B. Lambregts, N. Beerepoot, & R. C. Kloosterman (Eds.), The local impact of globalization in South and Southeast Asia: offshore business processes in services industries (pp. 17-28). (Routledge studies in the modern world economy; No. 149). Routledge. [details]
    • Lambregts, B., Beerepoot, N., & Kloosterman, R. C. (2015). The local impact of services offshoring in South and Southeast Asia: introduction and overview. In B. Lambregts, N. Beerepoot, & R. C. Kloosterman (Eds.), The local impact of globalization in South and Southeast Asia: offshore business processes in services industries (pp. 1-13). (Routledge studies in the modern world economy; No. 149). Routledge. [details]
    • Marasigan, M. L. C., & Beerepoot, N. (2015). Examining the Influence of Offshore Service Jobs on Personal Circumstances and Employability. Philippine Journal of Labor and Industrial Relations, 33, 159-186. [details]



    • Andriesse, E., Beerepoot, N., van Helvoirt, B., & van Westen, G. (2011). Business systems, value chains and inclusive regional development in South-East Asia. In A. H. J. Helmsing, & S. Vellema (Eds.), Value chains, social inclusion and economic development: contrasting theories and realities (pp. 151-177). (Routledge studies in development economics; No. 88). Routledge. [details]


    • Beerepoot, N. (2010). Globalisation and the reworking of labour market segmentation in the Philippines. In A. C. Bergene, S. B. Endresen, & H. M. Knutsen (Eds.), Missing links in labour geography (pp. 199-210). (The dynamics of economic space). Ashgate. [details]


    • Beerepoot, N., & Hernández-Agramonte, J. (2009). Post-MFA adjustment in the Philippine garments sector: Women's cooperatives amid manufacturing decline. European Journal of Development Research, 21(3), 362-376. [details]
    • Beerepoot, N., & Hernández-Agramonte, J. (2009). Social movement unionism in the Philippines: organizing displaced workers from the garments industry. In M. Novelli, & A. Ferus-Comelo (Eds.), Globalization, knowledge and labour: education for solidarity within spaces of resistance (pp. 122-139). Routledge. [details]


    • Beerepoot, N. (2008). Diffusion of knowledge and skills through labour markets: Evidence from the furniture cluster in Metro Cebu (the Philippines). Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, 20(1), 67-88. [details]
    • Beerepoot, N. (2008). The benefits of learning in clusters: Analyzing upward mobility for skilled workers in the Cebu furniture cluster. Environment and Planning A, 40(10), 2435-2452. [details]




    • Beerepoot, N. P. C. (2004). Learning in small enterprise clusters: The role of skilled workers in the diffusion of knowledge in the Philipines. International Journal of Technology and Globalisation, 1, 78-91. [details]


    • Beerepoot, N. P. C. (2003). The contribution of skilled workers in the diffusion of knowledge in the Philippines. In S. Mani, & H. Romijn (Eds.), Innovation, learning and technological dynamism of developing countries (pp. 158-177). Tokyo: United Nations University Press. [details]


    • Aalbers, M. B., Beerepoot, N., & Gerritsen, M. (2020). Editorial: The Geography of the COVID‐19 Pandemic. Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie, 111(3), 201-204. [details]


    • Beerepoot, N., Lambregts, B., & Kleibert, J. (Eds.) (2017). Globalisation and Services-driven Economic Growth: Perspectives from the Global North and South. (The dynamics of economic space). Routledge. [details]


    • Lambregts, B., Beerepoot, N., & Kloosterman, R. C. (Eds.) (2016). The local impact of globalization in South and Southeast Asia: offshore business processes in services industries. (Routledge studies in the modern world economy; Vol. 149). Routledge. [details]






    • Beerepoot, N., & Papadongonas, P. (2016). De-industrialisatie in ontwikkelingslanden: het einde van een ontwikkelingsmodel. Geografie, 25(4), 16-18. [details]



    • Beerepoot, N., Keijser, C., & Tesorio, J. (2013). Invisible, scattered, difficult to contact: union challenges and strategies to engage contract workers in developing countries. Universiteit van Amsterdam, Amsterdam Institute for Social Science Research. [details]



    • Beerepoot, N., & Hendriks, M. (2011). Overspoeld door globalisering: de offshore dienstensector in de Filipijnen. Geografie, 20(8), 20-22. [details]




    • Beerepoot, N. P. C. (2007). Bookreview on S.C. McKay [Review of: (2006) Satanic mills or Silicon Island? The politics of high-tech production in the Philippines]. Economic Geography, 83, 333-334. [details]


    • Beerepoot, N. P. C. (2006). Evolution and adjustment of the Cebu furniture cluster. Philippine Quarterly of Culture and Society, 34(1), 64-95. [details]
    • Beerepoot, N. P. C. (2006). Ondernemen aan de onderkant van de internationale waardeketen. Geografie, 15(7), 34-36. [details]


    • Beerepoot, N. P. C. (2003). Challenges and upgrading strategies for the Pampanga furniture industry. Kapampangan Research Journal, (1), 61-72. [details]


    • Beerepoot, N. P. C., & van Westen, C. (2002). The Mactan export processing zone in comparative perspective. Philippine Quarterly of Culture and Society, 29, 226-251. [details]

    Prize / grant

    • Beerepoot, N. P. C. (2009). Research grant from the NWO-ICSSR Social Science Cooperation Programme India-Netherlands for visiting fellowship at Tata Institute of Social Science..

    Journal editor

    • Beerepoot, N. (editor in chief) (2016-2023). Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie (Journal).


    • Krishnan, S. (2017). Services-driven growth and India’s changing socio-economic fabric: Emergence of a new middle class and the contribution of Mumbai’s IT-eS industry to its formation. [Thesis, fully internal, Universiteit van Amsterdam]. [details]


    • Kumar, R. (2016). Globalisation of services production: Economic and social upgrading in support-service industry catering to international ICT-ITES firms in Mumbai. [Thesis, fully internal, Universiteit van Amsterdam]. [details]


    • Beerepoot, N. P. C. (2005). Collective learning in small enterprise clusters. Skilled workers, labour market dynamics and knowledge accumulation in the Philippine furniture industry. [Thesis, fully internal, Universiteit van Amsterdam]. [details]
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  • Ancillary activities
    • No ancillary activities