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The Faculty of Science of the University of Amsterdam attaches great importance to the contribution of female scientists in research and education. For this reason we are continuing our prestigious recruitment programme for talented women, named after the ground breaking crystallographer professor Carolina MacGillavry (1904-1993), an alumna of the University of Amsterdam.

The Faculty of Science is organizes the prestigious MacGillavry Fellowship programme for female researchers with a strong track record and the potential and ambition to obtain a leadership position as (associate/full) professor at the University of Amsterdam.

What does it bring?

For all positions we offer a startup package that includes a PhD position and sufficient benchfees. We also offer a dedicated leadership mentoring programme that includes:

  • leadership training
  • regular meetings with senior leadership in our university (Rector and Dean of faculty of Science)
  • meetings with senior female role models in academia and industry
  • support for participation in celebrations
  • and a female mentor of your own choosing

We are actively committed to creating a workplace where issues of equality, diversity and inclusion are at the forefront. In particular, the diversity committees of the two institutes are pursuing a number of initiatives designed to support early stage academics, particularly female academics, in their career progression.

Current opportunities

More about MacGillavry Fellowship