My research spans a wide variety of topics in theoretical physics. I work on various aspects of string theory and black holes, in particular trying to find new black hole geometries and topologies and higher-dimensions, their holographic descriptions, and connections with brane dynamics, fluid dynamics and elasticity. Understanding how to break supersymmetry using branes is also a topic I like to think about.
But I also spend a significant amount of time applying string theory ideas and methodologies, in particular symmetry principles, to understanding the emergent hydrodynamic descriptions of many-body systems including quantum matter, soft/active matter, high-energy and astrophysical plasmas. This includes describing biomembranes; flows or elasticity of active agents (e.g. bacteria) on curved surfaces; odd responses such as odd elasticity or odd viscosity; describing jets off astrophyical black holes; describing accretion disks; describing plasticity in electronic crystals, etc.
I am part of the string theory group at the University of Amsterdam but I am also part of the Dutch Institute for Emergent Phenomena DIEP, where I engage in interdisciplinary (complexity) research aiming at bridging different disciplines such as chemistry, mathematics, logic, ecosystem dynamics and computer science. I am currently thinking about how to understand the emergence of cooperation in various contexts.
At the University of Amsterdam I teach the interdisciplinary BSc course on Emergence and the MSc course String Theory II.
You can find all my research efforts here; see more at my webpage.