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M. (Maryam) Babur MA

Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences
Onderwijsbureau SW
Photographer: onbekend

Visiting address
  • Nieuwe Achtergracht 166
  • Room number: B8.15
Postal address
  • Postbus 15725
    1001 NE Amsterdam
  • Positions at the UvA

    Jan. 2018 - Present

    • Lecturer, Bachelor Programme Politics, Psychology, Law and Economics (and other programmes)
      • Philosophy of Social Sciences, Seminar Group Lecturer
      • Integrative Seminar 4: Societal Challenges, Course Designer and Seminar Group Lecturer of the Sub-Course "Evil: Philosophies and Realities"
      • Perspectives on Modernity, Guest Lecturer
      • Islam, Globalism and Collapse of the Secular State, Guest Lecturer

    Aug. 2014 - Present

    • Programme Manager, Bachelor Programme Interdisciplinary Social Sciences

    Mar. 2016 - May 2016

    • Interim Programme Direction Team, Bachelor Programme Interdisciplinary Social Sciences

    Jan. 2014 - Aug. 2014

    • Programme Manager, Bachelor Programme Sociology

    Sep. 2013 - Jan. 2014

    • IT Project Manager, Public Drives Social Sciences

    Jul. 2011 - Jan. 2014

    • Office Manager, College of Social Sciences

    Sep. 2010 - Sep. 2011

    • Chairwoman, Education Committee for Research Master's Programme in Philosophy
    • Faculty Representative & Member, Central Student Council
    • Member, Faculty of Humanities Student Council

    Sep. 2009 - Sep. 2010

    • Student Member, Education Committee for Research Master's Programme in Philosophy

    For details please refer to:

  • Academic & Public Profile


    (Jun. 2017) Camera Journalism, Open Studio, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

    (Aug. 2012) Research Master's in Philosophy (cum laude), Universiteit van Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

    (Oct. 2007) Honours Bachelor of Science with Major Biochemistry & Major Philosophy & Certificate in Writing (Level 1), University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada.

    • (2006-2007) International Exchange Programme, Københavns Universitet, Copenhagen, Denmark.
    • (2004-2006) Bachelor's student, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada.
    • (2003-2004) Bachelor's of Science first-year student, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, Canada.

    (Jul. 2003) International Baccalaureate Diploma

    (Jan. 2003) High School Diploma, Poudre High School, Fort Collins, Colorado, USA.

    Academic Publications & Conferences


    • Babur, Maryam. "‘Ar-Rahmaan Ar-Raheem’: Metaphysical Uncertainty in the Qur’aan?" Religion and Relations between Culture: Peace beyond Violence. Cumhuriyet University. Sivas, Turkey. 16 May 2014. Conference Paper.
    • Babur, Maryam. "Legend-wait for it-dary: The Anti-Mid-life Crisis Medicine?" How I Met Your Mother and Philosophy: Being and Awesomeness. Ed. Lorenzo von Matterhorn. Chicago: Cricket Books, 2014. 143-156. Print.


    • Babur, Maryam. "A Timely Decision: Towards a Philosophical Model of Sincerity in Islam." MA Thesis. Universiteit van Amsterdam, 2012. Print.


    • Babur, Maryam. "The Daily Show with Jon Stewart: An Example of Authentic Das Man?" Philosopher's Rally. Radboud University, 12 May 2011. Conference Presentation.


    • Hussein, Huda, and Maryam Babur. "Year Two Progress Report: Engagement Strategies for Diverse Cultural Communities." Ed. Babur, Maryam. Childreach International. London, ON, Canada, 2008. Print.

    Other Projects, Positions & Presentations



    • Speaker. "Introducing Al-Ghazzali", Night of the Forgotten Philosopher, Cimedart Event, Stadsschouwburg, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.


    • Contributor & Speaker. Course "Religion & Spirituality", Bildung Academie, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.


    • Panel Member. "The Great Quiet Room Debate" (trans.) Amsterdam United. Universiteit van Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

    2010 - Present

    • Private Instructor. Quran Literacy. Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

    2009 - Present

    • Freelance Editor (English) and Translator (Dutch to English). Academic works, Policy documents, Business documents and Reports.


    • Workshop Assistant. "Islam, Europe, and the Secular-Religious Divide". University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
    • Conference Reception. "Gimme Shelter!" (Aesthetics Conference). University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

    2007 - 2008

    • Research Assistant. "Engagement Strategies for Diverse Cultural Communities" Project of Dr. Huda Hussein, Childreach, London, Ontario, Canada.
    • Private Instructor. Quran Literacy. London, Ontario, Canada.
    • Teacher ages 4-8 and 9-15. Summer School. Alternative & Continuing Education Dept., Lambton-Kent District School Board. Chatham, Ontario, Canada.

    2005 - 2006

    • Administrative Assistant. McIntosh Gallery. University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada.
    • Speaker. Introduction to Islam. Ramadan Dinner Event, South London Resource Community Centre. London, Ontario, Canada.
    • Organisation Team. Islam Awareness Week. Campus-wide Event. Muslim Student's Association, University of Western Ontario, Canada.
    • Organisation Team. Ramadan Fast-A-Thon. Campus-wide Charity Event. Muslim Student's Association, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada.
    • PR Spokesperson. Muslim Student's Association, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada.
    • Co-vice President. Muslim Student's Association, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada.
    • Leader / Instructor. Islamic Study Group for Muslims. Muslim Student's Association, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada.

    2004 - 2005

    • Clinical Research Assistant. "Hands-free Technique" Study of Dr. Bernadette Stringer. University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada.
    • Incidental Instructor. Islamic Study Group for Muslims. Muslim Student's Association, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada.

    2003 - 2004

    • Organiser and Participant. Interfaith Dialogue. Collaboration between student organisations. Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, Canada.
    • Organisation Team. Islam Awareness Week. Campus-wide Event. Muslim Student's Association, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, Canada.
    • Organisation Team. Ramadan Fast-A-Thon. Campus-wide Charity Event. Muslim Student's Association, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, Canada.
    • Leader / Instructor. Islamic Study Group for Muslims. Muslim Student's Association. Simon Fraser University, Vancouver Canada.
    • Private Teacher. Quran Literacy. Vancouver, Canada.


    • Private Teacher. Quran Literacy for Adults. Chatham, Ontario, Canada.
    • Private Teacher. Quran Literacy for Children. Chatham, Ontario, Canada.

    1998 - 2002

    • Speaker. Introduction to Islam (9th & 12th Grade History Classes). Poudre High School, Fort Collins, Colorado, USA.

    1997 - 1998

    • Speaker. Introduction to Islam (8th Grade History Classes). Boltz Junior High School, Fort Collins, Colorado, USA.


    • Assistant Teacher. Quran Literacy Summer School. Fort Collins Islamic Community Center. Fort Collins, Colorado, USA.




  • Ancillary activities
    • No ancillary activities