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R.J. (Rogier) Bartels LLM

Faculty of Law
Criminal Law

Visiting address
  • Nieuwe Achtergracht 166
Postal address
  • Postbus 15557
    1001 NB Amsterdam
  • Profile


    Rogier obtained his law degree from the University of Utrecht (2003) and a specialised LL.M. from the University of Nottingham (2004). Since 2013, he is a Legal Officer in the Trial Division of the International Criminal Court and a research-fellow at the Military Law Section of the Netherlands Defence Academy. Prior to his present positions, he worked, inter alia, as a researcher at the Netherlands Defence Academy, for the International Crimes Section of the Dutch National Prosecutor’s Office, as an Associate Legal Officer in Chambers at the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia, and as a legal adviser at the IHL Division of the Netherlands Red Cross.

    He has given (guest) lectures at a number of universities and military academies, in the Netherlands and abroad. From 2009-2014, he taught a course on international humanitarian law (IHL) as adjunct-lecturer at the Hague University of Applied Sciences, and in 2014-2015, he taught the master course on International Criminal Law at the University for Peace in Costa Rica. In the 2018-2019 academic year, he co-taught the international crimes course of the VU University Amsterdam's LL.M. programme.

    Rogier is a member of the research programme on “Law of Armed Conflict and Peace Operations” of the Amsterdam Center for International Law (of the University of Amsterdam), participates in the Leiden University’s Kalshoven/Gieskes Forum on IHL, and is affiliated with the Criminal Law section of the VU University Amsterdam. At the former university, he is writing a PhD thesis. His publications deal with IHL, international criminal law, and the interplay between these two branches of international law.

    Rogier frequently speaks at conferences, and gives lectures as part of (summer) courses and trainings, such as those provided by Professionals in Humanitarian Assistance and Protection. He is the co-editor of the Armed Groups and International Law blog and regularly contributes to other international law blogs.


    Mr Bartels's research interests concern international humanitarian law and the related fields international law, such as international criminal law, international human rights law, and the law on the use of force. His doctoral research focusses on the interplay between international humanitarian law and international criminal law. He is supervised by Prof. Terry Gill (UvA/ Netherlands Defence Academy ) and Prof. Jann Kleffner (Swedish National Defence College).

    His research is conducted within the joint research programme on 'The Role of Law in Armed Conflict and Peace Operations'  of the Amsterdam Center for International Law (of the UvA) and the Netherlands Defence Academy .


    • 'A Fine Line Between Protection and Humanisation: The Interplay Between the Scope of Application of International Humanitarian Law and Jurisdiction over Alleged War Crimes Under International Criminal Law', in 20 Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law (2017), pp 37-74
    • 'Armistice', 'Evacuation', 'Non-International Armed Conflict', 'Reciprocity', 'Reconnaisance Missions' (five entries) in Drazan Djukić and Niccolo Pons (eds), The Companion to International Humanitarian Law (Brill Nijhoff, 2018)
    • 'The Interplay between International Human Rights Law and International Humanitarian Law during International Criminal Trials', 12(1) Human Rights and International Legal Discourse (2018), pp 44-61
    • 'The Relationship between International Humanitarian Law and the Notion of State Sovereignty', 23(3) Journal of Conflict and Security Law (2018), pp 461-486         
    • 'When Do Terrorist Organisations Qualify as "Parties to an Armed Conflict" Under International Humanitarian Law?', 56(2) The Military Law and the Law of War Review (2017-2018), pp 1-20
    • 'Legitimacy and ICC Jurisdiction following Security Council Referrals', in Nobuo Hayashi and Cecilia M. Bailliet (eds), The Legitimacy and Effectiveness of International Criminal Tribunals (Cambridge University Press 2017), pp 141-187
    • 'Law, Justice and a Potential Security Gap: The "Organization" Requirement in International Humanitarian Law and International Criminal Law', 21(1) Journal of Conflict and Security Law (2016), pp 29-48 (together with Katherine Fortin)
    • 'Denying Humanitarian Access as an International Crime in Times of Non-International Armed Conflict: The Challenges to Prosecute and Some Proposals for the Future', 48(3) Israel Law Review (2015), pp 281-307
    • 'From Jus in Bello to Jus Post Bellum: When do Non-International Armed Conflicts End?', in Carsten Stahn, Jennifer S. Easterday and Jens Iverson (eds), Jus Post Bellum: Mapping the Normative Foundations (Oxford University Press 2014), pp 297-314
    • 'Discrepancies between International Humanitarian Law on the Battlefield and in the Courtroom: the Challenges of Applying International Humanitarian Law During International Criminal Trials', in Marielle Matthee, Birgit Toebes and Marcel Brus (eds), Armed Conflict and International Law: In Serach of the Human Face - Liber Amicorum in Memory of Avril McDonald (T.M.C. Asser Press 2013), pp 339-378
    • 'Dealing with the Principle of Proportionality in Armed Conflict in Retrospect: the Application of the Principle in International Criminal Trials', 46(2) Israel Law Review (2013), pp 271-315
    • Six commentaries, inter alia, to Articles 9, 51 and 68 of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court', in Paul De Hert, Matthias Holvoet, Jean Flamme & Olivia Struyven (eds), Code of international criminal law and procedure, annotated (Larcier 2013), pp 210-213 
    • 'Verspreiding en verbreiding van het humanitair oorlogsrecht in vredestijd - De rol van nationale Rode Kruis/Rode Halve Maan verenigingen', 103(1)  Militair Rechtelijk Tijdschrift (2010)
    • 'Timelines, Borderlines and Conflicts: The Historical Evolution of the Legal Divide between International and Non-International Armed Conflicts', 91  International Review of the Red Cross No. 873 (2009), pp 35-67
    • 'Gewapend conflict is geen eenduidig begrip', 4  International Humanitair Recht in de Kijker (2008)
    • 'National Red Cross/Red Crescent Societies and International Humanitarian Law', 3  Israel Defense Forces Law Review (2007-2008), pp 58-69
    • 'Humanitarian Intervention After 9/11: The Link between Ius ad Bellum and Ius in Bello', in Willem J.M. van Genugten, Michael P. Scharf & Sasha E. Radin (eds.), Criminal Jurisdiction 100 years after the 1907 Hague Peace Conference - Proceedings of the 8th Hague Joint Conference (2007) , T.M.C. Asser Press (2009) (Chapter 9)
    • 'Ondanks (verdrags)verplichtingen geen mensenrechteneducatie in Nederland?', 83(43)  Nederlands Juristenblad (5 December 2008) (with Barbara Oomen en Ton van den Brandt)
    • 'Definitie van gewapend conflict: Hoe "binnenlands" is "niet-internationaal"', 83(38)  Nederlands Juristenblad (31 October 2008) (with Jeroen van den Boogaard) (and accompanying 'Naschrift' in Vol. 84 Issue 6 of 13 February 2009)
    • Book Review of: Paul Ducheine, Krijgsmacht, Geweldgebruik & Terreurbestrijding, 177(9)  Militaire Spectator (2008)
    • 'Prosecutor v. Galić - Commentary', in AndrĂ© Klip and Göran Sluiter (eds), Annotated Leading Cases of International Criminal Tribunals 15: The International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia Vol. 14 October 2003 - 5 December 2003 (Intersentia 2008)     


    Contact details

    +31 (0)6 24633492

  • Publications


    • Bartels, R. J. (2021). Internationalisation of armed conflicts due to Third State involvement 70 years after the adoption of the Geneva Conventions. In R. Hofmann, & M. Malkmus (Eds.), 70 Jahre Genfer Konventionen: Stand und Perspektiven des humanitĂ€ren Völkerrechts BWV, Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag.
    • Bartels, R., van den Boogaard, J. C., Ducheine, P. A. L., Pouw, E., & Voetelink, J. (Eds.) (2021). Military Operations and the Notion of Control Under International Law: Liber Amicorum Terry D. Gill. Asser Press. [details]
    • Zwanenburg, M. C., & Bartels, R. J. (2021). Enkele opmerkingen naar aanleiding van het vonnis van de rechtbank Den Haag in de zaak van IS-propagandiste Yousra L: deelname aan een criminele organisatie en de interactie tussen het humanitair oorlogsrecht en het strafrecht. Nederlands tijdschrift voor strafrecht, 2(4), 239-246. Article 62. [details]



    • Bartels, R. (2019). A Fine Line Between Protection and Humanisation: The Interplay Between the Scope of Application of International Humanitarian Law and Jurisdiction over Alleged War Crimes Under International Criminal Law. Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law, 20 (2017), 37-74. [details]


    • Bartels, R. (2018). Armistice. In D. Djukić, & N. Pons (Eds.), The Companion to International Humanitarian Law (pp. 182-183). (International Humanitarian Law Series; Vol. 55). Brill Nijhoff. [details]
    • Bartels, R. (2018). Evacuation. In D. Djukić, & N. Pons (Eds.), The Companion to International Humanitarian Law (pp. 327-328). (International Humanitarian Law Series; Vol. 55). Brill Nijhoff. [details]
    • Bartels, R. (2018). Non-International Armed Conflict. In D. Djukić, & N. Pons (Eds.), The Companion to International Humanitarian Law (pp. 528-534). (International Humanitarian Law Series; Vol. 55). Brill Nijhoff. [details]
    • Bartels, R. (2018). Reciprocity. In D. Djukić, & N. Pons (Eds.), The Companion to International Humanitarian Law (pp. 597-598). (International Humanitarian Law Series; Vol. 55). Brill Nijhoff. [details]
    • Bartels, R. (2018). Reconnaissance Missions. In D. Djukić, & N. Pons (Eds.), The Companion to International Humanitarian Law (pp. 598-599). (International Humanitarian Law Series; Vol. 55). Brill Nijhoff. [details]
    • Bartels, R. (2018). The Interplay between International Human Rights Law and International Humanitarian Law during International Criminal Trials. Human Rights and International Legal Discourse, 12(1), 44-61. [details]
    • Bartels, R. (2018). The Relationship between International Humanitarian Law and the Notion of State Sovereignty. Journal of conflict & security law, 23(3), 461–486. [details]
    • Bartels, R. (2018). When Do Terrorist Organisations Qualify as "Parties to an Armed Conflict" Under International Humanitarian Law? Revue de Droit Militaire et de Droit de la Guerre = The Military Law and Law of War Review, 56(2), 451-488. [details]


    • Bartels, R. (2017). Legitimacy and ICC Jurisdiction following Security Council Referrals: Conduct on the Territory of Non-Party States and the Legality Principle. In N. Hayashi, & C. M. Bailliet (Eds.), The Legitimacy of International Criminal Tribunals (pp. 141-178). (Studies on International Courts and Tribunals). Cambridge University Press. [details]


    • Bartels, R., & Fortin, K. (2016). Law, justice and a potential security gap: the 'organization' requirement in international humanitarian law and international criminal law. Journal of conflict & security law, 21(1), 29-48. Advance online publication. [details]


    • Bartels, R. (2015). Denying humanitarian access as an international crime in times of non-international armed conflict: the challenges to prosecute and some proposals for the future. Israel Law Review, 48(3), 281-307. [details]



    • Bartels, R. (2013). Dealing with the Principle of Proportionality in Armed Conflict in Retrospect: The Application of the Principle in International Criminal Trials. Israel Law Review, 46(2), 271-315. [details]
    • Bartels, R. (2013). Discrepancies between international humanitarian law on the battlefield and in the courtroom: the challenges of applying international humanitarian law during international criminal trials. In B. Toebes, M. Brus, & M. Matthee (Eds.), Armed conflict and international law: in search of the human face: Liber amicorum in memory of Avril McDonald (pp. 339-378). Asser Press. [details]


    • Bartels, R. (2010). De rol van nationale Rode Kruis/Rode Halve Maan verenigingen: verspreiding en verbreiding van het humanitair oorlogsrecht in vredestijd. Militair Rechtelijk Tijdschrift, 103(1), 22-32. [details]


    • Bartels, R. (2009). Timelines, borderlines and conflicts: the historical evolution of the legal divide between international and non-international armed conflicts. International review of the Red Cross = Revue internationale de la Croix-Rouge, 91(873), 35-67. [details]


    • Bartels, R. (2021). The Impact of Control Over Armed Forces on Conflict Classification in War Crimes Cases. In R. Bartels, J. C. van den Boogaard, P. A. L. Ducheine, E. Pouw, & J. Voetelink (Eds.), Military Operations and the Notion of Control Under International Law: Liber Amicorum Terry D. Gill (pp. 235-261). Asser Press. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Bartels, R. (2021). The Interplay Between International Humanitarian and Human Rights Law When Applied During International Criminal Trials. In D. Rogers (Ed.), Human Rights in War (International Human Rights). Springer. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Bartels, R., van den Boogaard, J. C., Ducheine, P. A. L., Pouw, E., & Voetelink, J. (2021). Introduction: Terry Gill and the Relevance of the Various Notions of Control in Military Operations Under Public International Law. In R. Bartels, J. C. van den Boogaard, P. A. L. Ducheine, E. Pouw, & J. Voetelink (Eds.), Military Operations and the Notion of Control Under International Law: Liber Amicorum Terry D. Gill (pp. 1-14). Asser Press. Advance online publication. [details]



    • Bartels, R. (2013). Transnational Armed Conflict: Does it Exist? In L. de Jong, S. Kolanowski, L. Bouza Garcia, A. Deckmyn, E. HĂ©bert, & M-S. Rinuy (Eds.), Scope of Application of International Humanitarian Law = Le champ d'application du Droit International Humanitaire: Proceedings of the Bruges Colloquium : 13th Bruges Colloquium, 18-19 October 2012 = Actes du Colloque de Bruges : 13Ăšme Colloque de Bruges, 18-10 Octobre, 2012 (pp. 114-128). (Collegium; Vol. 43). College of Europe. [details]


    • Bartels, R. (2009). Humanitarian intervention after 9/11: the link between 'ius ad bellum' and 'ius in bello'. In M. P. Scharf, S. E. Radin, & J. M. van Genugten (Eds.), Criminal jurisdiction 100 years after The 1907 Hague Peace Conference: proceedings of The Eighth Hague Joint Conference held in The Hague, The Netherlands, 28-30 June 2007 (pp. 219-226, 237-241). T.M.C. Asser Press. [details]




    • Bartels, R., & Wagner, N. (2013). Resolution 827, 25 May 1993 - International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia, statute. Art. 15: Rules of procedure and evidence. In M. Holvoet, J. Flamme, O. Struyven, & P. De Hert (Eds.), Code of international criminal law and procedure, annotated (pp. 678-680). (Larcier law annotated). Larcier. [details]
    • Bartels, R., & Wagner, N. (2013). Resolution 995, 8 November 1994 - International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda, statute. Art. 14: Rules of procedure and evidence. In P. De Hert, M. Holvoet, J. Flamme, & O. Struyven (Eds.), Code of international criminal law and procedure, annotated (pp. 769). (Larcier law annotated). Larcier. [details]
    • Bartels, R., & Wagner, N. (2013). Resolution 995, 8 November 1994 - International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda, statute. Art. 7: Territorial and temporal jurisdiction. In P. De Hert, M. Holvoet, J. Flamme, & O. Struyven (Eds.), Code of international criminal law and procedure, annotated (pp. 755-759). (Larcier law annotated). Larcier. [details]
    • Bartels, R., & Wagner, N. (2013). Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court. Art. 51: Rules of procedure and evidence. In M. Holvoet, J. Flamme, O. Struyven, & P. De Hert (Eds.), Code of international criminal law and procedure, annotated (pp. 210-213). (Larcier law annotated). Larcier. [details]
    • Wagner, N., & Bartels, R. (2013). Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court. Art. 68: Protection of the victims and witnesses and their participation in the proceedings (§ 1.2-2). In P. De Hert, M. Holvoet, J. Flamme, & O. Struyven (Eds.), Code of international criminal law and procedure, annotated (pp. 323-331). (Larcier law annotated). Larcier. [details]
    • Wagner, N., & Bartels, R. (2013). Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court. Art. 9: Elements of Crimes. In P. De Hert, M. Holvoet, J. Flamme, & O. Struyven (Eds.), Code of international criminal law and procedure, annotated (pp. 63-68). (Larcier law annotated). Larcier. [details]


    • Bartels, R., & van den Boogaard, J. (2009). Naschrift. Nederlands Juristenblad, 84(6), 374-375. Article 274. [details]


    Talk / presentation

    • Bartels, R. J. (speaker) (3-12-2018). Applying International Humanitarian Law during International Criminal Trials: Criticism, Challenges, and Prospects, UniversitĂ© Libre de Bruxelles.
    • Bartels, R. J. (speaker) (28-9-2018). The interplay between international humanitarian law and international criminal law, Norwegian Military Law Society.
    • Bartels, R. J. (speaker) (30-8-2018). Prejudicial to whom? Fair trial rights and international procedural decisions relating to evidence, University of Oslo, Norway.
    • Bartels, R. (invited speaker) (23-5-2017). The Impact of Occupation on the Classification of Conflicts and Applicable Rules of IHL for the Purposes of (International) Criminal Law, 12th Annual Minerva-ICRC Conference on International Humanitarian Law, Tel Aviv.
    • Bartels, R. (invited speaker) (10-3-2017). The role of human rights law in the proceedings before the International Criminal Court, Righting wrongs: Enforcing human rights, administering international criminal justice, London.
    • Bartels, R. (invited speaker) (20-10-2016). Terrorist groups as parties to an armed conflict, Bruges Colloquium on International Humanitarian Law, Bruges.
    • Bartels, R. J. (invited speaker) (17-11-2015). Prosecuting the Denial of Humanitarian Access during Armed Conflicts as an International Crime, 10th Annual Minerva/ICRC International Conference on International Humanitarian Law, Minerva Center for Human Rights of the Hebrew University, Jerusalem.
    • Bartels, R. J. (invited speaker) (3-11-2014). Denying Humanitarian Access as an International Crime in Times of Non-International Armed Conflict: The Challenges to Prosecute and Some Proposals for the Future, 9th Annual Minerva/ICRC Conference on International Humanitarian Law 'Access for Humanitarian Action: Legal and Operational Challenges in Assisting and Protecting People Affected by Armed Conflict', Jerusalem.
    • Bartels, R. J. (invited speaker) (28-8-2014). Legitimacy and ICC Jurisdiction following Security Council Referrals: A Case Study of the Crime of Attacking Peacekeepers in Non-Member States, PluriCourts Conference 'The Legitimacy and Effectiveness of International Criminal Tribunals', University of Oslo, Oslo.
    • Bartels, R. J. (invited speaker) (19-6-2014). Providing Security through the ICC Framework: Does a 'security gap' exist as a result of the lack of organisation of armed groups that cause insecurity?, LSE ‘Security in Transition’ Research Programme’s expert meeting on ‘Law, Justice, and the Security Gap’, London.
    • Bartels, R. J. (invited speaker) (4-12-2013). The Transition from Conduct of Hostilities to Law Enforcement: How to Regulate the Interplay of Both Paradigms at the End of Non-international Armed Conflicts?, 7th Minerva/ICRC Conference on IHL “Conduct of Hostilities and Law Enforcement: A Contradiction in Terms?”, Jerusalem, Israel.


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