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Lynn Hillary

Asylum and migration law

Dr Lynn Hillary is an assistant professor and researcher in the Department of Constitutional and Administrative Law. Her research interests include migration law, EU law, asylum law and human rights. She also focuses on interstate cooperation and the Europeanisation of national constitutional and administrative law. |

Refugee resettlement

Prof. Marjoleine Zieck is professor of International Refugee Law. She is also professor of Public International Law at the Pakistan College of Law in Lahore. In her research, Zieck focuses in particular on the UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees) and the resettlement of refugees. | 

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Polly Pallister-Wilkins

Humanitarian responses

Dr Polly Pallister-Wilkins is an associate professor of International Relations and Conflict Resolution and Governance. She conducts research into humanitarian responses to migration and refugee flows. |

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Integration policies

Dr Tamar de Waal is an assistant professor working in general legal theory. She specialises in integration policies (in EU Member States), multi-level citizenship, and integration requirements and citizenship education. |

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Migration and emotional attachment

Prof. Jan Willem Duyvendak is a Distinguished Research Professor of Sociology at the UvA, as well as director of the Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities and Social Sciences. His research interests / areas of expertise include migration, citizenship, nativism, belonging, feeling at home and emotional attachment.

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Migration, ethnic disparity and intergroup relations

Prof. Fenella Fleischmann is professor of Socioloy. Her research interests include migration, ethnic disparity, and intergroup relations in various countries. In this field, she focuses on questions such as: How do societies deal with the diversity that results from migration? How do immigrants (and their descendants) fare in a new society, and what role does religion play in this process? |

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International migration policy

Dr Evelyn Ersanilli is a senior researcher in Political Science. She studies citizenship, international migration governance and policies on low-skilled migrant workers. |

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Migration and integration

Dr Saskia Bonjour carries out research on politics and policy-making in the fields of migration, assimilation and citizenship. | | 06 1554 9306

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Migrant motives & migration policies

Dr Anja van Heelsum is an associate professor in the Department of Political Science. Her research focuses on the interplay between migrants' motives and migration policies. | | 020 525 2169

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Causes of migration

Dr Jeroen Doomernik is an associate professor in the Department of Political Science and a senior researcher at the Institute for Migration and Ethnic Studies. His research focuses on the root causes of migration processes, migration controls, irregular migration, human trafficking, asylum and refugees. | | 020 525 3613 | 020 525 3627 

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Humanitarian intervention and protection

Dr Lucy Hall is a lecturer in the Bachelor’s programme PPLE (Politics, Psychology, Law and Economics). Her research focuses on humanitarian intervention and protection, with a particular focus on internal displacement, refugee protection and gender. She previously worked for the UNHCR.

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Aly Amer

Migration, refugees and asylum seekers

Aly Amer is a social science researcher affiliated with the Geography, Planning and International Development Studies department and a junior lecturer in the Political Science department. He focuses on interdisciplinary research on (irregular) migration, racialisation, refugees and asylum seekers, citizenship, and migrant urban experiences. 

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