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Are you a citizen of Australia, New Zealand, Canada, United Kingdom, Japan, Monaco, Vatican City, USA, or South Korea, or are you in possession of a valid Schengen residence permit? As part of your immigration process, you will need to apply for a VVR residence permit. However, in your case, an entry visa (MVV) for the Netherlands is not necessary. Please read the steps carefully to know what you need to do, what you can expect, and when.
Step-by-step timeline for VVR residence permit
  • Step 1 - Check your email for your invitation

    First, you'll receive an invitation to the immigration process in your student email account. You can check which conditions you must meet to receive an invitation and when you should receive it on the Need to know page.

  • Step 2 - Upload your documents

    Gather all the required documents and upload them to your application in the Myinfo system before the deadline. Reserve enough time to fill out any applicable documents correctly. This will ensure you'll receive your permit as quickly as possible. You can find all the documents you need on the required documents page.

  • Step 3 - Review of your documents

    Now, the UvA Immigration team will review the documents you uploaded. If further documentation is required, we'll notify you through email within the application. It may take up to 3 weeks to review your documents before we can send your application to the IND. If we need additional documentation from you, this may prolong the review period.

  • Step 4 - Application with the IND

    Once your documents have been approved, we'll send your application to the IND. It takes an average of 4-6 weeks for the IND to decide on your application. We'll communicate the approval or any delays with you via email.

    We advise you to wait for the approval of your residence permit before booking your flight to the Netherlands.

  • Step 5 - Travel to the Netherlands

    Once the IND has approved your application, you can book a ticket for your trip to Amsterdam. You'll be able to enter the Netherlands on your passport. You will not need to show proof of your residence permit application.

    Check out our Upon arrival page for detailed information on your arrival.

  • Step 6 - Biometrics

    Once the IND has approved your application, you'll have to make an appointment to provide your biometrcics at the IND. You will submit your biometric details at this appointment, which the IND will use to create your residence permit card. When the time comes, we'll inform you by email on how to make an appointment.

  • Step 7 - Collect your residence permit

    About three weeks after having provided your biometrics at the embassy, your residence permit card should be ready for collection. We'll send you an email once your application has been approved with instructions on how to collect your permit. For the latest updates in this procedure, please check our Upon arrival checklist.

For more information about this process and an introductory video, please visit our Need to know page.